Artist News

Just because they have moved off the rotation doesn’t mean we’ve stop listening!! Check out some new releases from our Lettuce and Cheddar artists.

  • "Past Life" - J.Saenz

    J.Saenz is back with a new single “Past Life.” The flow on the second verse in particular blew us away. This is his third song in a string of singles that we are hoping is leading to an album!

  • "Dancer on Your Dresser" - Hannah Hill

    We are big fans of Hannah Hill at Lettuce and Cheddar! Her distinctly sultry voice can evoke pain like no one else in the game. This is her most recent single that we cannot stop playing!

  • "Tulips" - Kai Bosch

    This new track from Kai Bosch boasts minimal production and almost monotone vocals in the beginning. The slow build to the drop at the chorus is thus both unexpected and sonically satisfying.