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Lettuce and Cheddar

ONE  - Villain - Ashlynn Malia ā€¢ This stunning song comes from Ashlynn Maliaā€™s latest album, 'MALIA,' which was released back in February. I devoured this album this week. Ashlynn Malia does a great job of contrasting subtle vocal melodies in the verses with far more dynamic and interesting hooks, making each song catchy and memorable in its own right. In this song, in particular, my favorite part is how it builds and builds to a beautiful culmination two-thirds of the way through, with heavier bass in the production and subtle vocal effects and layering. Another standout track from this album that I highly recommend checking out is 'Cool Girl,' which is equally captivating.

TWO -  Donā€™t Worry About Me - MJ Duke ā€¢ Listening to MJ Dukeā€™s discography this week transported me back to 2011 when I first heard Alex Clareā€™s 'The Lateness Of The Hour.' I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ve been as excited about a male vocal tone since then. MJ Dukeā€™s voice is incredibly raspy yet delicate when necessary. He has excellent control of his voice, regardless of where a note sits in his register. The production is edgy and experimental, while still nodding to some traditional jazz melodies. MJ Duke has been keeping his fans well-fed with both an album and two singles released so far in 2024. He is definitely an artist you need to have on your radar. 

THREE - U, Lost - Jeremy Pope ā€¢ Jeremy Pope is obviously not an undiscovered artist. His success in both the TV scene and on the Broadway stage has had fans talking for years. The reason I added him to the rotation is that I donā€™t think enough people are aware of his breakout in the music space. This song comes from his EP 'LAST NAME: POPE,' which is one of the most stunning projects I have heard so far this year, yet I donā€™t see many people talking about it. Jeremy Pope is undoubtedly one of the best vocalists of our generation, but what struck me even more was the complexity and layering of the production. The melodies are gorgeous, and the lyricism is next level. If, for any reason, you are unfamiliar with this project from Jeremy Pope, then allow me to introduce you to sheer greatness. 

FOUR - 9mm - theMIND ā€¢ theMIND has been one of my favorite artists since I first heard him on Mick Jenkinsā€™ EP 'The Water[s].' Though heā€™s often been overshadowed by some of his peers in Chicago, '9mmā€™ shows exactly why thatā€™s never made sense. The production on this track is smooth, drugged-out, and enchanting. The velvety smooth vocals on the hook contrast beautifully with the staccato flow in the verses. Put this one on repeat.

FIVE - amoeba - hiFi ā€¢ This song was an artist submission that I originally planned to put on the back burner for a couple of weeks, but the hook just wouldnā€™t get out of my head, and I knew I had to share it sooner. The melody they chose for the line ā€˜Forgive me for asking ā€”ā€˜ really takes this song to a whole other level. I had no idea I would love this song as much as I do now, and it is potentially my favorite on the rotation this week. This short and sweet single is the latest track from hiFi, who has released exactly one single each year for the past three years. Each song shows significant growth from them as a band, and this recent single demonstrates that theyā€™ve hit their stride in terms of finding their unique and cohesive sound. A really great single overall. 

SIX - VIP VIA - Viper ā€¢ I donā€™t have enough kind words to say about this song. The melody gives an old-Hollywood feel, while the vocals are powerful and surprising. I am obsessed with the call-and-response vocals in the verse paired with the stunning vocal layering. When you first listen to the song, you think it is building to something more, but after itā€™s over, you realize it never needed to. The vocals give and take, leaving you guessing the entire time. The pain and vulnerability in Viperā€™s voice in the second half of the song really stuck with me and made me an instant fan. I highly recommend checking her out.

SEVEN - let it happen - Siena Bella ā€¢ Admittedly, the simplicity of this song initially made it difficult to notice. In some ways, I felt like I had heard versions of this song a million times. However, once I really listened to it and each individual layer that made up the overall sound, I realized that Siena Bella has actually created a unique and stunning single that merely disguises itself as something run-of-the-mill. The strings in the production towards the end are beautiful, and the delicate manipulation of her vocals reminded me of hearing Olivia Dean for the first time. This isnā€™t the first song of Siena Bellaā€™s that has come across my radar, but it is the first that has left such a lasting impression. An absolutely gorgeous single.

ONE  - Two Graves - Suzanne Sheer ā€¢ There isnā€™t a single element about this song that I donā€™t like. The diverse array of instruments used in the production, the incredibly dark and soulful melody, and, of course, the absolute powerhouse that is Suzanne Sheerā€™s vocals. There is so much pain in her voice on this song. The second verse, in particular, is perfection. I first heard this song on a playlist called ā€˜Soulful Moodā€™ on Spotify and added it to my rotation within seconds. Upon further research, I found that she released an album in 2022 called ā€˜The Blue Hour,ā€™ which is an incredible no-skip album. You should absolutely check out not only this song but her entire discography. I promise you wonā€™t be disappointed.

TWO -  Like B4 - Maybe Hugo  ā€¢  This is the first and only song on Spotify for Maybe Hugo. What an incredible debut! Maybe Hugo is the moniker for multi-instrumentalist and producer Hugo Dahlen-Flight. My research found that he began his career as a saxophonist and, after working primarily in band settings, decided to switch to a solo career, which is getting kicked off with this single. This song has the perfect alt-funk feel, with beautiful vocals that navigate frequent forays into falsetto effortlessly. The saxophone solo that comes in halfway through the song is a really cool stylistic choice that breaks up the track and makes it feel more cohesive overall. An excellent first single for Maybe Hugo.

THREE - Taste of Metal - Henry Morris ā€¢ This song does a great job of blending genres. The intro and verses lean towards a standard alt-rock/indie vibe with a heavy lead guitar and dark, breathy vocals. Then the chorus comes in, and all of a sudden, it leans more towards pop or even alt-pop with some experimental production and a very catchy melody. This song will keep you guessing and stick in your head long after itā€™s over. Listening to this single made me even more excited for his album release tomorrow, which I didnā€™t think was possible. Definitely an artist that needs to be on your radar.

FOUR - Keep It - Trophy Wife ā€¢I got this song from Fresh Finds, admittedly, and have been obsessed with it ever since. Iā€™ve played it at least 100 times this week and am not even close to being sick of it. Itā€™s one of those songs you play almost exclusively in the car, where you can turn the volume all the way up and sing at the top of your lungs. Itā€™s easily one of the best rock songs I have heard come out this year, and there has been some stiff competition. The lead vocalist is incredibly talented, but the band also has a very cohesive sound, and you can tell they work well together. I have a feeling we will be talking about this band for a long, long time.

FIVE - all good - Angelo Mota ā€¢ I have been a fan of Angelo Mota for many years. His 2018 album 'When All Is Said and Done' was one of my favorites that year. However, this recent string of singles he has dropped over the past year is, in my opinion, the best work he has ever done. Each song is so unique yet so distinctly Angelo Mota. He has a signature style that I canā€™t compare to anyone else. Iā€™ve spent a large portion of my week sending his music to as many people as I can because everyone needs to start paying attention. For this song in particular, the production is incredible (which is no surprise if youā€™re familiar with his production skills). The energy in the flow paired with the incredibly catchy chorus makes this song an easy favorite of 2024.

SIX - My Skin - Isabel Abbott, Hanwell ā€¢ This song is from a few years ago, but it came back on my radar this week, and I was reminded how much I loved it. The back-and-forth transition from English to Spanish feels a lot more natural than in other songs Iā€™ve heard recently, and the chorus is both beautiful and surprisingly catchy. The production is admittedly simple, but I donā€™t consider it a negative because the vocals more than make up for it. I havenā€™t heard much from Isabel Abbott in a few years, but hopefully, sheā€™ll make her comeback soon because we desperately need new music.

SEVEN - Afraid - kid apollo, Kilu ā€¢ This song brings out so many emotions in me every time I listen to it. Elements of sadness, peace, and vulnerability are beautifully woven throughout. The Brixton-based trio Kid Apollo has been putting out music for a few years now, and their lo-fi discography offers moments of reflection, blending R&B influences to create a sound that is very unique and fun to listen to. When I saw they dropped a song with Kill, I knew I was going to love it. The vocals are unsurprisingly stunning and mesh perfectly with the production. This is an incredible single from them, and I love the musical direction theyā€™ve been heading in recently.

ONE  - SATURDAY SLIDE - SATURDAY SLIDE - RMS ā€¢ This single from RMS came out a few months ago and is the perfect song to add to your Summer 2024 playlists. The production is catchy and light, and the vocal melody matches the vibe perfectly. The verse that comes in about a minute in took me completely by surprise. The lyrics are impactful, shifting the vibe dramatically, and just when youā€™re comfortable, it returns to the light, fun chorus. Overall, it's a really cool single.

TWO -  beg for you. - Jenks ā€¢  This is the first song from Jenks that has come up on my radar, and it made quite an impression. I didn't have the highest expectations when the intro started because there have been so many misses in the indie pop genre lately. This is not one of them. The lyricism here, combined with the masterful vocal layering, sets this song apart, and the chorus is undeniably catchy. I immediately listened to the rest of his discography and also fell in love with his most recent single, "Over Love," which I highly recommend checking out as well.

THREE - Let Go - LULU. ā€¢ I recently came across LULU.ā€™s album "Dear Disoriented Soul" and fell in love with both the project and the artist. Her songwriting is fun and catchy while also carrying a strong sense of storytelling. She has a beautiful vibrato that sounds effervescent over the production, which blends both afrobeat and soul. It was really hard to choose just one song from this project, but I went with this one because it stuck in my head the most and has such a beautiful message.

FOUR - Apex - cool girl island ā€¢ This song transported me back to 2014 when I first heard Alina Baraz. The vocals are so ethereal, and the production is simple but in a good way. Everything about this mix melds together beautifully, creating a cohesive song where not a single element feels out of place or poorly mixed. After doing some research, I discovered that cool girl island is the moniker for Coco Lin, a songwriter and producer making a name for herself in the indie electro-R&B music space. This track made me an immediate fan, and I can't wait to see what she does next.

FIVE - BVO - J-Wizdum, Perry Maysun ā€¢ Iā€™ve talked about J-Wizdum before on Lettuce and Cheddar, but this is his debut in the actual rotation. He has produced some incredible songs recently, but this one stood out the most for me. I love the choir vocals with the strings; they make the beat feel almost cinematic. Perry Maysun proves to be an incredibly talented rapper, delivering his vulnerability with raw emotion that comes through clearly on the track. These two should absolutely keep working together because they blew me away with this one.

SIX - whole. - TrĆ© King ā€¢ This is the first song I've heard from TrĆ© King, and I became an immediate fan. For this song in particular, I love the heavy bass paired with the brighter lead guitarā€”such a fun choice for the production. When the song started, I was already very intrigued by the raspy, pain-filled vocals. As the song went on, I thought I knew exactly where it was heading, but then, right at the outroā€”the most forgettable part of a song, typicallyā€”he does a switch-up that completely changes the vibe. It reminded me of some early Childish Gambino in the best way. You have to check this one out.

SEVEN - 10 Years Old - Nico Ducarme ā€¢ The guitar intro made me think this was a John Mayer song when I first heard it (donā€™t worry, I know I canā€™t be the first person to say this). Then Nicoā€™s voice comes in, and itā€™s clear he is carving a path completely his own, free of any real comparisons. That being said, I really do love the guitar melody paired with the staccato piano. It makes Nicoā€™s slow, soulful vocals sit on top of the production beautifully. The falsetto towards the end is also a stunning choice. Overall, it's a gorgeous song.

ONE  - Canā€™t Be Replaced - IAMTHELIVING ā€¢ This single is from 2023, but when I heard it, I knew I had to add it to the rotation. The vocal tone here is too beautiful to be overlooked. The simple production style only serves to highlight how good the vocals really are. I love the passion in the chorus. The way the vocal harmonies are mixed makes it sound like youā€™re listening to a live version of the song. It was so convincing that I had to double-check the trackā€™s credits a couple of times to make sure it was actually the studio version. Throw this song on any R&B playlist youā€™re curating.

TWO -  City Limits - Allegra Miles ā€¢  My favorite thing about this song is how Allegra Miles flawlessly rides the line of going overboard on the vocal runs. Just when you think it might be too much, she contrasts with a much flatter range of intonationā€”a masterclass in vocal melodies. As for the percussion, I like the drums a lot more than I thought I would. Once the guitar solo comes in near the outro, the production feels much more cohesive. A stunning pop song overall.

THREE - Godā€™s Favorite - Southside Vic, Rahzil ā€¢ This song was an artist submission that I needed no convincing to add. This is Southside Vicā€™s most recent single, and the skill of his flow and lyrics made me immediately rush to consume the rest of his discography. Rahzil on the chorus is a perfect choice; their voices go together seamlessly, and I really hope this is the first of many collaborations between them. On a somewhat random note, I also love the cover art. So many singles recently have throwaway cover art, most likely because itā€™s for a single song as opposed to a full album. I always have respect for artists who take cover art seriously. To me, itā€™s a sign that the artist really cares about the craft theyā€™re pursuing.

FOUR - OMG - LĆ©onie Gray ā€¢ This rotation is really about the vocals. LĆ©onie Gray blesses us with a voice reminiscent of Amy Winehouse and Duffy while maintaining a unique tone that she is curating to be all her own. This single comes from her latest album, ā€œself ish,ā€ which includes eight tracks that truly highlight her skill as a singer and songwriter. Selfishly (see what I did there?!), I hope she pairs her vocals with more experimental production in future projects because I think her potential is limitless. That being said, I am still obsessed with this album and will be listening to it on repeat for weeks to come.

FIVE - Self Control - Rah-C, Rowlan ā€¢ I found this song during my latest perusal of Fresh Finds Hip-Hop. The second verse is what sets this song apart, in my opinion. Itā€™s easily my favorite part. The chorus is also much catchier than I tend to expect from hip hop these days, which I love. If youā€™re looking for an underground or underrated rapper, Rah-C is definitely someone to watch.

SIX - The Haunter and The Hunter - Julie Grace ā€¢ The vocal runs on this song potentially cured me of all my mental health issues. While Iā€™m only kidding, they really are so stunning that I feel an immense level of peace every time I listen to them. This is the debut single from Julie Grace, and wow, did she start her career with a bang. The melody is simple but beautiful, and her songwriting ability is very, very strong. Iā€™m going to keep a close eye on what she does next because I have a sneaky feeling she is going to go far. It honestly reminds me of when I first heard Phoebe Bridgers so many years ago.

SEVEN - Yes Please! - SidePonies ā€¢ This song was a last-minute addition to the rotation. I was working on my Summer 2024 playlist when this song came up on my radar, and I just knew it was the perfect light, summer bop. I can see this song being blasted in the car during a road trip or on the way to the beach. The chorus is catchy, and the production is simple but addictively fun. This is only the second song heā€™s released on Spotify (under this name, anyway), so itā€™ll be interesting to see if these singles are leading to an album. Regardless, as long as he keeps making more songs as infectious as this, he has a fan here at Lettuce and Cheddar.

ONE  - Kerosene - SV, Alyssa Jane ā€¢ This is my favorite song from Alyssa Jane and SVā€™s collaborative album Neo Philly. Released by the renowned Jim's Pool Room Records, this single highlights the duo's innovative style, blending smoky alt-RnB elements with jazz-infused instrumentation. I have been a longtime fan of SV's mesmerizing production, but the inclusion of saxophone, live bass, and guitar adds such richness to the track that I would honestly listen to it as just an instrumental. There are several great tracks on this album. My other favorites are 'Down to Zero' and 'If You Been Bad.'

TWO -  Came Thru - Downtown Kayoto ā€¢Iā€™m not the first blogger to mention this by any means, but what immediately drew me to this song was the 2000s Pharrell/Timbaland-era production style. The rhythm is infectious and makes the hook stick in your head long after the song stops playing. Itā€™s crazy to me that this song isnā€™t topping all the charts because I can easily see it being a fan favorite in all the clubs this summer. This is the first song from Downtown Kayoto that Iā€™ve listened to since his 2023 EP Learning in Public, and it genuinely impressed me. I love how experimental he is with his music, and I will definitely be keeping an eye on what he does next.

THREE - black hole swimming pool - ggwendolyn ā€¢ This is the second song from ggwendolyn that I have featured in the rotation, and honestly, it is very difficult for me not to add every new release she has because she really never misses. Her songs are cohesive and specific to her artistic vision, yet surprising and different from one another. You know youā€™re listening to a ggwendolyn song, but youā€™ve still never heard anything like it before. The softness of the vocals in the bridge, particularly in the falsetto part, is my favorite. Itā€™s beautiful but bone-chilling at the same time. Another banger from ggwendolyn for sure.

FOUR - Bad Juju (Baby) - Hauskey ā€¢ This song is so summer-coded. The production is a perfect balance of vibey and lighthearted. The vocals have a surprisingly R&B style, while the production is strictly indieā€”a rare combination that I surprisingly love. This is the first song from Hauskey that has come onto my radar since his 2020 project Slow EP (a project you should definitely check out if you havenā€™t already), and I really love the creative direction he is taking with his music. He has the potential to be a very genre-fluid artist who can make music for any and all occasions. Throw this song on any summer or indie playlist youā€™re curating.

FIVE - Wonā€™t You - JYLPO ā€¢ Another great vibey track to carry you into the warmer months. This downtempo indie single is JYLPOā€™s latest track, and what I love about it is that while it stays true to his earlier style that we all fell in love with back in 2020, it shows so much growth in the catchiness of the hook and cohesive production style. JYLPO is doing everything he needs to do to solidify himself as a star in the indie/pop space, and I, for one, am here for it.

SIX - Cowboy Belt - Levi Roth ā€¢ This song was actually a find from my Discover Weekly (a rare gem!), and while I donā€™t always vibe with indie rock, I found myself thoroughly enjoying this track. Levi Rothā€™s vocals are soft but filled with vulnerability and a little bit of rasp. I love the simple melody paired with the somber but beautiful lyrics. The hook was also a lot catchier than I expected, and I found myself singing it frequently throughout the week. A really great single overall.

SEVEN - QuĆ© MĆ”s Quieres - The Warning ā€¢ I had the pleasure of joining 1824 for their press conference with The Warning last week. While they are obviously not an undiscovered band by any means, I still wanted to add this new track from them to the rotation in case anyone has missed their album rollout. The creative direction of both the music and the visuals for this album is unsurprisingly incredible, full of the passion and individuality that fans have come to love from this group. This is my favorite song from the rollout so far, but Iā€™m extremely excited to see how that perspective shifts once the full album is out. The music video for this song is also amazing, so I definitely recommend checking it out.

ONE  - Ease Yo Mind - Nicodagoat ā€¢ This song was submitted to me a few weeks ago, and I immediately decided that I wanted to build a rotation around it. It reminds me of when I first heard PELL almost a decade ago. Itā€™s the perfect vibey, feel-good song that puts me in the mood for summer. The chorus is very catchy, and the beat is laid-back and trippy but still maintains a clear story with the lyrics. Overall, this song really impressed me, and I will definitely be adding it to my Summer 2024 playlist.

TWO -  Trips To Paris - Badius, DESTIN CONRAD ā€¢ This is the second Badius song I have included in this rotation, and I am even more impressed by this single than the last one. The production is simple but sultry, and the chorus is beautifully addictive. I LOVE this collaboration with DESTIN CONRAD. His album ā€˜COLORWAYā€™ was in my top ten albums for 2021, and this feels like a musical match made in heaven. I also think the falsetto in the vocals that appears in parts of the verses is a really nice melodic touch. Overall, a stunning song.

THREE - Loving Takes Time - conswank, Oddie Strangeluv, ARIEH ā€¢ When curating the vibey theme of this rotation, I immediately thought of this new single from conswank. The production and vocal mixing are so dreamy and almost ethereal that I found myself listening to it nightly post-edible. This is the first song I heard from Oddie Strangeluv, which led me to his new album, ā€˜THE MAGICIAN.ā€™ That album will need its own accolades in a later rotation. We also have stunning vocals from ARIEH, making this song a wonderful combination of amazing talent. Another amazing single from conswank that I 10/10 recommend.

FOUR - Lilo - Chris Lanzon ā€¢ This short and sweet single is another submission that I felt perfectly rounded out this down-tempo, vibey rotation. The vocals are soft and soothing, articulating incredibly poignant lyrics about the complexities of human connections. I hadnā€™t heard anything from Chris Lanzon since his cover of ā€˜Irisā€™ by the Goo Goo Dolls a few years ago, and I loved delving into the rest of his discography this week. He is an incredibly talented lyricist, and I love the stories he tells through his music. Definitely an artist to watch.

FIVE - 23 Conor Hughes ā€¢ This song came out a few years ago, but I thought of it immediately when curating this rotation. The vocals are beautiful and soulful, while the melody creates a groovy and chilled vibe. I love the guitar solo towards the end of the song; it helps the listener envision hearing the song live and serves as the perfect outro for this single. Conor Hughes has one of the best vocal tones Iā€™ve heard in a while so I canā€™t wait to see what project he puts out next.

SIX - WHATā€™S IT LIKE TO DO NOTHINā€™ - Yazmine MB ā€¢ "The vocals on this song are otherworldly. I wasnā€™t initially crazy about the lyrics, but the more I listened, the more I fell in love with them. The song delves into a different human emotion than just the standard falling in or out of love, making it stand out and an easy addition to the rotation. This song is from her most recent EP, ā€˜HEALER,ā€™ which has five beautiful tracks that I adore. Another favorite of mine from the project is ā€˜HEALER.ā€™"

SEVEN - Weird & Bizarre - Posh Chocolates ā€¢ I am obsessed with this experimental production. The bass line and drums are so trippy and unique that I couldnā€™t quite figure out what to make of it when I first heard it. Upon repeat listens, I realized that what makes the production so different is exactly what makes it so addictive. You can imagine this being played at a party, with everyone jumping up to start dancing to the chorus. I learned from my research that Posh Chocolates (Christian Ellery) produced this song as well, which blew me away. What an incredible talent.

ONE  - Crown - Elsa ā€¢ The thing that immediately struck me about this song was the tone of Elsaā€™s voice. It has a rasp that reminds me a little of Jessie Murph, but with a unique R&B flair. I also love how the trumpet is woven throughout the song. I think itā€™s the perfect instrument to take the production to the next level. This song comes from a slew of singles Elsa has released in the last year or so. I highly recommend checking out the rest of her discography because she has yet to miss, and this consistency is nothing short of admirable.

TWO -  Hugoā€™s Prayer - Hugo De La Lune ā€¢ I am obsessed with this song. The simple guitar melody, combined with the vocal layering and stunning lyrics, made this an easy favorite for me. The tone of Hugo De La Luneā€™s voice is so sultry and dynamic that it sounds equally good in his lower register as it does when he sings falsetto. The melody in the chorus is unexpected and experimental to the point where I canā€™t draw a single comparison. I have never heard a song like this before, which is a very rare thing to say given the current state of the music industry. Definitely check this guy out because I think heā€™s going to go far.

THREE - Mezcal - Wahid, AYAANA ā€¢ I had heard a couple of songs from Wahid before, but this was the first one that I immediately fell in love with. The flow in the verses, the catchiness of the chorus, and AYAANAā€™s beautifully mixed vocals throughout the song made this an easy choice to put on rotation this week. This song comes from his recently released EP, ā€œfeast, by ravens,ā€ which is a great project overall. My other favorite track from the project is 'SOLSTICE.' Add this song to any rap or R&B playlist youā€™re curating.

FOUR - WANNA B -Biking With Francis ā€¢ This song was a submission from one of our guest curators and is an easy summer classic. I sometimes avoid upbeat indie music because I feel like it can start to sound repetitive; however, this song changed my opinion of the genre as a whole. While the guitar melody is something I can place in other songs, the lyrics really stand out, and the production constantly keeps you guessing. This song definitely made me a fan of this band, and I will keep them on my radar.

FIVE - i think i feel the way the words do - Cayden Wemple ā€¢ This is another song sent to me by my brother that I immediately added to my rotation. I love the unique tone of Cayden Wempleā€™s voice. The combination of intricate guitar rhythms and dark, vulnerable lyrics is nothing revolutionary. However, I would argue that Caydenā€™s songwriting ability is strong enough to make his music stand out. The chorus is also catchier than those in other songs of this genre, which I appreciate. I added this song to many of my personal playlists because I think it fits well in a multitude of settings.

SIX - The way the world works - Emil Valenzuela ā€¢ This song was the most surprising on the rotation for me. It was another submission from one of our guest curators, and I had no expectations when I visited his page. The combination of a debut project with under 1,000 monthly listeners actually being good is a rarity these days. My preconceived notions couldn't have been more off base. This is one of the most beautiful EPs I have heard so far this year. It was almost impossible for me to pick just one song. The tone of Emilā€™s voice, the melodies, and the vocal layering far exceeded my expectations. The EP is called 'Donā€™t Reach Out,' and I highly recommend listening to it from start to finish. You will not be disappointed.

SEVEN - Delorean - Collin Selman ā€¢ Disclaimer: I first heard this song when I was very high, and the dreaminess of the production and Collin Selmanā€™s voice made me feel a level of peace that I can only equate to transcendental serenity. This entire song is so simple yet so beautiful. The piano and the synths work so well together, and I found myself returning to it repeatedly throughout the week whenever I needed to find some calmness in an otherwise chaotic life. After listening to more of his discography, I can confidently say that Collin Selman is an important voice in the indie-pop scene.

ONE  - Heartdrop  - Indian Run ā€¢ My brother introduced me to this artist, and I was shocked that I had never heard of him before. The production in the intro leading into the piano melody is one of the most beautiful things I have heard so far this year. Although this song is a few years old, I had never heard it before this week and fell completely in love with it. This whole album is filled with brave experimentation, beautiful melodies, and catchy choruses. It is one of the most underrated albums I have ever heard, and I desperately need more people to listen to it.

TWO -  Runnerā€™s High - Olivia Reid ā€¢ The chorus of this song is incredibly infectious and suitable for so many settings. I've listened to it in the gym, throughout the workday, while cooking dinner for friends, and everything in between. This is the first song I've heard from Olivia Reid, and I immediately raced to listen to the rest of the EP "TO BE NAMED BY THE PEOPLE." Overall, it's a fantastic EP and made me an immediate fan of Olivia Reid. Add this song to any alt-pop playlist you're curating.

THREE - ARE YOU MISSING ME? - ALEX BRAVIS ā€¢ This song loosely reminds me of early Alec Benjamin in the way his lyrics masterfully tell stories of love and heartbreak, slightly hidden by endearing and very catchy choruses. This is the latest single from Alex Bravis, and what I love about this song, in particular, is how simple the production is while still being memorable and fun. I think Alex is doing a great job of setting himself up for success in the alt-pop space, especially if he keeps making more singles like this one.

FOUR - Sober - peregrÄ«ne ā€¢ The moment I heard the lyrics ā€œWould you believe me if I said I never loved you when Iā€™m sober? That the words I canā€™t remember are the ones you canā€™t get over,ā€ I added this song to the rotation. Itā€™s one of those lines that you cannot believe hasnā€™t been written before due to how clearly it articulates such a common and vulnerable experience. Love and alcohol permeate all of our lives, and this song is its anthem. An amazing indie-pop single from peregrÄ«ne, and I will be watching his next moves very closely.

FIVE - City In Motion - Yonny ā€¢ The level of creative genius shown in this song and music video was probably the biggest surprise I came across this week. The production of this song is phenomenal, his flow is crazy, and the direction of the music video is even crazier. I immediately took to Reddit to see if other people were as blown away as I was, and for once, the internet is in agreement. This guy is potentially the most underrated artist in the hip-hop/rap space. If youā€™re not familiar with Yonny, I suggest you become acquainted immediately.

SIX - SCARED LOVE - Seth Sutch ā€¢ If youā€™ve been following this blog for a while, then you know I donā€™t like to feature artists more than once here. I prefer to think that listeners would explore the artist's page themselves and donā€™t need further introduction. That being said, new Seth Sutch dropped, so I had to add him to the rotation this week. This single differs from his 2023 album, "Sunset Nostalgia," and while I absolutely loved that album, I am obsessed with this new direction. This song is darker and faster, with some crazy, experimental production. It's going to be on repeat for a long, long time.

SEVEN - Bad Nature - Sasha Assad ā€¢ Going into the rotation this week, I felt like we were lacking in the rock/alt-rock department, so I perused the entire Fresh Finds Rock playlist. This song stood head and shoulders above the rest with its head-banging guitar melody, gripping vocals, and unforgettable chorus. It comes from her recent EP ā€œTearstick,ā€ which includes three additional songs, all sporting the same indie-rock influences with choruses that just wonā€™t leave your brain after you hear them. I highly, highly recommend listening to it from start to finish.

ONE  - Lucid Dreams - Maina Doe ā€¢ The chorus of this song is beautifully addictive. I've found myself singing ā€œIā€™ve been having Lucid Dreamsā€ multiple times over the past week. The funky, prominent bass line here is something I havenā€™t been hearing as much in alt-pop music, but I think it adds such a great layer of depth to the production. Maina Doe is an incredible example of how experimenting in contemporary music can really pay off if you have the talent to back it up. Throw this song onto any R&B or alt-pop playlist youā€™re curating. 

TWO -  Over - KELS ā€¢ I was immediately struck by the tone of KELSā€™ voice. It edges as close to a rasp as one possibly can, but then pulls back and seamlessly shifts to pure soul. Her vibrato is so controlled that I feel like I could listen to her sing all day. I first heard KELS' voice on Youtube when she did a cover of Amy Winehouse. It was one of the best covers I've ever heard, and I immediately searched for her on Spotify. I also need to mention another song of hers I love equally, ā€œCloserā€, which has been on repeat for me this past week. KELS is absolutely someone we need to keep an eye out for.

THREE - Addicted - George VILLA, Rhys Rich ā€¢ I am obsessed with these two artists collaborating together. Their voices both blend so well with this beat, and I hope they continue making music together. I listened to Georgeā€™s full discography this week and found that his music seems to strike a perfect balance between groovy production and introspective lyrics. Itā€™s music that relaxes you but also prompts deep reflection. I canā€™t compare him to any other artist, which makes me even more intrigued about where his musical journey will take us as listeners. I would also highly recommend checking out the other song these two collaborated on, ā€˜Denim Jeans.ā€™ It's equally amazing.

FOUR - styrofoam - harper ā€¢ Within five seconds of this song, Harper's voice will haunt you. There is so much pain and beauty in how he sings it. The simple guitar melody makes you focus more intently on what heā€™s singing, and when he reaches the falsetto in the chorus, I felt the same way I did when I first heard ā€˜Sparksā€™ from Coldplayā€™s ā€˜Parachuteā€™ album over 20 years ago. I believe Harper has endless potential in the singer/songwriter genre and will be able to tell incredible stories of despair and love through his music. I am very happy to have discovered him this week.

FIVE - James - Kibra ā€¢I had to listen to this song a few times before I could actually internalize the lyrics. I was just so in love with Kibraā€™s voice. This rotation is definitely for the vocalists. The vocals are set against a backdrop of soulful instrumentation, really paying homage to Etta James. The entire song makes you feel like youā€™ve been transported to a different era entirely. There is so much talent in the industry right now, but Kibraā€™s vocal control and tone really set her apart from the pack.

SIX - Like I Say (I runaway) - NilĆ¼fer Yanya ā€¢ After a two-year hiatus, NilĆ¼fer Yanya returns with her latest single, marking her signing to Ninja Tune. This song was recommended by one of our guest curators, and it sent me down a rabbit hole of wanting to learn everything I could about this artist. Accompanied by a music video directed by her sister, Molly Daniel, the single follows Yanya's journey as a runaway bride sprinting into the distance. Collaborating with her creative partner, Wilma Archer, Yanya reflects on the value of time, likening it to currency, and emphasizes the importance of how we choose to spend it. I love everything about this song: the lyrics, the energy in the chorus, the visuals. Everything about it is a breath of fresh air. This return from hiatus is one of the best I have ever seen from an artist, and Iā€™m excited to see what she does next.

SEVEN - No Hands - Linn Koch- Emmery ā€¢ If youā€™ve been following Linn Koch - Emmeryā€™s career at all, then you know she is renowned for her dynamic indie-rock songs filled with incredibly catchy hooks that are both melodious and instantly appealing. The caustic guitar melody that kicks in straight away in the intro sets the tone for the entire song. It has that anthemic feel that makes you want to sing the chorus at the top of your lungs and dance around the room playing air guitar. Overall, this is a great single from Linn Koch - Emmery, and I am officially very excited for her upcoming album.

ONE  - Not the Last Session - J.Saenz ā€¢ This is the most recent single from J.Saenz, and we've been bumping it nonstop since it dropped. This might just be the song of his that resonates with me the most. The lyrics of the second verse, in particular, really stuck with me. Surprisingly, however, it is the outro that is my favorite part of the song. I love how the vocals are mixed and it makes the song incredibly catchy. I think this direction J.Saenz is going in is what will make him stand out in the long run.

TWO -  Let You In - m33shka ā€¢ This is technically an artist submission from someone I connected with through Twitter (the first net positive that godforsaken app has provided me in a long time). To be perfectly honest, I did not have high hopes for this song when I visited their Spotify page. It's the debut track from m33skha, and I rarely find myself drawn to debut songs from artists. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I fell in love with this song. It has the potential to fit seamlessly into many clubs and DJ sets, which speaks volumes about its quality. Overall, m33skha is officially someone I'll be keeping an eye on.

THREE - GOD - BermudaCal ā€¢ This song, and honestly the entire EP, 'PULSE', offers a very trippy experience. I had no idea where any of the songs were going, and it was a refreshing change for someone like me who listens to an extensive amount of music that can feel familiar and boring. This single delves into profound existential questions, showcasing BermudaCalā€™s evolution as an artist unafraid to explore life's complexities. It's a great example of how he continues to push boundaries, offering listeners compelling narratives within serene musical landscapes. I really, really love this entire project and strongly recommend checking it out if you havenā€™t already.

FOUR - aguardiente - Miranda del Sol ā€¢ I am so, so, so obsessed with this chorus. This is one of those songs that I was listening to in a group with several other people, and as soon as it got to the chorus, everyone just stopped and said, ā€œWait, who is this by? What song is this?ā€ Everyone expected this to be a huge radio hit, and honestly, the fact that it isnā€™t feels like a crime. This is Miranda del Solā€™s latest single, and if you arenā€™t familiar with her music, this is a great entry song that will make you fall in love with her immediately.

FIVE - I Love U Me - Raedio, Talibah Safiya ā€¢ I was revisiting the RAP SH!T Mixtape from 2023 this week and realized I somehow missed this entire album? Black & Unlimited is such an amazing album featuring incredible artists across the board. Talibah Safiya is one of my favorite artists of all time, so it was a no-brainer to add this song to the rotation this week. Her voice is silky and soothing, and it really shines on this track, which features minimal production. I am thankful to Issa Rae for a million reasons, but being the brainchild behind Raedio is definitely one of my top reasons.

SIX - OKAY! - Guy ā€¢ This song popped up on my Discover Weekly playlist this week, and I knew immediately it would fit in perfectly with my current rotation. While I do worry about Guyā€™s SEO difficulties, considering how challenging it was to find information about him, I imagine that makes him even more determined to break through the noise and be the best. What stands out to me about this song is the flow. Itā€™s what compelled me to listen to the rest of his discography instead of just moving on to the next track. He's an incredibly versatile artist that more people need to be talking about.

SEVEN - On & On - Yehra ā€¢ This song isn't new by any means, but it's one of my all-time favorites, so I had to share it with you. I believe the vocals are perfectly suited for this beat and melody; everything blends seamlessly. Every time I hear it, the chorus gets stuck in my head for hours afterward. The guitar work is also just chef's kiss. After enjoying this gem, you should immediately check out their latest EP, 'Ricochet.' My favorite track from that project is definitely 'Helium.' If you are fan of early Sylvan Esso work you will love this musical duo. 

ONEā€”  ON YOUR WAY HOME - Bensbeendead.ā€¢ Bensbeendead., back with a BANGER, releases his second single since his debut album in 2023. These two singles contrast starkly in messaging; while "UP!" was light and upbeat, "ON YOUR WAY HOME" delves into a deeper message of yearning for something from another person while struggling to articulate it. Bensbeendead. stays true to his signature complex and multi-layered production style throughout the song. The bridge/outro serves as a prime example of this intricate artistry and offers a beautiful listening experience. Add this song to any alt-pop playlist youā€™re curating.

TWO ā€” 5 to 10 - Ozer, YGTUT ā€¢ This is my favorite song off of Ozerā€™s latest EP ā€œFog City.ā€ The project overall is addictive. Each song is different from the other so youā€™ll find a song you love regardless of what youā€™re looking for. The standout, ā€˜5 to 10ā€™ with YGTUT, is a perfect embodiment of syrupy, seductive southern rap. This song sounds like it was made for a late night driveā€” DJ Screw and UGK would be proud. 

THREEā€” Til My Heart Stops - Al-Doms, Alessandra Salinas ā€¢ Al-Doms slides through this track with ease. He doesnā€™t waste a single syllable, injecting every line with sharp, insightful lyrics. Thereā€™s too many quotables in this one. Alessandra Salinas comes in with the perfect hook (if youā€™ve ever seen her sing you know this is no surprise)ā€” an angelic voice washing us clean of the highs and lows of life that Al-Doms captures so perfectly.  

FOUR ā€” Always - Victor Franco, Jacob Collier ā€¢ Victor Franco put out one of my favorite projects of 2023, and not enough people are talking about it. What amazes me the most is that he collaborated with some of my favorite artists of all time, yet they never outshone himā€”not once. His voice and lyrics were the star of the show, and I was in awe throughout the entire project. To me, this album embodies modern funk music, seamlessly weaving elements of the older 1960s era funk music with an equal measure of current influences, making it culturally relevant today. If you haven't listened to this album from start to finish yet, then what are you still doing here? GO!

FIVE ā€” Break It Down - Bronson Scott ā€¢ This song came out of left field to me. Whereā€¦ the fuckā€¦are the streams? This song has fun production, great lyrics, and a catchy chorus. Spotify what are you doing?? Put this man on Fresh Finds! I first discovered Bronson Scott in 2022 when his song ā€œJackassā€ popped up on my Discover Weekly playlist. Unfortunately, I didn't follow up to see which project it came from. However, this week, I finally did some digging and stumbled upon his 2022 album, ā€œBeach Baby,ā€ which is amazing. ā€œBreak It Downā€ is his latest single, and itā€™s fantastic to witness the evolution in his sound from then to now. This song is definitely going to be a highlight of my Summer 2024 playlist.

SIX ā€” masterpiece. - Iman Europe, Kaelin Ellis ā€¢ I, wrongfully, perceived Iman Europe more as an R&B vocalist before hearing this song and delving into the rest of her discography. It turns out you cannot confine her to one single genre; she excels at everything she does. This is her latest single, and I may have listened to it potentially 100 times already. Kaelinn Ellis nailed the production on this (no surprise there), and Iman Europe has some of the best flow Iā€™ve heard so far in 2024. This single from her is truly excellent, and honestly, I can't stop listening to it.

SEVEN ā€”  homes, yellow - thenheturnedaround ā€¢ This song was an artist submission that I initially intended to add to the rotation later in the month. However, I ended up bumping another song and adding this one because it just rounded out the rotation so perfectly. It reminds me of early Flatsound in the best wayā€”a perfectly produced calming track that can alleviate all the anxiety in your body and allow you to be fully present in the moment of the song. I almost shed a tear a couple of times while listening to this, so be warned of any emotions it may evoke!

ONEā€”  Window - Benn Good ā€¢ I love it when producers embark on their own solo careers. There's a level of intricacy in the music production that I feel is often absent in songs where the singer delegates production to someone else. This song has so many subtle layers that I discover something new each time I listen to it. Alongside the production, the chorus is incredibly catchy and will linger in your mind long after the song ends. This is my first encounter with Benn Good's music, but I'll certainly be delving into the rest of his discography in the weeks to come.

TWO ā€”  SOFTLY - Elxjh ā€¢ I'm not embarrassed to admit that I discovered this song from ThatGoodShitā€™s Aux battle a few weeks ago. The vocal run at 45 seconds in is one of the most jaw-dropping things I've ever heard, so I just had to add it to my rotation. While the song falls into the realm of bedroom pop, a genre I typically avoid, Elxjh has crafted such a beautiful auditory experience with this track that I'm starting to reconsider my disdain for the genre as a whole. Elxjh has a plethora of other singles on his Spotify page that you should definitely check out. My other favorites by him are ā€œReboundā€ and ā€œGiven.ā€

THREEā€” letter to my father - Muneyi ā€¢ WARNING: These lyrics will absolutely shatter your soul. The song is from Muneyiā€™s recent EP, ā€œfor the boys I like.ā€ The EP unfolds as a poignant collection of songs, each track acting as a segment in Muneyi's personal story. The pain conveyed through the lyrics about being estranged from his father is so powerful that it will resonate with you regardless of your relationship with your own parents. Typically, I would have considered adding more production to a song with a relatively simple melody. However, in this case, the lyrics truly shine as the star of the show and deserve as much space as possible. It's a beautiful song through and through.

FOUR - William Freeman ā€¢ This song was submitted to me and ended up inspiring the entire rotation. I liked the idea of exploring how different genres convey feelings of loneliness and introspection. The production on this song is charmingly simple, allowing the listener to focus on Williamā€™s voice and the beautiful lyrics. The placement of the violin genuinely brought tears to my eyes. I might be biased since I used to live in Scotland, but Scottish musicians just do it better. You can walk into any random pub in any part of Scotland and find people far more talented than the rising stars out in LA. William Freeman is a perfect example of this. Put this song on any downtempo singer/songwriter playlist youā€™re curating.

FIVE ā€” Hollow - Dweller, Field Guide, Georgia Harmer, Kris Ulrich ā€¢ I first discovered Dweller on a random Spotify playlist titled ā€œgrey winter walk,ā€ and I mention this because that's precisely the mood this song evokes for me. It conjures images of cold days, warm coffee, and overwhelming feelings. The lead singer seems destined for this genre; it feels like it was made for him. I absolutely adore the use of percussion as well. It creates the sensation of sitting in a room with the entire band at some cozy coffee shop, completely immersed in their music. This song is from their sole EP on Spotify, 'Dweller,' and I highly recommend checking out the rest.

SIX ā€” hard to love - Becky Sikasa ā€¢ In this rotation dedicated to exploring the darker side of life, this is perhaps the most emotionally devastating song I've included. It has a way of unearthing any suppressed trauma you may be avoiding and bringing it to the surface. Beckyā€™s voice carries so much pain, and when the trumpet layer unexpectedly enters, it shattered me upon first hearing it. While I've used the word "beautiful" frequently to describe the songs in this rotation, I can't think of a better term to convey how effectively she captured the feelings of desolation and despair.

SEVEN ā€”  mourning song - serpentwithfeet ā€¢ This is one of the best songs ever made. Full stop. NO arguments. I have listened to this song at least once a week since I first heard it in 2018. This song got me through grad school. This song got me through an incredibly tough breakup. This song has 1000% been used as a crutch in my darkest moments. Of course, we all know serpentwithfeet by now so Iā€™m cheating a little bit my adding him to the rotation, but it just fit so perfectly with the theme of this week that I had to add it. Youā€™re getting a glimpse into my soul with this song so enjoy. And serpentwithfeet, if you ever see this, please know that you changed my life with this one.

ONEā€”  lover? - SMYNBIGGS ā€¢ The call-and-response setup of this song is so much fun to me. It immediately made its way onto my private playlist that I'm curating for Summer 2024. This is one of the three songs SYMNBIGGS has released on Spotify (please, please, please release more!), so I've been rotating all three on repeat this week. I think where he excels in this song is his flow; it complements the pace of the beat and creates an amazing vibe overall. If you're anything like me, you're going to want to add this song to your Summer 2024 playlist.

TWO ā€”  EAT THE RICH- Corbin Adler ā€¢ So, funny story about this song: the artist submitted it after I had already added it to the rotation. Corbin Adler has been on my radar for a few years now. I was eagerly anticipating his next song and was pleasantly surprised by the direction he took with this one. The production on the chorus is absolutely amazing. I found myself getting to the chorus and then repeatedly rewinding the same 45-second clip because I was so obsessed with the beat. This song deserves a spot on any alt-pop playlist you're curating.

THREEā€” Aftertaste - Chitra ā€¢ I was so sad when I realized that Chitra only had two songs available on streaming services. I absolutely love her approach to pop. Her multi-layered melodies are refreshing and unique; I can't draw any comparisons to them. She's carving out her own path in an industry filled with so many copycats, and I'm incredibly thankful to have discovered her music when I did. On a related or unrelated note, depending on who you ask, Chitra has nailed her promo and online presence. She strikes the perfect balance between being mysterious and enticing so you will always stay engaged as a viewer.

FOUR ā€” MAGIA NEGRA - Le Coco ā€¢ I am currently based in Argentina for the month, which has led me to listen to as much music from Latin America as possible. When I stumbled upon Le Coco, I was immediately struck by the tone of her voice. Itā€™s both sultry and almost raspy, but in a very unique way. I can confidently say I have not heard anyone sing like her before. This is another song where the lead guitar adds a beautiful and essential layer to the overall song. Iā€™d love to see how it translates live. Although this is her most recent single, she has several other singles that I HIGHLY recommend checking out.

FIVE ā€” Mental Ecstasy - Brandon Benjamin ā€¢ The melody and production on this song drew me in straight away. I wasn't expecting the vocals to be mixed the way they were, and initially, I was going to write it off. However, as the song kept playing, it suddenly all started to make sense, and by the end I was in love. Brandon Benjamin has just started releasing music this year on this page, and I am very impressed with how distinct and cohesive his sound is already. He is definitely one to watch!

SIX ā€” What A Shame - Caitlin ā€¢ The tone of Caitlinā€™s voice is so sultry and soulful that I was drawn in immediately. Whoever mixed the vocals here nailed the amount of reverb because her voice just soars throughout the entire song. Another part to shout out is the lyrics on the chorus: ā€œBaby, you so lucky that I heard about her far away from you. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m evil, but you know I got the Devil in me too.ā€ So, so good, god DAMN. Based on the cover art of her last few songs, I am assuming we are leading up to an album which I will be anxiously awaiting. I could listen to her songs all day.

SEVEN ā€”  DONā€™T TEXT ME! - Heath240 ā€¢ This song came up on my Discover Weekly playlist this week, and the second it hit the chorus, I added it to the rotation. I really love the lead guitar here and how the overall song is mixed, especially in the chorus. The chorus is one that will really stick with you and have you singing it in your head long after you stop listening to it. This song is from his 2023 album 'EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED,' which I, of course, listened to from start to finish immediately after. My other favorite tracks are 'ANTHROPOLOGY' and 'GIRL?'

ONEā€”  Prophet$ - Iman Jordan ā€¢ From the moment this song starts, you just know in your bones that it is going to be good. The production is dark and mysterious, and then the sonic perfection that is Iman Jordanā€™s voice comes in, immediately bringing everything together. I love the combination of staccato notes on the chorus with dueling harmony on the post-chorus. This song is from his latest album 'Odyssey', which overall is very, very good. My other favorite songs on the album are ā€œThe Callingā€ and ā€œAll Over Again.ā€

TWO ā€”   Energy - Sam Opoku ā€¢ No surprise that this rotation features another song from the genius founder of spaceybaby radio. I am obsessed with this chorus. The trumpet is the perfect instrument to use throughout the song and takes it to a whole other level. As I was researching Sam Opoku this week, I delved more into his history as a songwriter and then listened to this song again with a more informed ear, and could definitely hear his lyrical skills on the verses. Such a beautiful find; I am very thankful to have been introduced to Samā€™s music.

THREEā€” Only Woman - Ed Staal ā€¢ Man, there is truly nothing like good blues music. Itā€™s a genre that can only be done right by artists who can turn pain into art, not just through the lyrics but also through the melody and voice. The whole song has to move you or it will fall flat on its face. In my humble opinion, Ed Staal has this ability in spades. This song is a story. This song is pain. This song is soul. Keep doing what youā€™re doing, Ed. You have a fan here at Lettuce and Cheddar.

FOUR ā€”  Cold Stare - Mackenzy Mackay ā€¢ I have previously featured Mackenzy Mackay here for his single ā€˜Honeycomb.ā€™ However, you may think I have lost my mind believing these two songs are by the same artist because they could not sound more different. This is Mackenzyā€™s latest single, and as I was listening to it, I was transported back to 2016 when I heard Tom Grennan for the first time. The production is light and upbeat, while the vocals feature a catchy melody and beautifully interwoven falsetto. I am in love with this artistic direction Mackenzy is taking and cannot wait to see what he does next.

FIVE ā€” Permagrin - Matt Giard ā€¢ I am privileged to say that I witnessed this song from Matt Giardā€™s most recent album develop from an idea to a finished product. From the first second I heard this song, I knew it would be my favorite on the album. Matt is an incredible singer, and the falsetto woven throughout this song showcases his remarkable vocal range and control. The production features that signature experimental and multi-layered sound crafted by Bensbeendead. and Dave Gutter, with each layer adding depth and texture. Matt Giard and everyone he has smartly chosen to work with have truly outdone themselves with this one.

SIX ā€” Know Everybody - Trip Carter ā€¢ The chorus on this recent single from Trip Carter is 1000% what takes this song from a good song to an excellent song. You can see yourself in the crowd singing ā€™Now What?!ā€™ along with thousands of fans having truly the best time of your life. I unfortunately hadnā€™t heard Trip Carterā€™s music since his 2018 album ā€˜Mirageā€™ but am absolutely loving the evolution in his sound. After falling in love with this song make sure to also check out his most recent single ā€˜Money & Water.ā€™ 

SEVEN ā€”  Taste Of Blue - BRIDGE ā€¢ I know, I know, this song is from 2022. I'M SORRY! BRIDGE came across my feed through Discover Weekly this week, and I just immediately became obsessed with both the vocal and guitar melody. The cadence of the second verse is truly perfect. You should absolutely go check out his latest EP, ā€œFate Loves Irony,ā€ which features four amazing tracks, but before you do that, letā€™s just enjoy the magic that is this song.

ONEā€”  Carelessly Doomed (feat. Kota the Friend) ā€¢ You have heard of Kota the Friend, but are you familiar with the fabulous talent that is Chanel Loren. If you donā€™t know who Iā€™m talking about ā€” get acquainted. She is the real deal. With only eight songs out on Spotify, Chanel Loren has more than proven herself to be a rising R&B powerhouse. This latest single is the most recent proof of that. The hook is bouncy and light but filled with lyrics that will stay with you. As I looked into more of Chanel Lorenā€™s history I saw that she opened for Kota the Friend in 2022 and the feature actually had an organic genesis fueled by a preexisting mutual respect for one another. I think this is incredibly evident in this song. You can tell when a feature is bought and paid for and this verse is not that. Overall, an incredible single from these two artists and I canā€™t wait to see what Chanel Loren does next. 

TWO ā€”   Your House - Mandelbro ā€¢ The gradual layering of vocal harmonies in the second half of the song have had me in a chokehold this whole week. It is one of the most beautiful examples of vocal layering I have heard in a long time. This is the most recent single from Mandelbro and it is exceptional. I hadnā€™t listened to Mandelbro since their 2021 album ā€œOneitisā€ and this song reignited my fandom and made me revisit their entire discography this week. Throw this song on any alt-indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

THREEā€” What Do We Know? - Caleb Taylor ā€¢ This is easily one of the best R&B songs I have heard in 2024. The production on this song gripped me immediately and Calebā€™s vocal tone made this song an easy decision to put on the rotation. The falsetto on the chorus feels sonically satisfying and will stay with you long after you stop listening to it. Caleb Taylor has an extensive discography that I would highly recommend checking out (after listening and falling in love with this song of course.) Throw this song on any R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€”  Temptation - Echo Thrills ā€¢ For those who donā€™t know, Echo Thrills is the creative alias of Stockholm's Oskar Jennefors, a visionary artist blending influences from diverse genres to craft a unique sound reminiscent of 70s soul, disco, and psychedelic rock. With production that I can only describe as ā€˜whimsical,ā€™ Echo Thrills continues to transcend traditional song boundaries, offering an emotional odyssey for the listener. The soulful melodies surprised me and made me immediately start dreaming of a collaboration between him and Childish Gambino (apologies in advance for the very obvious comparison.) Throw this song on any alt-indie playlist youā€™re curating.

FIVE ā€” Lighthouse - The Silhouettes Project, Elis Imperilee, MIDNIGHT PHUNK, WLFY ā€¢ The first volume of ā€œThe Silhouettes Projectā€ holds a special place in my heart. It was released right at the end of 2020 when everything related to COVID-19 just felt so exhausting and never-ending. I was beyond ecstatic to see they were releasing a second volume of the project and even more excited to realize it was even better than the first one! It was hard to choose a favorite song off this album, but Elisa Imperilee is one of my favorite vocalists out there right now, so over time this song became an easy favorite for me. If, somehow, I am the first one to introduce you to the genius, norm-breaking musical collective that is ā€˜The Silhouettes Projectā€™ then you need to go back and listen to their first album immediately. It will heal your soul I promise. 

SIX ā€” Bad Mā€™fkr - Reggie Becton ā€¢ I didnā€™t think Reggie Becton would be able to top ā€˜Rm. 143.ā€™ That was in my top ten songs for all of 2021 and is a song I return to all the damn time. However, I was very very wrong. This is one of two singles Reggie Becton has released this year and they are both on another level. It feels like he figured out the exact lane he needed to be in and is excelling at it in every way. The transition from the heavy production and vocal effects on the chorus to the simple guitar outro is **chefs kiss** Throw this song on any chill R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

SEVEN ā€”  AFFECTION - Juice Castro ā€¢  This song was an artist submission that I was drawn to immediately. (I promise I do listen to every submission we get!) I loved it so much I ended up building an entire rotation around it. The beat is simple but infectious and compliments the melody of the chorus perfectly. The beat is also a stark deviation from the other music I heard by Juice Castro and I think the change in direction is going to serve him very well. 

ONEā€”  War Face - Lowell ā€¢ This is the second time I have featured Lowell on this rotation. She came back onto my radar this week after I saw her writing credit on Beyonceā€™s new single ā€œTEXAS HOLD ā€˜EMā€ Iā€™m pretty sure the last time I wrote about her I was begging for new music but now I know that sheā€™s been pretty damn busy! I remembered this song that she put out a few years ago and after playing it once I could not get it out of my head. The chorus is magnetic and the production is probably the best of any of Lowellā€™s songs. I promise you that you will be as obsessed as I am by this song the second you get to the chorus.  

TWO ā€”   emotional capacity - Sarah Thompson ā€¢ Speaking of Lowell, I found this song from her Instagram! I am always interested in who my favorite artists are listening to and as soon as I saw this song I immediately put it on. This is another song where the chorus is an incredible earworm. I have to imagine Sarah Thompson either has a ton of writing credits under her belt or is going to in the future because this chorus could/should top all the pop charts. I am in awe of this being her first single. It is one of the strongest debuts I have seen in a while and definitely the strongest this year. I will be watching her career very closely so I can brag to all the other bloggers that I found her first!

THREEā€” WET PAINT - SOFY ā€¢ I read an interview with SOFY this week that described her music as ā€œproper British music, with that cheeky chappie, Lily Allen attitude.ā€ Now, I am not British. However, I lived in the U.K. for half a decade so I think I am qualified to strongly agree with that sentiment. This song is bright and fun and full of vibrant production reminiscent of bands like Arctic Monkeys and Tame Impala. She is also an artist whose music makes me borderline desperate to see her live because you just know the atmosphere will be electric. 

FOUR ā€”  Illusion - Ghita ā€¢ I found this song on this weekā€™s Fresh Finds and immediately said to myself ā€˜Oh this is how early Dua Lipa made me feel!ā€™ I remember when I heard ā€œNew Rulesā€ for the first time and just knew this was what modern pop music was supposed to sound like. That is exactly how I feel about Ghita. I listened to the rest of her discography this week to confirm what I can now confidently state: this is a pop superstar in the making. 

FIVE ā€” 17 - Lucas Home ā€¢ If you follow me then you have seen the name Lucas Home a lot this week. Idk what to say Iā€™m just obsessed with this recent release. I donā€™t typically gravitate towards songs that deviate from the typical song structure (i.e. no chorus) but the flow and lyrics on this song were just too good to ignore. The music video that accompanies this song is also a must-watch. The colors in it and the way it was shot are next-level. 

SIX ā€” Written in the Stars - Ajna ā€¢ I am not ashamed to say I stole this song from stalking Spaceybabyā€™s Twitter replies. I hadnā€™t heard of Ajna before this week and feel blessed to have stumbled upon his music. ā€œWritten in the Starsā€ is such a powerful song. The soulful production and uplifting lyrics really stuck with me. Itā€™s almost like you can hear and feel Ajna's passion in his voice when he raps. Throw this song on any hip-hop/rap playlist youā€™re curating 

SEVEN ā€”  Floating - LANKS ā€¢ This is the second song of LANKSā€™ I have featured on the rotation and in closer succession than I normally like. However, this song came up again on my radar this week and I could not stop listening to it. LANKS, for those who donā€™t know, is the solo electronic project of Melbourne musician, Will Cuming. What I love about his music is how he is clearly influenced by artists like Bon Iver and Radiohead but always has his unique artistic flare. His talent feels endless which can thus only lead to endless incredible music. 

ONEā€”  Cool - Joely June ā€¢ Joely June's Spotify bio describes her as an artist who breathes fresh air into the folk genre, and I have to agree. This song seamlessly blends folk with a hint of alt-pop and alt-rock. The guitar leads you in one direction while the vocals guide you elsewhere, creating a very unique listening experience. While this is her most recent single, she has been releasing music on Spotify since 2018, so I highly recommend exploring her other songs. Throw this song on any folk or alt-rock playlist youā€™re curating.

TWO ā€”  I Fall in Love Too Easily - Emily Brimlow ā€¢ I love Emily Brimlow. She is another example of someone who blends genres very well. While combining pop and R&B has become common among singer-songwriters, this song feels refreshingly distinct from the mainstream. It incorporates subtle folk and even country influences, which set it apart and prevent easy comparisons to other songs. My favorite part of the song is the grit in her voice and the way the vocals are mixed. Without a doubt, she is one to watch.  

THREEā€” Make It Work - Brother Zulu ā€¢ The best word I can think of to describe Brother Zulu is eclectic. It's more decade-fluid than genre-fluid, blending elements of old soul and funk with modern jazz and groove influences. I first discovered Brother Zulu back in 2018 when they released their single ā€œHoney,ā€ and it's beautiful to witness how much they've evolved as a band while remaining true to the core of their sound. Throw this song on any funk or alt-pop playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€” Third Base - Lily Rayne ā€¢ This is one of the first singles Lily Rayne has released since her 2022 album ā€œGirl On Rhode,ā€ which I was a huge fan of. If TeaMarr ever goes on tour, she has a literally perfect opener in Lily Rayne. Their sounds complement each other so perfectly. What I love about this single is that it is a little more laid-back than the songs on the album, allowing you to focus on just how good of a lyricist she is. Her flow is perfection. Put this song on any chill Hip Hop playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€” Try Again - Moses Ideka, phil ā€¢ Despite his minimal social media presence, Moses Ideka has captured attention with his limited but impactful musical releases, notably "Cast Out" and now "Try Again." His heartfelt lyrics, combined with dynamic vocal delivery over evolving production, offer listeners a cathartic experience, particularly in navigating themes of sadness and unrequited love. This song was released alongside another single, "Do It For You." I chose to include this particular song in the rotation because the production is complex, fun, and highly addictive. I admire the direction he is taking as an artist and will continue to keep him on my radar.

SIX ā€” Flighty - JET THE 3RD ā€¢ The vocals on the chorus, along with the beat switch up, are what sold me on this song. I hadnā€™t heard of JET THE 3RD before this week, but I immediately went through her entire discography. She has been releasing music on Spotify since 2019, so it was nice to revisit her discography and see how much she has evolved as an artist. If you appreciate genre-bending artists with strong lyrics and surprising choices in song structure, then JET THE 3RD is the artist for you.

SEVEN ā€”  lessons - PEACH. ā€¢ I can hear this song at every club and every beach party. It has the perfect blend of fun, upbeat production with beautiful jazz and neo-soul vocals. PEACH. (who goes by they/them pronouns according to Spotify) beautifully captured the energy I want to take out of this dreary cold Winter and into Summer 2024. I can already tell this song is going to be on repeat for me for a long, long time.

ONEā€”  Ballad of the Texas King - Cut Worms ā€¢ This song immediately captured my favor with its intro. It feels like being transported to Stars Hollow in an early episode of Gilmore Girls. The recommendation for this song came from guest curator Devon Bray, which was fortuitous because I had been searching for an indie/folk song to round out the rotation. It serves as a gateway to exploring the pop/rock genre, associated with a bygone era. I thoroughly enjoyed delving into the artist's discography this week and found myself engrossed in reading through his fan interactions on Reddit. It's very evident that he values his fans and their perception of his music. This song and this artist get a 10/10 from me.

TWO ā€”   Apollo - Slow Fiction ā€¢ My only critique of this song is that I wish the lead vocals were turned up a little bit. I understand that this mixing style is common for the genre, but I love the lyrics and vocals so much that I wish I could hear them a little more clearly. The last chorus, where it ascends a step at the end, is so satisfying and was what convinced me to include this song in the rotation. The post-punk guitar melodies, along with the harmonies at the end, are also a great way to leave the listener wanting more. Throw this song on any pop-rock or alt-rock playlist you're curating.

THREEā€”  light it up - Sughn ā€¢ This song will tug at your heartstrings. If you listen to the lyrics, you will find yourself relating to everything Sughn is saying ā€“ I know I did. Another aspect I appreciated was how I was hooked from the first line. I didn't have to wait until the chorus to determine if this song was worth listening to; it grabbed me from the very first second it started. That's a smart move. With so much content available right now, it's easy to skip over music without giving it a proper chance. I believe Sughn demonstrates artistic prowess here, and I'm excited to see what she does with it. 

FOUR ā€” Safe - Tyrer ā€¢ The first thing that came to mind when I heard this song was, 'Oh wow, the sync possibilities here are endless.' I can envision this chorus fitting seamlessly into numerous movies and TV shows. This is the first song I've heard from Tyrer, and I became a fan the moment I heard the chorus. It's off her recently released EP 'Fear of Flying,' which is worth listening to in its entirety. Another favorite of mine from the EP is 'Good Life' featuring Lyves. Add this song to any alt-pop playlist you're curating. 

FIVE ā€” How It Is - TANISHA ā€¢ This is another song where I wasn't quite sold until I heard the chorus. There's a trend among younger artists attempting to emulate old-school or early 2000s pop/R&B, but often failing to do so convincingly. They seem overly fixated on their image rather than the music itself. However, this song showed me that TANISHA is truly focused on the music. The hook will linger with you long after you've heard it, and the vocals are stunning. TANISHA has been releasing music since 2019, so be sure to check out her other songs once you've fallen in love with this one.

SIX ā€”  GORGEOUS - BODUR ā€¢ You know those songs that you would give almost anything to be able to hear for the first time again? I donā€™t have a lot of songs like that because I rarely get tired of a song. However, this song is one of those for me. I have never heard anything like it, and it completely consumed me when I first heard it. Also, on a lighter note, her abs on the cover art are absolutely insane, and I am a little bit in love with her. But getting back to her music, the lyricism that effortlessly flows from her is something to take note of. She is the full package, and I'm excited to explore more of her discography. 

SEVEN ā€”  LUST - Won Pound ā€¢ I featured Won Pound on here almost a year ago now, and everything I said about how much I admire and am impressed by his talent still holds true today. I wanted to include this song in the rotation because when I heard the previous song, 'GORGEOUS' by BODUR, I immediately thought of this track from his recent EP 'REVO.' Play these two songs back-to-back, and you'll see what I mean. This EP offers something for everybody, and I have found myself frequently changing my opinion on which song is my favorite.

ONEā€” Living Again - Bobby Bazini ā€¢ The vocal tone of Bobby Bazini is otherworldly. Setting aside the obvious comparisons to Paolo Nutini, Bobby has proven over the last 10+ years that he is a superstar in his own right. To be perfectly honest, I hadn't listened to much of Bobby Bazino since his 2017 album "Better in Time," which was one of my favorite albums of that year. As I listened to his most recent album, "Pearl," I was impressed by the risks he took in production and the caliber of the lyrics compared to his other albums. This is an incredible project, and you should definitely give it a listen if you haven't already. 

TWO ā€”   Weekends and Candy - Noah Elliot ā€¢ This song immediately put a smile on my face. The minimal pop beat, the simple but catchy lyrics, and a chorus that won't leave youā€”it's a perfect equation for pop excellence. Shockingly, I hadn't heard of Noah Elliot before this week and thoroughly enjoyed listening to his entire discography, which dates back to 2017 (according to Spotify). This single is from 2022, and I am hoping that in 2024, Noah will either grace us with a full album or release a bunch of singles as uplifting and heartwarming as this one.

THREEā€”   PARANOIA - SIPHO. ā€¢ This is the second song from SIPHO. that I have added to my rotation. I still stand by my earlier assertion that he has one of my favorite voices in the game right now. I am obsessed with everything he does. This song comes from his latest album, "PRAYERS & PARANOIA," which I have listened to in its entirety at least once a week since it came out. If I had one musical wish for this year, it would be for SIPHO. and serpentwithfeet to collaborate on something. I believe that could remedy everything that is wrong with the music industry right now, and I am NOT exaggerating! Throw Laura Mvula on the hook, and we're heading for the Grammys!

FOUR ā€” Yours For Life - SYTƋ ā€¢ This song encapsulates a night out at your favorite clubā€”drinks flowing and worries dissipating. It embodies everything we need in the current hellscape we call 2024 thus far. I am delighted to have discovered this song and this band. I love that this duo does it all. According to their bio, they write and produce everything they release, which, as someone related to an artist who produces their own music, I know is an incredibly difficult task. This song is from their latest EP, "You Know That, Right?" which I mention primarily because another track I'm obsessed with on there, "Trying," is an absolute must-listen.

FIVE ā€”  Would You Love Me Anyway? - Tatiana Hazel ā€¢ After several upbeat and heartwarming songs, it is time to retreat back to my roots of sadness and dangerously introspective moods. This song by Tatiana Hazel is a smooth, alt-rock exploration into the depths of another personā€™s love. I first heard it on my Discover Weekly this week and immediately added it to the rotation. The production and melody are simple, but the emotion in Tatianaā€™s voice and the lyrics in the verses add a level of complexity that balances it out, making it an overall very impressive single.

SIX ā€”  Forgiving Myself - Sekou ā€¢ I first learned about Sekou by examining Bibi Bourellyā€™s writing credits. (Iā€™ve been scarily obsessed with everything Bibi Bourelly has done since I first heard Ego in 2015.) Sekou's notoriety has skyrocketed recently, so you most likely do not need an introduction to his music from me. You've probably seen him on ReneĆ© Rappā€™s tour posters (!!!). However, if you are hearing his music for the first time on the rotation, then I promise you will be immediately impressed with his old soul voice paired with the youthful, bright melodies. The fact that he is as young as he is only slightly pushes me to my next existential crisis. This song is part of a run of amazing singles that I imagine will lead to a full-length album that I will be anxiously awaiting. 

SEVEN ā€”  Impossible + Strange - Lizzie Esau ā€¢If you listened to the rotation last week, you will recall the band PrettyUgly being featured. I found this song on their artist radio, which made my job super easy this week when putting the rotation together again. This song is full of angst and features a head-banging chorus that promises to evoke a wide range of emotions from the listener. This is a slightly random addition, but I can also envision this song fitting well on various TV show or movie soundtracks. It sounds like a track that can help paint several different emotional pictures. Throw this song on any alt-rock playlist you're curating.

ONEā€” Throw Your Weight - Quinn Oulton ā€¢ At first glance you may think you have heard Quinn Oulton before. You may draw immediate comparisons and leave nuance at the door. The minimal, but complex production. The London accent. The soaring vocals. I know I did. After listening to more of his discography this week I have decided that drawing any comparisons is insulting. Quinn Oulton's experimental melodies and the risks he takes with production deserve recognition. He should instead be labeled as a unique and standout artist who is carving out his own distinctive path. He is not one to be overlooked and this song proves it. 

TWO ā€”   pink dress - Humble the Great ā€¢ I was researching Humble the Great this week and came across an interview where he was described as an artist who ā€œembraces authenticity and imperfection in his music.ā€ He noted that he is inspired by artists like Anderson .Paak and Kendrick Lamar. I would agree and add that his music definitely reflects their dedication to making unconventional and catchy music. He also mildly reminds me of Noah Guy in his ability to blend R&B melodies with pop hooks that are bound to stay in your head. To me, his number one strength is his writing. To be able to pair that with his dynamic vocal range leads me to wholeheartedly believe that he will be making some #1 hits in the very near future.

THREEā€”   LALALA -PrettyUgly ā€¢ I, admittedly, found this song on Fresh Finds. Fresh Finds can be a little exhausting at times and is usually filled with below-mid-music. However, every once in a while, you find a real gem. This song is that gem. It made me want to get in my car, put on my coolest sunglasses, and rage drive with this song on full blast. I think that would heal a lot of my current inner demons. The transition from straight pop to pop rock with soaring vocals was genius. You can throw this song on so many different playlists and it will still fit in just fine. PrettyUgly is definitely on my radar this year.

FOUR ā€” DONT PLAY -Obai ā€¢ I had the pleasure of listening to Obai at 1824ā€™s recent press conference and was even able to ask him a couple of questions. I asked about his process of integrating his stated influences from 90s and early 2000s pop and R&B artists, alongside more traditional Sudanese music, to craft a distinctive and unique sound of his own. He aptly explained that as an artist it is hard not to be inspired by the music that you grow up with. The influence of 90s and early 2000s music is evident, reflecting the time period in which he and his family grew up. You can clearly hear these influences in his flow and choice of lyrics. On the other hand, he mentioned that the Sudanese influence is apparent in the electrifying melodies (note: I added "electrifying" as my personal opinion. He was far too modest.) I chose this song in particular to add to the rotation because even though it is one of his earlier releases, I think it is one of the catchiest melodies he has put out. It is borderline unbelievable that he is only 18. He has accomplished so much already and is on track to have the world at his fingertips. 

FIVE ā€”  phil again ā€¦? - Phil NDL ā€¢ Some of you may remember that I featured Phil on the rotation a few months ago for his other recent release ā€œMontana.ā€ Only the best of the best get featured on here more than once and this song made Phil NDL an easy choice for that echelon. Not only does this song sound nothing like ā€œMontanaā€ but it is deliciously addicting. I have had it on repeat all week. My only critique for Phil is that I would like to see more bragging in his marketing. I believe he could post on Instagram something along the lines of ā€œHey guys! I just put out the best song of 2024. No Contestā€ and he would have a solid argument even though it is only January. Also, once again shoutout to Spaceybaby for always putting me on.  

SIX ā€”  AMOR DIFUNTO - KAVVO ā€¢ I heard this song in a random restaurant in Madrid and immediately reached for Shazam. The beat and production caught my ear within seconds, but the flow and cadence here is what is really distinct about the track. Upon further research, I discovered that this song is from his latest album ā€œEN LA CASA MAMIā€ which is a 14-track album that, dare I say, may be my first no-skip album of 2024. Throw this song on any upbeat Latin playlist you are curating. 

SEVEN ā€”  Rebound - LANKS, Nick Hill, JANEVA ā€¢ This song has been sitting in my larger draft folder for a while now. I could never find the right rotation for it, but I have loved it ever since I first heard it. I am a fan of all three of these artists individually so a collab from the three of them is **chefs kiss** Nick Hill and JANEVAā€™s voices blend far better than I expected they would and the chorus is magnetic. I know this song came out a few years ago but I hope they choose to work together again. LANKS is already well-renowned, so I'll simply add that I appreciate how he seamlessly incorporates jazz influences into his music, making it all the more dynamic and memorable.

ONEā€” Burn Bus - Midnight Breakfast ā€¢ I saw this band play over the weekend in Portland, Maine and was blown away. Their singer is clearly on another level and I felt like I could just stand and watch her for hours. It is a testament to how talented this band is that the rest of the members didnā€™t just fade into the background supporting her. Each member adds a necessary element to all of their songs and the sound feels far more cohesive than I am accustomed to hearing from local bands. This song comes from their latest project ā€œBleeding Redā€ which is really worth hearing from start to finish. If youā€™re ever in Maine, definitely look them up. Hearing them live is a beautiful experience. 

TWO ā€” Iā€™m Not The One - Bettye LaVette ā€¢ As I was listening to Midnight Breakfast, the band I wrote about earlier in the rotation, I could not stop thinking about Bettye LaVette. The grit in both these singers voices pairs so well together even though theyā€™re singing completely different genres. Iā€™m sure anyone who is invested in good music does not need an introduction to Bettye LaVette. As evidenced by her discography, she has dedicated her entire life to her craft and it has more than paid off. This is my current favorite song of hers that I felt overwhelmingly compelled to feature on the first rotation of 2024.   

THREEā€”  touch - nfumĆ© ā€¢ I found this song on my Discover Weekly this week and donā€™t really know exactly why I like it so much; all I know is that I was returning to it a lot this week. I read an article about nfumĆ©  that described him as a ā€œmaestro of the synthā€ which I wholeheartedly agree with. I am not overly familiar with the afrofuture genre, but this song has made me want to commit to learning a lot more about it in 2024.  

FOUR ā€” Dirty Fire - HAFFWAY ā€¢ If you have been reading this blog even a little bit in the past year you will know I am a sucker for songs with good harmonies. This song is no exception. I love how they are woven intricately through the entire song. It makes the verses dynamic and the chorus a beautiful auditory experience. HAFFWAY is the artist name for Sam Westhoff, an Oklahoma-raised and Nashville-based artist, songwriter, and producer. I was a big fan of Samā€™s 2018 album ā€œColourā€ and love how much heā€™s grown as an artist with this rebrand to HAFFWAY.

FIVE ā€” Gypsy Lover - Fai Laci ā€¢ I am always a little biased for artists who originate in New England, but luckily I fell in love with Fai Laci before I even knew he (they? I canā€™t quite figure out if this is a solo act or a band. Iā€™m going to continue in the singular tense and you can bully me in the DMs if I am disrespecting the rest of the band members) was from Boston. I heard this song on a Spotify Artist radio and immediately listened to the rest of his discography. In addition to his exceedingly cool cover art, Fai Laci has that rare ability to make each song unique instead of just another version of a song heā€™d made before. It goes against everything TikTok algorithms tell you to do and for that heā€™s earned my respect. 

SIX ā€”  Portugal - MYMA ā€¢ This song became an instant favorite for me because of the catchy hook paired with the stunning falsetto. I want to see a performance of this song live because I imagine it would sound angelic. This song is off her latest album ā€œBeautiful Chaosā€ which will be a perfect album for anyone who is fans of Catie Turner or Lennon Stella. I think MYMA is going to bring something really unique to the indie, singer-songwriter genre and Iā€™m excited to see what she does next. 

SEVEN ā€”  Good Intent - Kimbra ā€¢ We all know Kimbra I donā€™t need to introduce her. I added this song because when I was listening to my first six songs on the rotation this song just felt like the perfect fit. 

ONEā€” Freudian Slips - Sophie Faith ā€¢ The smokey, yet almost dulcet-like tones of Sophieā€™s voice are definitely emphasized in her latest single ā€œFreudian Slips.ā€ I thought the sparse production would make the song seem a little boring by the second verse, but the way Sophie switches up her cadence paired with very crafty lyrics made this song an easy choice for the rotation. I love being wrong about a song. An artist teasing you to think youā€™re about to hear one thing only to switch it up on you completely is one of my favorite parts about music. I hadnā€™t heard of Sophie Faith before this week and her discography was a treat to go through. If you are a fan of Celeste I promise you youā€™ll fall in love with Sophie Faith.

TWO ā€” Have Mercy - Amahla ā€¢ I have had Amahla on the rotation before, but I listen to her so often that I had to feature her again. This song from a few years ago didnā€™t get nearly the love it deserved so I am here doing my part to try and get more people to give it a chance. The chorusā€¦ohmygod the chorus. I turn my volume up to the max level every time I hear it. The chaotic, big band sound with Amahlaā€™s effortless riffs gives sonic perfection in my humble opinion. Throw this song on any Jazz playlist youā€™re curating. 

THREEā€”  UP! - Bensbeendead. Bensbeendead is back with another single and of course, we had to feature it on the rotation! You can tell Ben wanted to switch up the vibe from his recent project ā€œSail Edenā€ and lean into some more fun, upbeat vibes. The chorus is bound to stay in your head and no matter what you do I unfortunately am exposing you to a relentless earworm that will be impossible to get rid of. If this is your first song from Bensbeendead. I implore you to go back and check out his other music. You will not be disappointed! 

FOUR ā€” DOG BOY - Swansea Skag ā€¢ A funny story about Swansea Skag is that he inspired a playlist I started curating a few months ago called ā€œThe vibe is undeterminedā€ The playlist isnā€™t public yet, but the reason I mention it is because not being able to put his music on standard playlists is my favorite part about this artist. You will never be able to predict where a song is going or what it will sound like. The theme of the rotation this week has been genre-blending songs so I knew I had to feature a song from the master of genre-blending himself. The chorus will brighten your mood and leave you happier than you were before listening to it.

FIVE ā€”  Lately - daydream Masi ā€¢ daydream Masi, a true Midwest trailblazer redefining R&B, always brings a dreamy realism to his music; this song is no exception. Inspired by hip-hop icons like Childish Gambino and Kanye West, Masi's explorative take on R&B  paired with almost rustic-sounding vocals and a fusion of gritty bass, trippy riffs, and hip-hop beats, crafts a refreshingly unique sound. This song will make you smile and make you feel like crying. It is an emotional journey through and through. I have loved following his music journey and wanted to feature my favorite song of his on this weekā€™s rotation. Throw this song on any R&B fusion playlist youā€™re curating.

SIX ā€” Glimpse - Night Cap ā€¢ Night Cap always makes me want to drop everything Iā€™m doing and find wherever their nearest concert is. They are a band that deserves to be heard live! You just know when you listen to them that to get the full experience you need to be there with them singing along at the top of your lungs. The reason I chose this song this week is because the one thing this rotation needed was a head-banging emotion-fueled track to scream your heart out to. I also love the softer falsetto bridge here. Definitely unexpected. Throw this song on any indie-rock or alt-rock playlist youā€™re curating. 

SEVEN ā€”  Alesund - Sun Kil Moon ā€¢ This song was recommended by one of our guest curators and I added it immediately. It was the 90-second intro for me. In an era of songs that range between 1:30-2:00, it was refreshing to listen to a longer song faced with the challenge of keeping the listener entertained for a more extended period. (Iā€™m sure anyone reading this who isnā€™t as up to date with the current standard of song length is, understandably, rolling their eyes.) Folk rock is a genre I am not terribly familiar with so it was nice to listen to his discography this week and reacquaint myself with the genre. The guitar melody is also amazing and very soothing to listen to. 

ONEā€” Orange Blossoms - GoldFord ā€¢ Goldford's "Orange Blossoms" marks a somewhat surprising return to mainstream music consciousness following his debut 2013 album, "Shed a Little Light." Although he has released other projects since then, this song stands out as the first to truly resonate with a larger audience. His voice, embodying the essence of old soul, feels like an emotional well, drawing in listeners with each note. The unexpectedly catchy chorus surpassed my initial expectations, confirming Goldford's place in mainstream acoustic soul, from my perspective. The evolution of his sound is evident, making the song a testament to his artistic growth.

TWO ā€” Burning in Paris - Morpheus "Burning in Paris" by Morpheus is a breathtaking experience, with the depth of Morpheus' voice leaving a lasting impression. The simplicity of the song is its strength, allowing the emotion of the lyrics to guide the listener, a strategy that undoubtedly succeeds. The sparse piano melody delicately woven throughout adds a beautiful touch to the production, evoking a timeless quality reminiscent of a song from a bygone era. I am excited to follow Morpheusā€™ musical journey going forward.

THREEā€”  let me go - Dosey ā€¢ "Let Me Go" by Dosey took me, again, by surprise with its unexpected charm. Initially fearing it might be one-dimensional, the harmonies swiftly won me over. In the best way possible, echoes of an early Lewis Watson resonate throughout the song. The simplicity of the guitar melody adds to its appeal, creating a song that could be effortlessly played anywhere. If you havenā€™t heard or listened to any of Doseyā€™s music I would also highly recommend checking out  Love Myself" and ā€œwasted."

FOUR ā€” just wanted you to know - yeemz ā€¢ In an era dominated by the likes of Phoebe Bridgers and Maggie Rogers, breaking through the Indie Folk/singer-songwriter space requires something special. Initially unsure about yeemz, ā€œjust wanted you to know" won me over, especially with its compelling chorus. The pre-chorus lyrics paint vivid pictures, and the harmonies on '2020' are undeniably stunning. Surpassing my expectations, this song captures a charm that's likely to resonate, making it a very pleasant surprise. Also, as a side note, yeemz plays the shit out of that cello. Incredible!

FIVE ā€”  Later - emawk ā€¢ I thankfully am not a victim of spending endless hours and paychecks trying to purchase Taylor Swift tickets. In fact, there are probably only five artists I would spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to go see live and emawk is one of them. I have formed an emotional attachment to every song he has put out and this is my favorite of his. Come to Boston emawk please I beg!! 

SIX ā€” Lose You - UNA MIA ā€¢ UNA MIA is definitely out to make a name for herself with her debut performance of "Lose You.ā€ With her incredibly sultry vocals, she weaves an alluring performance against lush R&B instrumentals. I loved learning about her story this week as I was researching her. Growing up in a first-generation Bosnian household, UNA MIA's musical influences apparently span from Balkan folk music to blues, drawing inspiration from soul legends like Etta James, Aretha Franklin, and Ray Charles. This song apparently is the first from her debut EP that aims to tell a coming-of-age story rooted in personal development, navigating womanhood, and embracing the uncertainties of life. Let me just say that I will be anxoiusly awaiting to hear it!.

SEVEN ā€”  Slide! - DNA Picasso ā€¢ I stole this song from spacebaby radio because she truly is always putting me on. I needed a song to round out the rotation and this could not have fit better. I had heard of DNA Picasso because my brother lives in Denver and I like to be familiar with that music scene, but I somehow let this song slip through the cracks. After going back and listening again to all of the songs from his most recent album ā€œThe Colour BlĆ¼ā€ I still decided this was the one to add to the rotation because it was short, fun, and incredibly catchy. If you have not listened to this album yet I would highly, highly recommend doing so. 

ONEā€” Madman - Evan Crommett ā€¢ I think if I had to say what stands out to me the most with Evan Crommettā€™s music it would be his lyrics. The melody and vocals are beautiful on this song but I found myself resonating so strongly with the lyrics. The entire song is poetry. I would copy and paste the entire song if I could but the first verse is the most striking to me: ā€œMy face. Surface of the moon. Cratered by the days. I savored my own ruin, Iā€™ve picked my poison, I win then spoil it. Put everything I have in the fight. Then give up to the night. Nothing can stop me. Can stop me. From getting to myself. I want apologies from all the meā€™s. That fucked up my health. All these years knowing time's the only currency. Yet I've been blowing Eternities.ā€ It reads like an apology to oneself which stuck with me all week after I first heard it. This is a beautiful song to add to any indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

TWO ā€” Picket Fence - Velleese ā€¢ I stumbled upon this song very randomly on a different artistā€™s radio. I was immediately struck by the rasp in Velleeseā€™s voice. It reminds me of an early Bibi Bourelly where she can really just sing anything and it doesnā€™t matter because the voice is so engaging. This song is off Velleeseā€™s most recent album ā€œUnsureā€ which is full of equally vocal-heavy tracks with varying levels of production. Sheā€™s one of those artists where if she showed up on stage with no band or backing track and did the whole set acappella I donā€™t think anyone would question it. Her voice is that good. 

THREEā€”  Headtap - Collard ā€¢ I was shocked that I had never heard of Collard before this week. His style of music is right up my alley. Regardless, once I heard this song I was hooked. The harmonies on the chorus create this haunting effect that captivated me immediately. As I was exploring Collardā€™s music this week I was surprised to find that all of his songs are very different from each other. While his voice is incredibly distinct, you will not feel any sense of repetition from him which, in my opinion, is a huge indicator of how much of a true artist someone is. 

FOUR ā€” Novo - Bailey Baum ā€¢ Iā€™ve spent the majority of this week trying to decide whether I would consider this song to be hyper-pop or not. I am leaning towards no based on the fact that I actually like it, which is not something I can typically say about the genre. Regardless, Bailey Baum is known for her fun melodies and insightful ability to encapsulate all the highs and lows we experience when weā€™re young. This song is no different. I love how up-tempo this song is. It is definitely one of the more up-tempo songs weā€™ve heard from her which is a direction I hope she continues to go in because it is excellent. Throw this on any pop playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€”  maradona - KhakiKid, Bricknasty ā€¢ Alt-rap is such an interesting genre. The line of fun and cheesy is way more finicky than youā€™d think it would be. KhakiKid seems to understand this perfectly and is navigating it like a pro, even though heā€™s only been on the scene for a couple of years now. His EP ā€œElevator Musicā€ is how I was first introduced to him and while it took me a few songs to really get into it, once I did I never looked back. This song is off his more recent EP ā€œsand bebĆ©ā€ which stays true to what heā€™s becoming known for while also really proving to the world that he is a true lyricist. I think one of my favorite things about KhakiKid is how intentional his features seem to be. They always add the perfect element to his songs and never seem like a waste. I had never heard of Bricknasty before this song, and now I am a fan! 

SIX ā€” Mona Ki Ngi Xica -Pablo Fierro Remix ā€¢ Bonga, Pablo Fierro ā€¢ I heard the original version of this song on TikTok funnily enough in some random vloggerā€™s video. When it got to the chorus I immediately said ā€œwhat in the world is this song I need it.ā€ Needless to say, I was shocked to find it was a song from over ten years ago by a folk and samba singer from Angola. This is why I love music. I learned so much about Angolaā€™s music scene this week just from researching this artist. I added the remix to the rotation because I thought it was such a fun spin on the original and fit in well with the vibe I was going for. Pablo Fierro did a great job here. That being said, I implore each and every person reading this to go check out the original. 

SEVEN ā€”  Pendulum - KWAYEā€¢ This song is a last-minute addition. I have been neglecting to keep up with KWAYEā€™s music and this song, as I suppose it intended based on the title, snapped me back into focus and I spent the majority of the past few days listening to his discography. This is his most recent single and the vocal effects almost give it a Pentatonix sound, which, in case that does not sound like a compliment to you, is definitely meant to be. The chorus is catchy and I have yet to listen to it without dancing or moving in some way. It is such a fun single and differs from his older stuff that I originally knew him from. The best part about KWAYE is I love both vibes equally. I love everything he does. Heā€™s just that good. 

ONEā€” A Little Bit Happy - TALK ā€¢ I had the pleasure of asking TALK (Nicholas Durocher) a couple of questions at an 1824 press conference this week. I had listened to the album several times before meeting him and was already in awe of its sheer versatility. It is contemporary while paying homage to all the great old-school arena rock bands. After hearing him express his motivations and inspirations for the album, I now believe that he is here for the long haul and is on his way to being an unforgettable presence in this industry.

Several artists talk about mental health or inner demons being a driver of their music, and it usually serves as an excellent baseline for some fantastic music. Where TALK differs, however, is that despite his rising stardom, he is still taking the time to interact with fans on a one-on-one basis. He has a mature and emotionally intelligent perspective on how to maintain boundaries while also reaching people who have been greatly impacted by his music. While my personal favorite song on his latest album is ā€œSet On Me,ā€ I wanted to put this track on the rotation because any song about trying to find happiness despite seemingly insurmountable forces working against you is something that needs to be heard. That being said, the entire album deserves to be heard, so definitely go check it out!

TWO ā€” Hate Me - Jovanni Cardenas ā€¢ I canā€™t remember where I first heard this song, but I am a sucker for indie-folk music with fluttering guitar melodies. I think the chorus in this song really punches through the noise and grabs you. The lyrics ā€œWould you hate me if I changed completely, or would you leave me? I would hate for you to hate meā€ is one of those hooks where you know the artist has captured a feeling that we have all felt but canā€™t articulate fully. I read enough about Jovanni Cardenas this week to know that I am not the first person to highlight and praise this chorus, and I am sure I will not be the last. Honestly, I donā€™t really care because it is truly amazing, and Iā€™m excited to dive further into Jovanniā€™s work in the weeks to come. Throw this song on any indie-folk playlist youā€™re curating.

THREEā€”  Terry And Julie - Eden Rain ā€¢ This song makes me smile and continuously surprises me. The intro features a lo-fi beat that I almost skipped over because I thought it would lead into some over-autotuned song Iā€™ve heard a million times. I was dead wrong. Edenā€™s delicate but raspy voice sings these beautiful lyrics that act almost as escapism. It feels removed from Eden in some way, which allows me as a listener to just bop along and not desperately search for deeper meaning. It was just the song I needed to hear this week, and I immediately fell in love.

FOUR ā€” Chamber of Reflection - Eddie 9V, Lane Kelly ā€¢ The production on this song is what hooked me immediately. I donā€™t tend to feature covers on this rotation, but I made an exception for this song because it really is an example of taking a song and making it completely your ownā€”so much so that it is equally as good as the original but for very different reasons. The horns here give it that big band feel, and the falsetto is woven in perfectly. This is a hit for sure, just like the original.

FIVE ā€”   Roots Freestyle - J.Saenz ā€¢ This song was submitted to me, and normally I would throw it at the end of our ever-growing submissions folder, but when I listened to it immediately, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for with this rotation. The flow here is the star of the show, in my opinion. I had listened to a couple of other J.Saenz songs before, but this is the first one where I thought to myself, ā€œOh, okay, he really has something here.ā€ I have found that sometimes melodic rappers can sound very similar to each other, with few cutting through the noise. This song does just that.

SIX ā€” All This Time -m4x ā€¢ I added this song at the very last second. I loved the sample in the intro and had a feeling I would really like this song. It kind of reminds me of old-school Gym Class Heroes in the best wayā€”fun beat, catchy hook, and surprisingly soulful voice. It is a great combo. I loveeee the falsetto in the chorus. If this is your first foray into m4xā€™s music, I would highly recommend checking out his 2022 album ā€œI donā€™t really know, sounds good.ā€ My favorite songs off the album are ā€œblockedā€ and ā€œJUNKIE 4 U.ā€

SEVEN ā€”  Lifeline - Zoe Wees ā€¢I was able to speak to Zoe Wees last week at an 1824 press conference and was immediately struck by how humble and nice she was. I admittedly had this expectation that she would have an air of cockiness surrounding herā€”because how could you not after one of your first releases garnering over 400 million streams? The press conference was to promote her recent album ā€œTherapy,ā€ which I would describe as a therapeutic exploration into her personal struggles and successes. It was fascinating to hear where her head was at when writing each of these songs and how she believes that success through music comes from prioritizing being your true, authentic self no matter where lifeā€™s journey takes you. I chose this song off the album for the rotation this week because not only is it a beautiful message about what people can mean to each other, but the harmonies at the end are just **chef's kiss.**

ONEā€” Blue Eyed Boy- Aviv ā€¢ I came across a review of this song while researching Aviv, and it described the experience as akin to reading a diary. I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. Listening to this song feels like you're in the same room with Aviv, discussing some of the most personal experiences a human can go through, and then she suddenly breaks out into song, much like a scene from an episode of Glee. Irrespective of your feelings about Glee, I assure you that this is meant as a compliment. It's a seductive and captivating indie pop song that you should definitely give a listen to. Aviv truly excelled in this one.

TWO ā€” 255 - Jden Ray ā€¢ I discovered this song while listening to an artist radio, and I was immediately captivated. The flow and melody are incredibly impressive, which surprised me, given the song's brevity. The chorus is exceptionally enjoyable, and it is evident that the artist has tapped into pop culture, which, in my opinion, adds so much depth to the lyrics of a rapper. Do not hesitate to add this song to any rap playlist you're curating.

THREEā€” hola bb - Valentina ā€¢ I found this song during a Youtube rabbit hole I went down this week. After hearing the insane production on this beat I immediately went through Valentinaā€™s entire discography. Her style effortlessly blends elements of R&B, reggaetĆ³n, and pop, along with hints of other genres, which creates a very unique sound that I could see dominating the urban pop space. Throw this song on any Latin R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€” For The Birds - Jack Van Cleaf ā€¢  This song moved me in the most profound way. The combination of the lyrics and the pain in Jack's voice deeply touched my soul. These lyrics, in particular, left a lasting impact: ā€˜Come the sudden realization. The world is at its end. Crows call for civilization. They circle overhead. Think they've seen the planet die before. Now they're watching it again. In a hundred years. We'll all be for the birds.' It's aptly cynical. While there are numerous comparisons you could make with Jack Van Cleaf, I believe that listening to his entire discography reveals his unique sound, one that I'm a huge fan of.

FIVE ā€”   RISE - Noah Slee, L V J ā€¢ It was a real struggle for me not to include 'DGAF' by Noah Slee in this week's playlist rotation, as it easily ranks among my top 10 favorite songs of all time. The only reason I refrained is because I am equally enchanted by his more recent work. Noah's music has consistently improved over time, and his 2022 album ā€˜it takes a village' offered me a wealth of great material to choose from this week. Ultimately, this song won out because I adore the feature by L V J and the trumpet melody beautifully woven throughout the track. If you haven't already explored Noah Slee's music, what are you waiting for?"

SIX ā€” Angel - Naji, The Kount ā€¢ I've previously featured Naji in this playlist rotation, but for the one-year anniversary of 'Lettuce and Cheddar,' I simply had to include my favorite song by him. The melody in this track is straightforward, yet exquisitely beautiful. Naji's vocal tone complements the melody flawlessly, creating a delicate and captivating auditory experience that is guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings. Plus, having The Kount as the producer is always a bonus.

SEVEN ā€”  Flowers - Claire Ernst ā€¢ I came across this song while listening to a Yebba artist radio, and it totally made sense once I heard it. Claire can f****** sing! What's remarkable about this track is how each chorus progressively builds, leading to the final chorus where you're completely engulfed by the grandeur of the big band sound, with Claire's voice gracefully soaring over the melody. It is truly impressive. If, like me, you've only recently discovered Claire Ernst or if you're learning about her through this blog, I highly recommend delving into the rest of her discography without delay. You won't be disappointed!

ONEā€” Talk Myself Out - Dana Williamsā€¢ For once, I have physical proof of how long my fandom for an artist has endured. While Dana Williams has taken a much different path than SZA, when I refer to her as the "next SZA," I mean that her voice has a unique and beautiful tone. She could sing anything, and I'd be a fan. This song is from her latest album, "Talk Therapy," which is a stunning zero-skip EP. If you haven't heard of Dana Williams yet, I highly recommend checking her out and thanking me later.

TWO ā€” Denim Tears - Jay Pareil ā€¢ I've been following Jay's career for a few years, and I was thrilled to see he recently released an EP. It was tough to pick a favorite song, but I chose this one because the flow of the second verse is on par with some of today's great rappers. This guy is truly exceptional. My other favorite track on this EP is ā€œMood Swings.ā€

THREEā€” All the Time - Sariah Mae ā€¢ At the start of the first verse, I had no idea where this song was going. It seemed simple, and the lyrics felt somewhat familiar. I was almost about to skip to the next song when the chorus kicked inā€”a classic, head-banging, and incredibly catchy chorus. As I learned more about Sariah this week, I discovered that she's a classical pianist, which becomes evident in her compositions and her ability to make instruments harmonize beautifully. Overall, this song really impressed me and Iā€™m excited to see what she puts out next! 

FOUR ā€” Everybodyā€™s Gotta Learn Sometimes - Natanya ā€¢ I came across an interview Natanya did a few months ago, and it shed light on her remarkable voice. She mentioned having perfect pitch, which makes sense given her effortless runs across octaves. Her melodies are also fun and wonderfully infectious. On top of that, the choir effect with vocal looping in the second part of the chorus creates a really interesting auditory experience. I enjoyed every second of this song and the entire EP, to be honest. Natanya is the real deal.

FIVE ā€” Purple and Orange - Kaleem Taylorā€¢ Kaleem Taylor's voice speaks for itself, but I'll try to articulate its magnificence. It is soulful, mature, and almost desperate as if he wants to sing every note at once. Due to his incredible talent, it works seamlessly. Kaleem Taylor masterfully blends a '90s neo-soul sound with futuristic melodies and production. Listening to him is pure joy, and I plan to continue enjoying his music for as long as he decides to make it.

SIX ā€” I Look Like A Fool To You - Theo Bleak ā€¢ If you're initially unsure why I added this song to the rotation, wait until you reach the chorus. Timestamp: (00:50) "Oooo Spit it out." That's when I realized Theo Bleak possesses that elusive "It" factor, a rarity in folk music. The tone of her voice in this song is incredibly beautiful and vulnerable. Bonus points: she's from Scotland! According to her Spotify, she's releasing her new EP, "Pain," on Halloween, so stay tuned for that!

SEVEN ā€” Lying Lately - Emma Ogier ā€¢ What I adore about this song is its resemblance to the early Taylor Swift/Maggie Rogers vibe. Simple lyrics, devoid of heavy metaphors, carry a universal message, complemented by a great voice and a catchy chorus that you can't help but sing at the top of your lungs. Emma also demonstrates a strong grasp of song structure and how to keep the listener engaged. While Emma may remind you of other artists, I promise that delving into more of her discography will reveal her unique path in the Folk/Indie space.

ONEā€” love notes - Alexa Cirri ā€¢ I have posted Alexaā€™s music on here before, but I had to share her latest song this week because her music evokes such powerful and deep emotions in me, and hopefully, in everyone who listens to her music. This spiritual depth is something I needed to gravitate toward in music this week, with all the current heartbreak going on in the world. Her vocal layering here reminds me a lot of Mree, and the piano is understated, allowing the vocals to shine through. I have not seen her live (yet!), but I imagine her with a loop pedal would be a magical thing to see. Throw this song on any downtempo or sad playlist you're curating.

TWO ā€” All In My Head - Olive Jones ā€¢ I won't lie to you, I found out about Olive Jones just 24 hours ago through an EP by Gotts Street Park. Gotts Street Park has worked on a lot of music with Celeste (one of my all-time favorite artists), so I like to keep track of who else they work with. When I saw their latest song "Tell Me Why" with Olive Jones, I immediately clicked on her page. Much to my surprise and disappointment, she only had one other song out. When you hear her voice, you will also be shocked because it is so full and mature sounding. It is baffling to think of this as her debut single. When I was researching Olive this week, I read that she is finishing up her debut album, which I will be anxiously waiting for. Her voice is divine, and I could listen to her all day.

THREE ā€” Time Shrinks - Arcy Drive ā€¢ I actually cannot remember when I first heard Arcy Drive's music, but I remember that I immediately loved their vibe. It reminds me of swaying back and forth at a The Head and the Heart show or jumping up and down in excitement while watching the Lumineers perform. They have all the makings of joining those bands in their infamy: great lead vocalists, beautiful lyrics, and fun, danceable melodies. I would highly recommend checking out their other singles on Spotify. My other personal favorite is "They Don't Dance." Throw this song on any indie playlist you're curating.

FOUR ā€” Rigamarole - ROZET ā€¢ This song by ROZET reminds me of many great artists. There are hints of Childish Gambino, old Sylvan Esso, and even M83 at parts. This is not to say that she "sounds" like them (I hate saying any artist sounds like anotherā€”every great artist has their own voice). It is just to say that the way she changes up how her voice sounds to blend with the different elements of production reminds me of other artists who have paved the way in electro R&B. After hearing this song, I am confident she is more than capable of continuing to find her unique space in the genre. She is an undisputed amazing talent that we should all be watching.

FIVE ā€” bololo - VALƉ ā€¢ In full transparency, I found this song on Fresh Finds and just fell in love with the beat. I don't have a lot of astute commentary on this song apart from the fact that it's fun, catchy, and never boring. Also, selfishly, listening to VALƉ reminds me of being in Colombia, which is one of my favorite countries on the planet. She consistently brings all the best elements of Colombian music into her work, and I am more than here for it.

SIX ā€” firstego - brakence ā€¢ I read an article about brakence this week that described his sound as "emo pop flirting with pandemic-era hyperpop." While sometimes hyperpop can have a bad connotation, I still think that sentence describes brakence's sound pretty well. This song came out in 2018, and brakence has put out amazing full albums since. I wanted to include this song this week, however, because it was the song that introduced me to brakence and made me fall in love with his music. You should absolutely also check out his 2022 album, "hypochondriac." My favorite tracks off the album are "caffeine" and "stung."

SEVEN ā€” Alive! - Bakar ā€¢ Bakar is by no means a small, undiscovered artist. That being said, his new album is a great combination of fun melodies with complex lyrics and I needed to make sure everyone who follows me is aware of his new music. This is, for now, my favorite track off the album, but that could change as I keep listening.

ONEā€” Lemonade - Lowell ā€¢ This is an old song by Lowell. I've been following her career for almost a decade now, ever since her first EP, "I Killed Sara V," in 2014. When this song came out in 2020, I immediately noticed how different it was from her previous music, which relied heavily on production. For me, this marked the beginning of her strong, soulful voice taking center stage, and I fell in love with it the first time I heard it. The standout element in the production of this song is the violins. They sound intentionally placed and add a beautiful, soothing layer to a song filled with angst. Be sure to check out her most recent music, in addition to this track. Watching her evolution in this industry is truly enjoyable.

TWO ā€”  Sunday - Chloe George ā€¢ Wow, this song is something else. The guitar picking in the intro? The lyrics? The production in the chorus? Chloe's voice? It is perfection! Honestly, I've listened to it way too many times this week. The lyrics clearly convey the anxiety in this song, but I also like to think that the frantic guitar picking was chosen to enhance its overall disquieting energy. Sheā€™s also opening for Arlo Parks on her upcoming tour, which might just be the show of the year. I am DETERMINED to see the two of them live.

THREEā€” Fever Dream - Absolutely ā€¢ When this song started playing, I initially thought it was a sample from an old Disney Channel movie. I've never heard someone sound like that beforeā€”so pure yet so raspy at the same time. Then, halfway through the song, the production kicks in, and I found myself wondering, "Who is this girl?" Upon further investigation, her writing credits are impressive. This transformation from Abby Keen, the writer, to this futuristic musical powerhouse called 'Absolutely' is truly mindboggling. I can't recommend a specific playlist for this song because it transcends genres in the best way possible.

FOUR ā€”    Putting On Airs - Nate Brazier ā€¢ This song boasts some of the coolest production I've heard all year. While researching Nate this week, I stumbled upon an interview where he expressed his desire to rewrite the pop formula. Well, he has certainly achieved that goal. There is no formula to this songā€”it features great vocals, insightful lyrics, and production that keeps you guessing. It seems the theme for this week is songs that defy clear genre categorization, and this is another track boldly carving out its own path in the industry. We love it!

FIVE ā€”  Whole World Knows - Adia Victoria ā€¢ I discovered Adia Victoria on the "Southern Gothic" Spotify playlist and was immediately obsessed. I immersed myself in her 2021 album, "A Southern Gothic," this week, and the lyrics of this song resonated with me deeply. The imagery it paints is extraordinary and simultaneously melancholic. Adia Victoria is no newcomer to the industry, with several projects under her belt. To begin your journey into the Adia Victoria experience, I recommend starting with "Different Kind Of Love" from her 2019 album "Silences" and "Invisible Hands" from her 2016 album "Beyond the Bloodhounds."

SIX ā€”  cowboy - mĆ­ra ā€¢ mĆ­ra is everything I expected from Ricky Hill after hearing "Nomads" in 2014 with the Weeknd. It might be a niche reference, but what I mean to convey is that when you have raspy, almost screaming vocals throughout an entire song, it is easy for it to become overwhelming. What I love so much about this song is how mĆ­ra navigates those potential pitfalls effortlessly, telling a story filled with vulnerability and raw emotion. A true talent!

SEVEN ā€”  Gotdamn - Cilo ā€¢ I was drawn to this song this week because of its lyrics. In under two minutes, Cilo touches on themes of ambition, success, and determination, highlighting both past struggles and current achievements. It is truly spectacular.  Beyond that, it honestly is just a great vibe and itā€™s been the first song I put on in the car and at the gym. The whole album is fucking great and you should check it out if you havenā€™t already. I expect big things from Cilo. 

ONEā€” So Sweet - Trash Panda ā€¢ I have been listening to Trash Panda for several years now and have always enjoyed their music and their evolution in stylistic direction. What I love so much about this song is that for the first minute, you almost feel like youā€™re back in the 50s in some nondescript club listening to a beautiful love song swaying back and forth with whoever your partner was that night. Iā€™m aware this is a hyper-specific scenario but it is such a tender and understated song that I canā€™t compare it to anything else and thus have to resort to finding very specific instances to relate it to. This song is off their latest album ā€œPANDAMONIUM!ā€ Which I highly suggest checking out after listening to this song. 

TWO ā€”  LAKEHOUSE - Renao ā€¢ I donā€™t have a lot to say about this song except for the fact that the falsetto in the first verse left me speechless. The song features daringly sparse production with Renaoā€™s voice soaring through with such clarity that, as I just said, will leave you speechless. This song is the definition of ā€œshort and sweetā€ and I could not get enough of it this week. This song is off his recent album ā€œA SPACE BETWEEN US.ā€ My other favorite tracks off the album are ā€œBLINDā€ and ā€œOLDER.ā€ 

THREEā€” 787 - Tash ā€¢ I first heard this song on a plane this week, which felt a little too kismet for my liking but because I am such a fan of Tashā€™s music I kept listening. Through her effortless ability to oscillate between soul and alternative R&B, Tash weaves a story we can all relate to about flight anxiety and the thoughts that consume us while weā€™re stuck in a metal death trap in the sky. If you are a fan of alt-pop and alt-R&B you absolutely need to add Tash to all of your playlists. You will not be disappointed. 

FOUR ā€”   Written By A Woman - Mae Muller ā€¢ The word that first came to my head when I heard this song was ā€˜decadent.ā€™ It sounds like a song that would have Shonda Rhimes breaking down Maeā€™s door to ensure this song could be featured on the next season of Bridgerton. (This is a compliment if that was unclear for any reason). The violins driving the song paired with the unabashedly lustful lyrics are creative decisions that make it easy to understand why Mae Muller is the perfect rising pop star. She just gets it. Listen to her music and soon you will get it too. 

FIVE ā€”   Wrong Choices - conswank, North Ave Jax ā€¢ The masterfully written lyrics are the obvious star of the show here. A clear story is told without the overuse of hyperbole or metaphor which makes this song both easily digestible and very very relatable. I love the collab of conswank and North Ave Jax. Their voices go so incredibly well together and I hope this is one of many songs made by the two of them in the future. 

SIX ā€”   Morning Train - Vin Bogart ā€¢ I had no idea what to expect during the first 15 seconds of this song, but it sure wasnā€™t the deep raspy voice that burst onto the track. There is so much pain and soul in this voice that it almost seemed wrong at first to pair it with such heavy production. However, as the song progresses, the voice and production meld together beautifully and all of a sudden you canā€™t imagine hearing his voice any other way. I loved learning more about Vin Bogartā€™s journey with music this week. His commitment to mental health and reaching people on an emotional level through his music is a refreshing step away from the ego-driven mindset you see in a lot of artists today. 

SEVEN ā€”    Like a Brother - hey, nothing ā€¢ I decided to end this rotation with this song because when I first heard it I immediately started crying and I wanted you all to suffer with me. Iā€™m kidding! (kind of). Every line was almost too relatable for my liking. I donā€™t like my heartstrings being pulled like that! Here is the thing about this duoā€” every song is going to affect you emotionally. I can almost guarantee it. Theyā€™re too damn good at songwriting. They also have some really fun cover art, which may sound random but is an underrated piece of an artistā€™s brand in my opinion. Overall, if you are a fan of Lewis Watson you are going to fucking love hey, nothing.

cross my heart - Artemas ā€¢ "Cross My Heart" by Artemas is an addictive addition to my rotation, playing on an endless loop this week. The production is a blend of sexy and dark, perfectly complementing the soulful yet sparse lyrics. It evokes a reminiscent feeling of early music by the Weeknd, despite the artists' stark differences. Discovering Artemas was one of the best musical experiences of 2023 and if I had to guess I imagine youā€™ll be hearing a lot about him very soon.

TWO ā€”  Send it to Me Better - Maia Kamil ā€¢ I was lucky enough to hear Maia Kamil and her band last week at Sofar Sounds in Raleigh. I immediately rushed to Spotify to check out the rest of her discography and fell in love with this song. Not only does the tone of her voice remind me of Norah Jones, but the way she is able to captivate you so intensely with how she sings would definitely make Norah proud. The choir effect at the end of the song will guarantee to put a smile on your face, which is one of the most beautiful things music can give to its audience.  

THREEā€” Heavenly War - Asha Elia, namesbliss ā€¢ And now, after two songs that brought out all of the emotions, it is time to dance! If I had to describe this genre I would almost say it is Afro-Gospel. I am loving the choice to pair an energetic beat with deeper, more spiritual lyrics. Far too many people are under the impression that faith can only be explored through preachy Christian Rock music. I have loved the momentum Afro-Gospel has been gaining in the past few years and think that it is a great entry point into more spiritual music for those who are intimidated by the concept.  Definitely check out the rest of both Asha Elia and namesblissā€™ discography. You wonā€™t be disappointed!

FOUR ā€”   Pool - Samoht ā€¢ I fell in love with Samoht back in 2020 when he dropped his album ā€œCLEAR.ā€ To be honest, I am probably responsible for at least half of the plays on LINGERING. Needless to say, when he dropped his recent single ā€œPoolā€ I was very excited. Samoht has an incredibly soulful and controlled voice that can navigate just about any vocal run he faces. On top of that, he consistently chooses engaging but understated beats to sing over which complement his voice perfectly. Put this song on any R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€”   DnD (feat. Kenny Mason) - Paris Texas, Kenny Mason ā€¢ My brother sent me this song with the following note: ā€œI canā€™t understand whyā€” but I am fully addicted to this song. I just loop it when I drive anywhere.ā€ Naturally, I had to listen to it immediately and as soon as I first heard it I completely agreed with how he described it. I have now also had it on a loop this week. This song is off Paris Texasā€™ most recent album ā€œMID AIRā€ which I highly recommend checking out. My other favorite tracks off this project are ā€œLift Offā€ and ā€œAinā€™t No High.ā€

SIX ā€” Where No One Knows Your Name - Stereo Honey ā€¢ I know this is a somewhat older song, but it has been one of my favorites since it came out. Iā€™m pretty sure I first heard this band on Shadowhunters but, for now, weā€™ll pretend I have more sophisticated methods for finding new music. I love the airy vocals with that keyboard riff. The falsetto vocals on the chorus are also undeniably impressive. If someone knows whether they rebranded or are working on an album please let me know because I miss their music. Throw this song on any indie playlist youā€™re curating.  

SEVEN ā€”   Despierto - Andrea Bejar, DiĆ”go ā€¢ Oh this song. It stole my heart within ten seconds of hearing it. Andreaā€™s voice is so soft and almost caring as it moves from falsetto back to the lower parts of the verse. The minimal guitar highlights her voice and brought out a very emotional response from me when I first heard it. Iā€™m not even sure that itā€™s a sad song as I donā€™t understand all of the lyrics, but I threw it on my Sad Girl Music playlist anyway. 

ONEā€” Lady Loveless - Atticus Walker ā€¢ This song had a lot to prove being under two minutes. A complete story that needed to be told in such a short amount of time, which is no easy feat. Atticus Walker starts out strong with a simple repetitive melody used as a base for his raw and emotive vocals. The harmonies on the chorus disguise how the melody stays the same as it flows in and out of the verses into the chorus. The individual parts of this song melded together shouldnā€™t work as well as they do, but Atticus Walker manages to pull off a fun and surprisingly gratifying upbeat indie single.

TWO ā€”  Red Wine Supernova - Chappell Roan ā€¢ I had the pleasure of speaking briefly to Chappell Roan (otherwise known as Kayleigh) at her recent press conference with 1824. Her unabashed pursuit of queer acceptance through music is important for several reasons. We are currently living in a time where people are forced to ~justify~ why they not only accept but (love!) drag queens and the queer community as a whole. What I loved about listening to Chappell Roan speak is that she seemed to be speaking into existence a time period of her own making. A time when everyone is loved and accepted for being exactly who they are. It was readily apparent that she would only accept 100% tolerance of everyone, regardless of what that meant for her career. On top of all of that, she is a pretty remarkable performer. This week, I poured through her discography and really struggled to pick a favorite song. She is both exceedingly fun and heartbreakingly vulnerable. I decided on this one in the end because I think the lyrics really demonstrate her powerful but amusing lyricism. Now letā€™s all go catch her on tour and have the time of our lives because if thereā€™s one thing Chappell Roan is going to do it is entertain. 

THREEā€” 865 - Cece Coakley ā€¢ This song came up on my Discover Weekly and after hearing the first two lines I put it on the rotation. It didnā€™t matter where the song went after that because I was so drawn to Ceceā€™s voice and lyrics that I knew I would want to listen to her regardless of what she sang. Thankfully, the chorus is as endearing and well-executed as the rest of the song. Starting at around 1:40 you can really hear how much control Cece has cultivated in her voice. She is able to oscillate between belting out lyrics to a borderline whisper which is incredibly fun to listen to. This is Ceceā€™s latest single off of what I believe is shaping up to be a full album that I am very very excited about.

FOUR ā€”  Garden Door - Dottie Andersson ā€¢ This subtle but poignant single from Dottie Anderson transported me to how I felt when I first listened to Death Cab for Cutie over two decades ago. This isnā€™t an obvious comparison when you listen to the melody of the song or the tone of her voice, but the calming effect Dottieā€™s voice brings while illustrating her experiences with heavier topics is what first impressed me about Death Cab for Cutie (granted I was eight when I first heard their debut album and didnā€™t develop this more succinct review until much later). Back to Dottieā€” if you enjoy this song as much as I did please go check out her other singles because they are all worth listening to and adding to any indie/singer-songwriter playlists youā€™re curating.  

FIVE ā€”  Hold Me- Malachiii - The production of this song is, obviously, the first thing I noticed. It has such an interesting and, at times, complex layered production. When Malachiiiā€™s voice comes in the passion behind it fills out the song in a way I didnā€™t know it needed until I heard it. What I love about Malachiiiā€™s music is that no two songs sound the same. For that reason, I do not know what genre I would categorize this song as which I think makes it beautifully fluid. 

SIX ā€”  Havenā€™t You Had Quite Enough - Deau Eyes ā€¢ Oh, Deau Eyes. Where do I begin? This has to be one of the most unpredictable songs from one of the most unpredictable artists I have ever heard. Nothing seamlessly leads to anything. Every piece of the song is so drastically different from the previous stanza that itā€™s hard to know what youā€™re listening to. I am aware this must come across as a negative critique, but I promise you I intend for it to come across as the highest of praises. There is something so fun but still (somehow!) subdued about Deau Eyesā€™ music and I really enjoyed listening to this entire album this week. This song comes from their most recent album ā€˜Legaciesā€™ which I implore you to go listen to. You will not be disappointed. 

SEVEN ā€”  Pocketwatcher - Lackhoney (Aly)ā€¢ Before I begin this review I need to first state that Lackhoney has rebranded to Aly and recently released a song called ā€œSING ALOUDā€ that I adore. You should 1000% check it out after reading this. BUTā€” Pocketwatcher holds such a special place in my heart that I had to add it to the rotation. I have listened to it so so so many times. The chorus is incredibly catchy without feeling annoying or overbearing. Alyā€™s voice is phenomenal and his ability to write interesting verses every damn time always astounds me. I am so happy heā€™s putting out music again and will be anxiously awaiting to see what he does next.  

ONEā€” YAOUNDEBOXINGCLUBSnakes: YaoundĆ© describes her sound as a "girl making indie/alt music for the 20-somethings who still feel like kids" I feel like this song perfectly encapsulates this description. Growing up in an era of teen movies pop punk/alt rock, this song really takes me back to that time period. Powerchord-laden riffs, and anthemic melodies with some fun little guitar licks sprinkled in, and I'm instantly transported to memories of being on the bus home from school.

TWO ā€”  Tiberius b - Delicate People: Straight away I knew this was a song I found captivating. I love how raw the guitar sounds in this song, especially with the harmonics. It pairs perfectly with the ethereal vocals. The production on this is just continuously interesting with constant changes in dynamic especially when the percussive elements come in. Definitely one you can listen to multiple times and find something new on each listen.

THREEā€” Sfven - sideline, red wine lover: This sonically, sounds MASSIVE. The overlayed vocals are the star of the show here. The combination of using vocals with synth completely engulfs your ears. As bizarre as this may sound it's like the feeling of a sonic hug. Thematically, the song is all about being supportive echoing "all I wanna do is hold you tight" and Sfven does a great job at making you feel like you're getting lost in a safe space.

FOUR ā€”  Quiet Light - Ohio17: Somehow whilst traveling across the spotifyverse I came across this song. To some, I feel like this may sound quite simplistic, but I really enjoy all of the little melodic intricacies, the sprinkles of vocal samples, and percussion, which allow the track to build before ending on a sample regarding python bites. The sample choice I don't really understand and, to be fair, I don't feel like I need to. The whole composition of this song sounds like an artist experimenting and tweaking and I think that's why I enjoy it so much.

FIVE ā€”   Ray Laurel - Charles Jeffrey - A Colors Show version: When I heard this track on Colors I fell in love. This track, full of attitude, dirty guitar sounds, and Ray's falsetto vocals, almost comes across with a sense of villainy, but in the best possible way. There definitely seems to be elements of Prince here when it comes to potentially influential artists. That almost "squelchy bass" definitely gives me Thundercat/Steve Lacy vibes.

SIX ā€”  Bon Iver - Perth: I had to put one artist on here that was well-known. Especially one that I'm so passionate about. I heard this song for the first time in 2011. I knew very little of Bon Iver at the time. Like many, my experience of Bon Iver went about as far as the cover of ā€œSkinny Loveā€ by Birdy and that really was the extent of it. After a night of semi-heavy partying with friends, we returned to the student flats that became our nest for the night. A choice only dictated by the fact that our homes were a bus journey an hour and a half away and there were no buses in service at 3am. 

The cold hard floor hardly served as an adequate bed and sleep appeared to be impossible. One of my close friends also struggling to sleep decided to play some music on his phone. That first song was Perth. We lay there wide awake and listened to the entirety of the Bon Iver self titled album. It's the first time I've truly been captivated by an album all the way through, serving as a form of escapism and allowing me to completely dissociate from the situation I was in. I loved the way the tracks would evolve as you listened, momentary chaos yet still able to carry beautiful melodies. Perth as an opening track had me hooked from the get go, I was drawn in by calming guitar melodies and Justin Vernon's vocals, then like a crashing wave, in came those thunderous drums, the brass and woodwind, it just kept going, keeping me guessing and intrigued at what could possibly come next. Perfectly setting the tone for the entire album. I couldn't possibly sleep after that. I had to hear the rest. 

It was a difficult pick between Perth and Beth/Rest. The album closer is certainly held in similar regard as it closes this body of work perfectly. It's the climactic ending to a 10 track journey that changed my perception and appreciation for Bon Iver as an artist and I always find myself coming back to it, especially in times when I seek comfort.

SEVEN ā€”  dust - Rimon ā€¢ This song, along with every other song off this EP, is what solidified the friendship between Robbie (the guest curator from the previous six songs) and I. Connecting with someone over music feels like the last authentic way I have been able to make friends as an adult. For that reason, Rimon definitely holds a special place in my heart. I think people give Jorja Smith a lot of the credit for the emerging class of Neo-soul artists, which she definitely deserves, but I donā€™t think enough people talk about Rimon in the same way. Her debut project in 2018 was a breath of fresh air for the genre. I had never heard anything like it and sheā€™s only grown in the last five years since she stepped onto the scene. She is one of my favorite artists of all time. 

ONEā€” Blame The Moon - Hazlett ā€¢ Hazlett is truly an incredible example of how to make TikTok marketing work for you and not against you. Nothing too cheesy with all of the talent to back it up. As soon as I saw one of his videos I ran to Spotify and added this song to the rotation. He has been described as a mix between Noah Kahn and Hozier and I wholeheartedly agree. This song had me all in my feels this week. The minimalist guitar melody with the layered, almost ethereal vocals, tugs at the heartstrings. If you have TikTok you probably already know about Hazlett but I wanted to spread his music for those who havenā€™t heard of him yet. 

TWO ā€”  Deja vu - Eimizah ā€¢ I first heard Eimizah on Floziggā€™s EP ā€œBeigeā€ back in 2021 and have loved her vibe ever since. This is her latest release that she dropped at the beginning of the month and, on top of her stunning voice, I loved the energy of the melody. The drums are minimal but carry the energetic tone of the song and that trumpet in the end is **chefs kiss** This song does not have nearly the love it deserves so throw this on any R&B playlist youā€™re curating and help spread the word about Eimizah. 

THREEā€” Weightless - Sweet Bill ā€¢ I love the raspy quality of Sweet Billā€™s voice. Honestly, I had to listen to the song a few times to really hear the lyrics because I was so swept away by the tone of his voice and the emotion behind everything he sings. Sweet Bill, whose real name I am assuming is Bill, reminds me a lot of how I felt about Riz la Vie back in 2017. Great voice, catchy hooks, and an addictive genre-bending melody. He has two other equally fun singles that he dropped in 2022 that I would highly recommend checking out. Throw this song on any alt-pop or alt-indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€”  Fever Dream - Ben Berger  ā€¢ This song reminds me of one of those paintings where it changes based on how you look at it. The first time I heard it I was like ā€œOh thatā€™s weird there are couple of sections out of tune.ā€ THEN I heard it again and all of a sudden they sounded in tune. The ability for an artist to make a listener really reflect on what theyā€™re listening to is tricky but so rewarding if done right. It sounds like a song he wrote after a rough night out, which doesnā€™t sound like a compliment but I promise it is. Ben Bergerā€™s music is an immersive experience and I love the ride.  

FIVE ā€”   Hate Myself - Libby Thompson ā€¢ Me again. What else is a music blog for if not to use it for endless self-promotion? I dropped my EP this week so if you want to check it out I would love all the feedback I can get!

SIX ā€”  Shanghai - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard ā€¢ This song was sent to me by a friend who has a fun, eccentric music taste and always finds the coolest artists to show me. She is currently in New Zealand and passed along some ā€œAustralian psych/surfer rockā€ which I have to admit is not a genre I am well versed in. I listened to their whole discography this week and fell in love with the energy and unpredictability of their sound. This song in particular stood out to me because I thought the melody had an immaculate vibe that you really canā€™t compare to any other artist out there. If you arenā€™t a fan of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard after this song I implore you to get your ears checked. 

SEVEN ā€”  Pack My Hometown - Eli Winders ā€¢ The widespread love for Oliver Anthonyā€™s music over the past couple of weeks motivated me to expand my horizons and add a country song to the rotation this week. I have added a few in the past, but definitely not as much as I should. I found Eli Winders on a friendā€™s playlist and really resonated with the lyrics of the song. The storytelling here isnā€™t complicated which is something I appreciate about country music. Itā€™s not traditionally overflowing with complex metaphors that the listener needs to decipher. It tells a story and you either resonate with it or you donā€™t. Definitely throw this song on any country playlist youā€™re curating. 

ONEā€” River Walk - Mohan Evans ā€¢ I was immediately struck by the tone of Mohan Evansā€™ voice in this song. The blend of a jazz and hip-hop melody guiding his deeply soulful voice definitely made this song stand out for me. The choir-style harmonies that come in halfway beefed up the song and reminded me briefly of Noah Guyā€™s more recent work. (If you arenā€™t familiar with Noah Guy this is high praise). Now that we have gotten a few singles from Mohan I am highly anticipating a full body of work whether that be from an E.P. or album. Iā€™m confident it will be a spectacular debut. 

TWO ā€”  Flicker Donna Missal ā€¢ I have been following Donna Missal since she put out her demo ā€œKeep Lyingā€ in 2015. Her voice is simply on another level and she has this grit in the way she sings that I hoped she wouldnā€™t lose as her career progressed. Thankfully, her voice is as powerful as ever on this latest release. This song stood out to me because the almost 80ā€™s style melody with the fast-paced beat is a new direction that surprised me in the best way. Also, on a semi-unrelated note, big fan of the bright orange hair! Huge main character energy. 

THREEā€” Atlantic Times - ZADA ā€¢ This song came up on my Discover Weekly and within 20 seconds I put it on the rotation for this week. I love the energy of this song and how it seamlessly blends expected and unexpected elements of a house / R&B song. I also am obsessed with how big a shift this is from ZADAā€™s previous releases. If you listen to some of her other songs like ā€œUnheardā€ or ā€œNomadā€ you wouldnā€™t think they came from the same artist. ZADA is always keeping us on our toes and I love it. 

FOUR ā€” always - sofd ā€¢ This song instantaneously crawled its way to the deepest depths of my soul and brought out every somber emotion I wasnā€™t aware I was harboring. The vocal tone in this song is driven by vulnerability and I promise you that you wonā€™t be able to get to the end of the song without questioning whether you might be brought to tears. I had never listened to sofd before this week and now they are a staple on all my playlists. Consider me their new #1 fan. 

FIVE ā€” KEROSENE - Caleb Dee ā€¢ My dad wanted me to make sure I told everyone that this song is ā€œdad-approved.ā€ Do with that information what you will, but he is an incredibly hard man to please so I personally would take it as a big compliment. In all seriousness, I love the high harmony on the first verse here and how it smoothly transitions to a harder indie rock melody. The melody feels nostalgic while the lyrics feel current and compelling. I was very happy to have stumbled upon this song this week and I plan to return to it over and over again. It is very addicting.  

SIX ā€” Time Bomb - Jacklen Ro ā€¢ I love the energy of this song. It makes me want to be at a music festival swaying back and forth with thousands of my closest strangers. My favorite part is the strong harmony in the pre-chorus. The whole song slows down and you focus on the pain-infused high harmony. It then immediately goes back to the laid-back indie-rock feel. This song is from their 2022 album ā€œSunshine, Iā€™m Counting on You!ā€ My other favorites from this album include ā€œMade of Sugarā€ and ā€œClementine.ā€ 

SEVEN ā€” charlie! - Chesle ā€¢   This song was a very last-minute addition. I had the whole rotation planned out and then randomly heard this song while cooking dinner and (stupidly since there was an open flame) stopped everything I was doing to figure out who this song was by. I immediately became obsessed. The way Chesleā€™s voice is mixed is unique and captivating. That chorusā€¦ Iā€™m still not over it. Itā€™s easily in the top ten favorite hooks Iā€™ve heard so far this year. If you liked Harvey Causon who I featured on here a few months ago you are going to love love love Chesle. 

ONEā€” Life Can Be Beautiful - solace ā€¢ It is very difficult to write a happy song that does not sound cheesy or cringe. Even happy love songs tend to be fueled by intense passion or past heartbreak. To be able to write a happy song about friendship and the pure love of treating everyone with kindness was a breath of fresh air to hear this week. While this song may only be 90 seconds long, I promise you that you will feel completely at peace from the second it starts to the second it ends which is really what good music is all about. 

TWO ā€”  Mamaā€™s Eyes - METTE ā€¢ This is another great release from Mette. The chorus and verses are very separate from each other which makes the song intriguing. The part where it transitions to ā€œDonā€™t it feel goodā€¦ā€ genuinely shocked me. I would not have ever expected the change in tempo paired with the choir effect on the chorus. This song will make you want to dance and also call your mom. That may not make sense now but it will once you listen.

THREEā€” Last Time - lovpune ā€¢ I cannot remember exactly when I first heard this new lovpune track, but I do remember that I was immediately captivated by the ethereal vocals paired with the relatively simple drum and bass melody. As I listened to the rest of her discography this week I thoroughly enjoyed how many genres she seems to pull from. This notion is further proven by how many different types of playlists she is featured on. In sum, youā€™ll never really know what youā€™re going to get from a lovpune song which makes it all the more beautiful and exciting. 

FOUR ā€” LA SALSA (Bb_82BPM_85BPM) - ARIA VEGA ā€¢ Wow oh wow have I been obsessed with this song this week. This song comes from ARIA VEGAā€™s latest project ā€œMAKIAā€ which features seven near-perfect songs. I could not decide which song I wanted to feature on the rotation this week, but in the end, the trumpet melody that comes in 2/3 of the way through the song put this track over the edge. The energy in this song is infectious and seems to be a nod to her Colombian roots. ARIA VEGA is definitely one to watch.

FIVE ā€” make it sweet - Gabriel Jacoby ā€¢ As I was researching Gabriel Jacoby this week I came across a blog that mentioned how he not only writes and sings all of his songs, but that he also produces, mixes, and masters them. In a way,  this is incredibly evident in this song because you can tell that he was able to make himself sound the best that he possibly could. The vocals are mixed to perfection and the melody sits in a way that highlights the vocals while also driving the song. When you are only working for yourself I imagine it must be much easier to communicate your vision into the final product. Put this song on any R&B and down-tempo Soul playlist youā€™re curating. 


SIX ā€” SOUL SURVIVOR - C.S. Armstrong ā€¢ C.S. Armstrong's musical journey is a fascinating odyssey through soul, blues, and hip-hop. Hailing from Houston, his fusion of these genres creates a distinctive sound that resonates with both old and new. From a childhood immersed in music to a life-changing detour into the Army, Armstrong's experiences seem to fuel his heartfelt storytelling. For this song, you will be impressed by how vulnerable his vocals are from start to finish. Throw this song on any R&B or Soul playlist youā€™re curating. 

SEVEN ā€” Breaking Point - Leon Thomas ā€¢ I had the immense pleasure of asking Leon Thomas a few questions at a press conference last week. My main question for him was whether he had an artist in mind when he began writing a song and whether he ever struggled with deciding whether a song should be for another artist or for his own project. His answer was essentially that his songwriting process is not so linear. If another artist likes a song he originally put aside for himself he has enough confidence in his abilities to write more great songs. I loved that answer. If you havenā€™t already listened to Leon Thomasā€™ new music I guarantee you will be struck by how soulful and masterful his vibrato is. This song in particular reminded me a little bit of Emanuelā€™s last album in how the vocals remain the consistent focal point. He isnā€™t falling back on heavy production or vocal effects which makes the artistry shown in these latest tracks all the more impressive.   

ONEā€” Ignorance & Bliss - Bensbeendead ā€¢ Itā€™s here. The debut album from Bensbeendead finally dropped this week. Iā€™ve listened to it front-to-back several times already. This album absolutely needs to be listened to in order. None of this shuffling around in search of what you think youā€™re looking for shit. The thing about Benā€™s music is that heā€™s not going to give you what youā€™re looking for straight away. The buildup takes a while and the musical culmination your ears are yearning for requires patience. But my god, when he gets there, it is nothing short of magical. Not to be too biased hereā€” but he is, in my humble opinion, a once-in-a-generation kind of artist. You do not want to miss out on this album. 

TWO ā€”  love is a black hole ! - Martin Luke Brown ā€¢ This song is off of Martin Luke Brownā€™s latest album ā€œdamn, look at the view!ā€ I first listened to the album back in May and ashamedly forgot about it. I returned to it this week and discovered so many wonderful things that I had missed the first time. For this song in particular, the way Martin is able to encapsulate fear in such a joyous-sounding song is remarkable. After listening to his whole discography I would go as far as to say that this is one of his strongest qualities as an artist. Definitely check out this album if you havenā€™t already and throw this song on any low-key folk/indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

THREEā€” Bone - Mon RovĆ®a ā€¢ We continue on the folk train for this next song. I first heard Mon RovĆ®a on Spotifyā€™s ā€œRoots Risingā€ playlist. I wanted to hear his most recent music which brought me to this song. I was immediately struck by the tone of his voice paired with the seemingly intentionally sparse production. This can be a risky move at a time when overproduced music is saturating an already saturated industry. The lyrics are overall incredibly well-written, but this particular line really stuck out to me ā€œIs it heartbreak? Maybe innocence, or naivety, or not everything's about me? Noticing from the outskirts like a ghost town feels like you're losing on your home ground Could somebody love me through August eyes?ā€ An overall beautiful song that you should definitely throw on any folk playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€” 608 - Carlie Hanson ā€¢ I sent this song to so many people this week. I have listened to it at least 200 times on repeat over and over again. The vocal production combined with the breakdown in the bridge is genius! I had heard some of Carlieā€™s music but this song, to me, really proves how fucking smart Carlie and her team are. She is navigating a path with no one else for her to be compared to and therefore no one blocking her way to unbridled success. Itā€™s hard to describe this song in words so just listen to it!

FIVE ā€” Know Me - Lucas Home ā€¢ I first heard of Lucas through Seth Sutchā€™s artist radio. I listened to his entire discography and this song really stood out to me. As Iā€™ve said before, we are living in an era of commercialized hip-hop, due to social media and marketing gimmicks. Authenticity often takes a backseat to trends, whereas this song arrives as a refreshing gust of lyrical honesty and self-awareness.The minimalist beats serve as a sort of canvas upon which Lucas Home is able to paint his thoughts and experiences. The production never overpowers the lyrics, allowing Home's words to take center stage, a rarity in a genre often marked by overpowering soundscapes. Definitely check it out if you havenā€™t already. 

SIX ā€” Pretending -Goldie Boutilier ā€¢ I have never struggled so much to choose which song by an artist I want to feature on a rotation. Goldie Boutilier recently released two songs that sonically could not oppose each other more, but both of them really say ā€œfuck youā€ to the typical song format. I ended up choosing this song because I wanted everyone who follows this playlist to experience the same intrigue that I did when I first heard it. I remember thinking ā€œhow are we at the end of the second verse with over three minutes left in the song.ā€ You would assume that surely this song could be cut down a little but, but then you would be wrong. Every second of this song matters and Goldieā€™s voice is so unique that Iā€™d honestly listen to her sing just about anything. Goldie Boutilier is truly a star in every way shape and form. P.S. please please please also go listen to her other new song ā€œPsycho.ā€ Itā€™s another masterpiece. 

SEVEN ā€”  Mentiras - Raulito Del Sol ā€¢ I canā€™t quite remember when I first came across Raulito Del Solā€™s music but when I saw he had a new song out I went to listen to it immediately. Similar to his other songs, the chorus is incredibly infectious (even if you donā€™t speak Spanish). The production has more depth than some of his other songs in the past have had which really shows how he is evolving with each and every release. What I love the most about this song is how it balances the raw intensity of its subject matter with an arrangement that greatly elevates the listening experience (in my opinion). Put this song on any Pop Latino or maybe even Reggaeton playlist youā€™re curating. 

ONEā€” Dizzy - Sun Child ā€¢ This is the second song I have posted from Sun Child. Her music makes me feel like I did when I heard Birdy for the first time. I am all of a sudden drowning in how intentionally vulnerable the tone of her voice is. Her Spotify bio describes her as being a ā€œdreamy folk artistā€ which is so incredibly apt. She fully embodies this description. This particular song is off of her latest EP ā€œEverything,ā€ which I can assure you is a no-skips project. Thankfully, Sun Child (Brooke Garwood) agreed to let me interview her about this project, so stay tuned for that!

TWO ā€”  Honeydew (02) - Isaia Huron ā€¢ I was so confused by this entire project at first. I devoured LIBBIE when it first came out in 2020. So when I saw a notification for a new song called ā€œHoneydew (02),ā€ I had to investigate further. This is such a beautiful reproduction of a stunning song. The harmonies are subtle but important. I love, love, love this line from the first verse, ā€œYour fragrance was bolder than mine for the first time Sweet smell of honeydew. You sprayed more than you usually did, so I won't forget you. I remember you.ā€ A skilled storyteller with a voice like that is going to go far, and Iā€™m excited to watch what he does next.

THREEā€” By Design - mmeadows ā€¢ The subtle groove of this beat paired with the cadence of the vocals on the verse and pre-chorus is one of the more original things I have heard on a song this year. The random trumpet snippets woven throughout the song? Chef's kiss! There are so many elements in this song that alone donā€™t appear to be overly remarkable but together make an incredible alt-pop song. This song is off their latest album ā€œLight Moves Around You.ā€ The album is full of gems, but some of my other favorites are ā€œTestifyā€ and ā€œCircling Down.ā€

FOUR ā€” FAMJAM4000 - Jordan Ward ā€¢ Jordan Ward needs no introduction from me, but my brother sent me his latest project, which I somehow missed, and I couldnā€™t let a rotation go by without adding this song. If, somehow, you are unfamiliar with Jordan Ward, this is a great song to show you what heā€™s about. However, I strongly urge you to check out the rest of the album. What I love so much about this song is that my favorite part is the melody on the verses. That so rarely happens. Lyrics in verses are often strong, but the melody isnā€™t always there to back it up. That is not the case here. It is so so so damn good.

FIVE ā€” love you forever - VƉRITƉ ā€¢ These goddamn vocal runsā€¦ I listened to this song so many times in the car this week, and I tried so, so hard to mimic how she sings in the first verse, but I couldnā€™t even get close. So much skill there paired with a beautiful lyrical message made this song an easy choice for the rotation this week. I think most people who are interested in music heard her song ā€œSomebody Elseā€ which was released in 2016, but I would strongly urge you to check out this latest project if you havenā€™t already. It is absolutely incredible.

SIX ā€” Money - Lola Young ā€¢ I found this song on my Discover Weekly this week, and as I was listening to the lyrics, I thought Lola Young was surely in her mid-thirties. The picture she paints in the first verse is so vivid and heartbreaking. To find out she is in her early 20s took me by complete surprise. Her voice and songwriting abilities are mature far beyond her years, which only makes the thought of her future in this industry all the more exciting.

SEVEN ā€”  Join the Club - Tilly Louise ā€¢ After months of bullying, I was finally able to get some song recs from a friend of mine who has arguably better taste in music than I do. This song effortlessly blends pop and alt-rock with unapologetic lyrics that bring a poignant twist, reminding us, or me at least, of life's transient nature and the importance of embracing both the highs and the lows. This bittersweet, joyful energy lets you reflect and jump in excitement all at once, making it a truly revel-worthy experience.

ONEā€” SANTA BARBARA - Daniel Delacour ā€¢ I found Daniel through stalking Spaceybaby radio every week. I canā€™t even remember the first song I first heard from him but I was an instant fan. This is Danielā€™s latest release and the chorus is going to make you want to run, noā€¦ sprint! to the nearest club and pray this song comes on. While youā€™re obsessing over his discography the way I have this week, make sure to also check out ā€œLa Curaā€ and ā€œNo Puedo.ā€ Those are my other favorites of his that I could not recommend more. 

TWO ā€”  Forever Thing - Frex ā€¢ You have probably heard ā€œOxford Circusā€ by Frex which came out in 2022. I fell in love with that song immediately and did not think she could top it, but she definitely did with this latest release. It gives the simplicity and airy vocals of someone like JhenĆ© Aiko, but has a lyrical quality that is completely unique. The tasteful way every element of the song blends together is incredibly satisfying to listen to. 10/10 release. 

THREEā€” Bad News / Good News - Lindsey Lomis ā€¢ To be perfectly honest with everyoneā€” this song got put on the rotation as soon as I heard that guitar intro. The entire time I was listening to this I kept being more and more impressed. There are so many layers and dimensions to this songā€”which is something that I have come to expect from Lindsey Lomisā€” but this song takes it to a whole new level. The switch up from the pre-chorus to the chorus is unlike anything I have heard before and I was truly in awe listening to it. 

FOUR ā€” She Comes Home - Banfi ā€¢ For the last ten years I have listened to and loved the song ā€œNomadsā€ from Joe Banfi. I would check in every so often to see if he had any new releases and would be disappointed every time. This week, my dumb ass finally realized he rebranded to Banfi and has been releasing music this whole time. It honestly felt like Christmas to catch up with everything he has released. This is by no means his latest release, but itā€™s a song that I kept returning to and really resonated with. Banfiā€™s voice is such a gift and I hope you take the time to listen to everything else he has put out.

FIVE ā€” Bang Bang - Momma ā€¢ Our resident curator Jordan introduced me to Momma right as I was finalizing the rotation this week. He originally sent me their song ā€œSpeeding 72ā€ which has an addictively catchy chorus, but I wanted to highlight their latest release because of the infectious guitar riff and post-chorus melody. This is a perfect Summer release from them and I will spend the next few weeks absorbing the rest of their discography on Spotify. 

SIX ā€” PANIC - Yonaka ā€¢ I had the privilege of asking the trio that makes up Yonakaā€”Theresa Jarvis on vocals, George Edwards on guitar, and Alex Crosby on bass and keyboardsā€” a few questions at a press conference last week. I was overwhelmed by how articulate and passionate they were about their past and upcoming music. This song is one of their most recent releases that is an anthem for those struggling with mental health. The accompanying music video beautifully illustrates the songā€™s message about the out-of-body experience panic attacks can induce. The visuals are captivating, and I implore anyone who appreciates good music and masterful visuals to check out Yonaka if they havenā€™t already. 

SEVEN ā€”  run away - Jindiff ā€¢ Jindiff was the first artist to submit their music to our site. He has been incredibly patient with me as I struggled to find a rotation to place him on. I think when I first heard his music almost a year ago now I knew there was an overwhelming potential but that the music didnā€™t quite suit what I was going for. This release proved my earlier suspicions to be correct that Jindiff has an acute ear for catchy melodies and dynamic hooks. Iā€™m very excited to see where his career takes him and am honored for him to be my first artist submission. 

ONEā€” In The Wild - Anna Graves ā€¢ Catch yourself screaming ā€œIn The Wildā€ at every turn after listening to this song. This is one of those choruses that stopped me in my tracks and had me start the song over again because I could not get over how perfectly the note on ā€˜Wildā€™ hit. This is the latest release from Anna Graves. I love how the production is sparse enough that it allows her voice to not only shine through but demand your attention. This is the song that inspired me to do an all-female rotation this week because god damn can this girl sing. 

TWO ā€”  Underdog - Zinadelphia ā€¢ Zinadelphia was on my first playlist rotation I did almost nine months ago. I would have put all my money down to bet on her success and I am so happy to see that I so far seem to be overwhelmingly right. For this song in particular, the ability to start out so soft with the most minimal guitar melody only to go with a full rock anthem chorus proves that Zinadelphia is not only a singer for the ages but also an incredible overall artist. She knows exactly what sheā€™s doing and I do not think she can be stopped.

THREEā€” Affair with the Moon - Lidia Solomon ā€¢ This is my current comfort song. I wake up and put it on first thing when Iā€™m stretching and trying to center myself. I put it on when I am stressed from work in the middle of the day and need to find inner peace. I put it on when Iā€™m about to go to sleep to lull me into to a comfortable slumber. The tone of Lidiaā€™s voice is so stunningly alluring and vulnerable and I believe everything she is saying. This song is one people will turn to for years to come to get them through any and all emotions. It is a masterpiece. 

FOUR ā€” Wild Tension - Lila Gray ā€¢ This song is another beautiful artist submission. I knew from the first second that I heard it that I was going to put it on a rotation but Lila was patient with my vision of having an all-female rotation. This song comes from Lilaā€™s latest album ā€œWild Tensionā€ and really is the centerpiece that the rest of the album builds itself around. The line ā€œWe drink until it all makes senseā€ stuck out to me because the confusion and chaos of it paired so perfectly with the fast-paced guitar melody. I highly highly recommend checking out this album and Lilaā€™s other work. You will not be disappointed. 

FIVE ā€” Summer Love - Annalise Azadian ā€¢ I, like most people Iā€™m sure, first heard Annalise in 2020 through her song BOGU$. Her voice drew me in immediately. The R&B alternative fusion can get lazy very quickly but Annaliseā€™s lyrics and voice are so much more intentional than the mainstream. Her songs definitely do not all sound like each other which is something I have a deep profound respect for. I know this song is not necessarily new, but I always find myself coming back to it and wanted to make sure it was added to the rotation. 

SIX ā€” Drive Slow - Lilly Hart ā€¢ I first heard Lilly Hart in a coffee shop. Within 20 seconds, I had whipped Shazam out. The way her vibrato is so full and dramatic captivated me immediately. As I was doing my research on her this week, I found an interview where she mentioned that she doesnā€™t feel like her music fits into one genre. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Alternative? Sureā€” but that isnā€™t the whole story. Iā€™m not even sure if a fusion of two genres really covers everything that was touched on in her latest project ā€œOverrated: Complicated.ā€ Lilly Hart is here to surprise you at every turn and we should all feel grateful. 

SEVEN ā€”  Vaporized - Sea Lemon ā€¢ This song was a fan submission! I had never heard Sea Lemon before and reveled in listening to her entire discography this week. In all of her music, she has this refined gift for taking a genre, indie rock/pop, that can sometimes feel muddled and overproduced, and making sure every element blends together seamlessly. In her latest release, the chorus grabs you immediately with an equally infectious lead guitar and leaves you searching for updates on when the next song is coming out. A true musical gift!

ONEā€” AMANDA - Amanda Movio ā€¢ It takes an incredibly special artist and captivating song for the chorus to be the artistā€™s own name. When I first saw the title I thought ā€œNo, thatā€™s going to be a skip from me.ā€ But then I heard how the first verse flows to the pre-chorus and I regretted ever thinking this song would be anything short of delightfully charismatic. I love love love anything Jazz Fusion so I may be a little biased here but I believe this song really stands out from the crowd because once it starts it never stops. Every part is different and unique ensuring the listener will never get bored and always listen to the end. That is quite the challenge for anything in the Jazz arena and I highly commend Amanda Movio for rising to it. 

TWO ā€”  Through The Dark - FACESOULā€¢ This song may be a few years old but the vocal tone on the chorus of AMANDA, the previous song, immediately made me think of FACESOUL with this song in particular becoming my main fixation. For those who are not familiar with FACESOUL, his 2021 album YSRA is a fantastic journey through spiritual and emotional turmoil and healing. Every song has its own story to tell and the sparse instrumentation with stunning vocals and vocal layering made this album one of my favorites of 2021. It was definitely not talked about enough. I am patiently awaiting new music because FACESOUL is the real god damn deal. 

THREEā€” Have A Nice Day -DYVN, Kabwasa ā€¢ I wonā€™t lie to youā€” I stumbled upon this song by accident. I was listening to and thoroughly enjoying Kabwasaā€™s latest album ā€œKabwasa Presentsā€¦Supa Heavy Funkā€ when I noticed this song under his ā€œPopular Releases.ā€ This introduced me to DYVN and my week was immediately made better. His latest album ā€œWAVESā€ is filled with chill jazz-infused beats with several incredible features. It is the perfect Summer album and has been heavily on rotation for me this week. Other notable tracks include ā€œUpward Circles,ā€ ā€œGo Time,ā€ and ā€œWait!ā€

FOUR ā€” Cold Feet - Callinsick ā€¢ This song is Callinsickā€™s only track on Spotify and is from almost two years ago. For that reason, I had been hesitant to put it on the rotation but in the end, I knew that I listen to it far too often for it to not make the cut. What I love about this song is how the vocals are so polished that they end up standing out even though you can tell that they are mixed to blend seamlessly with the beat. Listening closer, the lyrics ā€œCold feet and eyes on the concrete. Seems like in time you could tell me more. But you never really talk about it. More time that I could be wastingā€ broke me. An experience that anyone who has been in a struggling relationship or friendship can relate to. I just think this song is overall incredible and Callinsick is another artist that I will be patiently waiting to hear more music from. 

FIVE ā€” Cover My Eyes - Fwango ā€¢ This song is one of two submissions that made the rotation this week! Jordan, our resident curator, sent me this song saying he found it from TikTok but that I shouldnā€™t treat it as such. From that, I took it to mean that some artists who make music for TikTok end up writing half a song that blows up as a sound and then rush to complete it which is very evident in the music. This song is not that. The production here is incredible and takes me back to 90ā€™s indie rock in the best way. The energy that is given in this song makes me as the listener immediately go to the Internet to see where their next show is and how can I get tickets. An overall 10/10 submission. 

SIX ā€” Montana - Phil NDL ā€¢ This song is the second submission I received this week that made it onto the rotation. Within 60 seconds of listening, I threw it on my roadtrip playlist. Starting a song off with a 30-second heavy guitar melody and the lyrics ā€œItā€™s a free world I canā€™t put the reigns on youā€ ā€” I should say, that is what I believe the lyrics are. I wasnā€™t able to verify them onlineā€” is a guaranteed road trip hit. I listened to all of Phil NDLā€™s discography this week and his production skills really are unmatched. This latest release only further bolsters that point. Everything is mixed beautifully and I couldnā€™t think of a thing Iā€™d change even if I wanted to. 

SEVEN ā€”  Days Begun - Scott J Brice ā€¢ A large percentage of the people I follow on Instagram were posting and raving about this song this week so obviously I had to check it out. I was not disappointed. The lyrics ā€œI want to grow old the way that I want to grow the way that I wantā€ is an incredibly powerful line that almost goes unnoticed because of how beautifully simple the rest of the song is. ā€˜Simpleā€™ in this context is not to be confused with lacking skill or depth. Everything here is crafted and mixed perfectly. I love the reliable, consistent guitar riff and vocal cadence. This is Scottā€™s first release on Spotify and I am anxiously awaiting more.

ONEā€” Cherry - MINOE ā€¢ MINOE is a breath of fresh air. The profound level of insecurity she is capturing in these lyrics takes you on a journey that far too many of us can relate to. The end of the song left me as a listener with a sense of catharsis which is a hard skill in songwriting. Far too often there are songs that can leave you feeling unresolved whereas this song tells a complete story with nothing left to question. It only helps that MINOEā€™s voice is incredibly distinct and full of talent. Truly a rising star. 

TWO ā€”  Anymore - Gayathri Krishnan ā€¢ I have no idea how I hadnā€™t heard of Gayathri Krishnan. She truly has one of the most interesting vocal talents I have ever heard. While the vocal melodies seemingly skew towards classical Indian, a very well-established genre, the mix of that with R&B songwriting and percussion makes this song so delightfully intriguing. I became obsessed with her EP ā€œArunchalaā€ this week and I highly, highly recommend checking it out if you havenā€™t already. 

THREEā€” DID U RLY? - SAYAK DAS ā€¢  My favorite part of this song is the call and response of the demanding guitars and the lighter melodic rhythm. The bluesy ballad oscillates between rock and Blues/R&B which I think is a risky but rewarding combination when it pays off. I was so impressed by this single but the entire EP is worth mentioning. The five-song project does not have a single bad song which honestly surprised me. My second favorite off this project has to be VICIOUS but you really should just check out the whole project. 

FOUR ā€” The Boys - Rachel Mae Hannon ā€¢ I think Rachel Mae Hannon has so much depth and range in her voice. She can sing the lowest notes with the same amount of power and skill as her upper register. She doesnā€™t favor either which is such a beautifully challenging skill to craft. What I love about this song in particular is that itā€™s driven by this syncopated guitar riff that makes the song more fun and upbeat than the lyrics would have allowed on their own. I love this song so much and I know you will too. 

FIVE ā€” No Good for Me - Jahna Amani ā€¢ This song has the catchiest hook on the rotation. It may honestly have one of the best hooks I have heard so far this year. The harmonies woven throughout this song are incredibly mesmerizing. For only having three songs out, Jahna Amani is coming into this game with an incredibly strong discography that is refusing to be ignored. Her other songs ā€œNotice Meā€ and ā€œWelcome to 20ā€ are equally as well-crafted. Jahna Amani is going to be a force to be reckoned with. 

SIX ā€” Amore - Maria - Therese ā€¢ To me, this recently released single exudes a sense of joy, spontaneity, and modern romance. My favorite part is how the vocal harmonies dance effortlessly, intertwining with the guitar and lead vocal. Itā€™s one of the most sonically pleasing songs I have heard so far this year and I am so in awe of all of Maria-Thereseā€™s work.

SEVEN ā€”  WHERE FLOWERS GO TO DIE - Araya ā€¢ This song came to me late in the week. I first heard it Tuesday night and had to bump off my original choice for this spot to add this song. Arayaā€™s voice wrapped itself around my heart and immediately made me feel incredibly emotional. The tone of his voice along with the painful lyrics led me to my final opinion of this song which is that it is a testament to Arayaā€™s ability to create music that transcends boundaries, connecting with listeners (or just me) on a profound level.

ONEā€” A Tale of the Twin Flame - Kweku Collins ā€¢ I have been anxiously awaiting this project. I was a huge fan of his 2017 album Gray and devoured this album when it came out back in February. I donā€™t know why it took me until now to put this song on the rotation but I just found myself going back to it a lot this week. I immensely love the lyrics ā€œAs time went on we shot roots from the heart. And things changed within and without us lady. We may have been chosen. The story is ancient. The tale of the twin flames.ā€ I think Collinsā€™ poetic lyricism shines through on this song in particular and really drives the rest of the album. An overall 10/10.

TWO ā€”  Confetti - Julia Bhatt ā€¢ This song is off of Juliaā€™s 2022 album ā€œit is what it isā€ I think this whole album is so unique. None of the songs sound like they should go together but then you listen to the whole album front to back and it becomes this incredibly cohesive project that blew me away. This song in particular is upbeat and a perfect fun song to throw on any indie or roadtrip playlist. Apologies in advance for the chorus being stuck in your head for at least the first 72 hours after hearing it. 

THREEā€” Hit Me Just a Little - Tino Drima ā€¢ Every time I hear this song I let it fully engulf me. Tinoā€™s voice (Gregory DiMartino) is something worth drowning in. Itā€™s smooth and soulful and you believe everything he is singing about. I think this song has the potential to bring out every mood in the listener. It makes you want to dance, it makes you want to cry, it makes you believe in music again. Overall, a great song all around. 

FOUR ā€” if u want - Keni Titus ā€¢ When I first put this song on I almost skipped it thinking I had heard too many songs like it before. Thankfully, my boyfriend was with me and stopped me from skipping it. Specifically, he said, ā€œJust wait. Iā€™ve heard her before and she is not someone you skip.ā€ My god was he right. The chorus is perfection. No notes. Keni Titus is not only an incredible singer but also a songwriter that everyone should be talking about. 

FIVE ā€” Falling - Dean Brady ā€¢ Now this is how you do a debut. This is Dean Bradyā€™s first song on Spotify. However, it is apparent he has been doing this for a long time. He has too much control on his voice soaring up and down riffs to actually be a novice this industry. I read in an interview about him that he was heavily influenced by artists like Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra which you can definitely hear, but Dean Brady make sure the listener knows that he is not like anyone else and youā€™d better take him seriously. 

SIX ā€” Still - Lauren Juzang ā€¢ I love the lyrics of this song. Simple but powerful. The story is crystal clear right in front of you. Her voice is quietly passionate and you have to really listen to how well-trained her voice actually is. It verges on raspy but then quickly retreats back to delicate and controlled. It is incredibly unique and I more than fell in love with her music this week. 

SEVEN ā€”  Stuck On You - Alice Aera ā€¢ Alice Aera has this old soul voice combined with new and modern lyrics. I think her music goes down  previously uncharted territory which can be risky so thank god it seems to be paying off. I have listened to Aliceā€™s entire discography multiple times and she has yet to put out a bad song. (Also rare!!) so if you do anything this week make sure you at least give her music a listen. It is too good to ignore. 

ONEā€” BOY FEELINGS - CHEEYA ā€¢ When you pair intricate production with crazy talented vocals you automatically have a lot going on in a song. Your ear doesnā€™t quite know where to go to: the vocals, the production, the melodyā€”- it can be hard to enjoy the ride. Itā€™s a tough challenge to be able to blend everything perfectly which is exactly what CHEEYA did with this song. No one part outshines the other making it a perfect blend of a complex mix with alluring vocals. Put this song on any Summer playlist youā€™re curating. 

TWO ā€”  Sober - Earl St. Clair ā€¢ This song transports you back in time. The crooning vocals, the layered choir production, and the dark but relatable lyrics. Earl St. Clair is bringing everything to the table. It is clear from listening to his discography this week that there is a story to tell and not always a happy one. While his lyrics are definitely a masterclass in storytelling, his voice is the star of the show in my opinion. It draws you in and envelopes you in its soul and range. Put this song on any blues or soul playlist youā€™re curating. 

THREEā€” Gaslight - Derik Fein ā€¢ Seductive. That is the word I would use to describe this song. The slow toned down melody sits perfectly under his soaring vocals creating an atmospheric backdrop for the intense emotions conveyed in the song. As I was reading more about Derikā€™s musical journey this week I learned that in 2018, he founded Bodega Records with his wife. In addition, he has stated that he spends his free time educating other artists about the importance of owning their work and distribution. I think this is such an important journey for the future of the music industry and Derik can now consider me a true and lifelong fan. 

FOUR ā€” IF YOUā€™RE GONNA LEAVE ME - Angel White ā€¢ It takes a really great melody and strong lyrics for a Country song to catch my interest. I honestly do not have any of the typical malice towards Country music that other bloggers have, it just tends to not be a genre I listen to that often. I was so impressed by this chorus that I had to put it on the rotation this week. Angel White can write a god damn song. The sultry tone of his voice is really just the perfect cherry on top. Put this song on any Country playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€” Moroccan Oranges - Olive Louise ā€¢ Olive Louise, apart from having one of the cooler names I have ever heard, paints a hauntingly sad but beautiful picture of grief and loss with her latest single. Her voice soars when it hits the upper register and you can hear how hard she has worked with her vocal control and range. Itā€™s really impressive to listen to. She is absolutely one to watch. 

SIX ā€” Roll The Credits - Danielle Ponder ā€¢ I am obsessed with Danielle Ponder. Her 2022 album ā€œSome Of Us Are Braveā€ is one of my top ten favorite albums of all time. This is her latest single that I cannot stop listening to. I just think she has one of the most interesting and creatively crafted voices of our time. I dare you to find me a song that is skippable in her discography because there simply arenā€™t any and I refuse to hear otherwise. On top of having a voice of a generation, her songwriting and melodies always come together perfectly to fit each individual song. I just really love her, if you couldnā€™t already tell.

SEVEN ā€”  Low Bar - Libby Thompson ā€¢ This is my new single. Listen to it, or donā€™t! Up to you! 

ONEā€” Never Go Home - dev soter ā€¢ After a mini hiatus, this new single from dev soter is both a familiar but refreshing reentrance into his music journey. What I love about this song is that you don't need to wait for the chorus to be hooked. The slower toned-down melody allows listeners to be consumed by the lyrics, which sets you up perfectly for the catchy guitar riff in the pre-chorus and explosive chorus. The contrast between how quiet the song begins to how all-consuming the chorus is proves that dev knows exactly what he is doing. Put this song on any indie playlist you're curating.

TWOā€” Sorrow - Konyikeh ā€¢ I love Konyikeh's voice more than I can describe in words. It is so warm and has notes of a true old soul. This is her first song on Spotify, and it is a powerful entrance onto the scene. The jazzy percussion and bass line are both seductive and inventive. She is clearly fighting for a top spot among this year's emerging artists, and based on this release, my money is on her.

THREEā€” gum. v91 - Devon Again ā€¢ This is some of the most impressive songwriting I have ever come across. Not because it's overtly profound or riddled with complex metaphors, but because of the simple storytelling that paints one of the clearest pictures I've heard in songwriting. I could not stop playing this song on repeat this week. If you haven't heard it yet, I imagine you will feel the same about Devon Again soon enough. She is a musical gem.

FOURā€” DIZZY PPL BECOME BLURRY - Saya Gray ā€¢ Genre-less. That is the perfect word, or made-up word, to describe Saya Gray. This is some of the wildest yet interestingly intentional production I've heard in a minute. I love the chaos. This whole album, QWERTY, makes no sense but yet works perfectly together. I love artists that take risks like this. There is no one out there to compare her to, which is a bold path to take, and I heavily respect her for it.

FIVEā€” Little Bug - Julia Pratt ā€¢ At first, this song comes off as unassuming. Something that maybe you've heard before and don't need to hear again. Then Julia really starts singing. The vibrato she has is nothing like anything I've ever heard before. It makes every note worth paying attention to. Around 2:30 when she starts singing 'You gotta go,' it is nothing short of breathtaking. Needless to say, I am obsessed.

SIXā€” Ascension - Sarah Kinsley ā€¢ I had the privilege of listening to Sarah talk about her most recent project 'Ascension' and asking her a couple of questions about how it came to be. She talked passionately about how the influences of classical music have guided her to where she is today. She is a very intentional speaker, so I won't pretend to aptly iterate her vision in this project. However, I can say that on this song in particular, you can hear how gifted of a musician and producer she truly is. She is known for having these captivating intros, and this song is no different. The entire song is haunting and unique. Overall, everything Sarah does is impressive and exciting. She is definitely one to watch.

SEVENā€” Right Kind Of Crazy - Devon Gilfillian ā€¢ This may be a hot take, but I think when I first heard "Starboy" by The Weeknd and even "After Hours" in some songs, I always thought there was this specific sound he was going for but he wasn't quite hitting the mark. Devon Gilfillian is the mark. His music is fun and light but also captivating enough where you are not going to skip anything he puts out. I am not comparing the artists to each other because they each have their own strengths, but there was definitely a space in the music industry for what the Weeknd has been attempting to fill when really it should be this song every time. Devon Gilfillian is a true musical genius.

ONEā€” Honey - Lance Redeker, AG Club, Sam Truth ā€¢ This is the trio I did not know I needed. I read other reviews about this release, and we all agree that this song was destined to be a summer anthem. The rhythmic baseline seals the deal. The last chorus, which adds a choir of people all singing the same lyrics, closes out the song with an overwhelming sense of joy that makes me smile every time I listen to it.

TWOā€” Hahaha - Ni'jah, KIRBY ā€¢ I think this is KIRBY's third appearance on this rotation, but I can't get enough of this album. Swarm had me in a chokehold for the week that I binged it, and that is, in no small part, due to KIRBY's voice shining through as Ni'jah. If you haven't watched Swarm yet, at least listen to the album. You will not regret it.

THREEā€”PIRATE RADIO - Jean Dawson ā€¢ Jean Dawson has always been good at evoking raw emotion from his music, consistently making the listener, or at least me as a listener, feel extreme highs and lows when listening. This song surpasses everything he has ever made, in my opinion. I have cried multiple times this week listening to this song. I have also thrown it on at the gym and run for longer than I thought was even possible for me. It has fueled and inspired me ever since I first heard it, and I am so very thankful for Jean Dawson this week.

FOURā€” Breaking Free - SopĆ« ā€¢ I can't remember exactly how I came to find SopĆ«, but I am really glad I did. I think her falsetto is her strong suit, which is honestly very rare. Her voice just glides so effortlessly in the upper octave that you have to go back and listen a second time to really internalize her lyrics. This is SopĆ«'s most recent single, but you should check out her full discography if you haven't already. Put this song, in particular, on any R&B playlist you're curating.

FIVEā€” Jordan 1s - Vv Pete, UTILITY ā€¢ I found this song on Fresh Finds, and I just thought the beat and flow were too catchy not to throw on the rotation this week. With only four songs on Spotify, Vv Pete is making a name for herself with her original approach of combining dance music with poignant rap hooks. I am interested to see where her career takes her because it is only up from here.

SIXā€” freeways - posey la fleur ā€¢ This song brought me straight back to 2015 when I first heard Alina Baraz. Where Posey Le Fleur stands out and makes a name for herself is the deep lyrical themes woven through these airy, light melodies. It takes a very active listener to get the full experience of her music. She is definitely one whose career I will be watching closely.

SEVENā€” Living For Today - Terrell Hines ā€¢ This song is from a few years ago, and Terrell Hines has put out numerous amazing songs since its release. I added this particular song to the rotation this week because the message in the lyrics resonated with me. I think a lot of us have been having mini-existential crises these past few years, with so much in the world changing around us. Every time I hear these lyrics, 'Yeah, we're all gonna fade away and dissolve into yesterday. What are we gonna leave in our wake? We're just living for today,' I feel calmer and more reassured that being present in the life you are living now is more important than any other anxiety about what the future may hold. It is a very important song to me so I wanted to make sure you guys heard and appreciated it as well..

ONEā€” So Many Ways to Get Downtown- PrĆ³xima Parada ā€¢ This is about 90 seconds longer than I typically would prefer, however, in this song, PrĆ³xima Parada makes every second matter. The instrumental could be its own song honestly. The falsetto that comes in around minute two took me by surprise in the best way. The way the vocals are able to shift back and forth between falsetto and belting is impressive and makes me desperate to see it performed live. Put this song on any upbeat indie playlist youā€™re curating 

TWO ā€”  Moving On - Naomi Banks ā€¢ I know this song isnā€™t Naomiā€™s most recent single but I had to put it on the rotation this week. I first heard it back in 2021 and must have forgotten about it because when I heard it again this week I thought to myself ā€œwhere was this song hiding and how many times can I listen to it in the next 24 hours?ā€ I just think the chorus is beautifully simple but catchy at the same time. Naomi also has an incredible vibrato that shines with the vocal layering here. 

THREEā€” Electric Photograph - Cupidon, Ric Wilson, Jereena Montemayor ā€¢ If I ever make merch for this blog then Jordan Monaghan is getting an unlimited free supply because there are some weeks where I donā€™t know if I would be able to make a rotation without him. This song was sent to me last Friday and was the perfect way to start Memorial Day weekend. Itā€™s hard to choose my favorite part of this song but if I had to it would have to be how the trumpet is interwoven throughout the melody. It rounds out the song and makes it that much more fun. Put this song on any Summer playlist youā€™re curating

FOUR ā€” Hwy 40 - Lesthegenius ā€¢ This song honestly came to me through my Discover Weekly playlist so shoutout to Spotify. As I was listening to his discography this week, I was surprised I hadnā€™t heard of Lesthegenius sooner because he has yet to miss on a release. This is his most recent single but I highly recommend listening to his discography from start to finish. My personal favorites are Roses and 05 Honda Accord.

FIVE ā€”  Serial - Tora - i ā€¢ I donā€™t like to put artists on here more than once but I had to highlight this new album from Tora - i. I cherish every release from her and always get so lost in her voice and melodies. Whoever is mixing her vocals is the best in the game right now because they are stunning every time. I refuse to choose favorites off this album so just go listen to it from start to finish (preferably multiple times in a row). 

SIX ā€” Limbo - Lion Sphere ā€¢ I think this song is so unique in that nothing can be anticipated. In most songs, you can kind of guess where a melody is going to go or how it will revert from the chorus back to the verse but this song keeps you on your toes. I find that a lot of Lion Sphereā€™s songs are like that which is what makes them so intriguing to me. 

SEVEN ā€” Woman No - Katie Tupper ā€¢ This song is one of Katieā€™s recent releases. She has put out three singles this year and this is by far my favorite. I think the lyrics in the second verse are perfect. Not too wordy, heavy with intent, and sung with a beautiful melody. Katieā€™s voice is so soothing that itā€™s hard to not be drawn to anything she sings. Iā€™m hoping these singles are leading to an album because that is just what we need to start off the Summer.

ONEā€” Heathens - Bensbeendead, Nate Traveller ā€¢ Is it even possible to have a bad day when Bensbeendead releases a new song? I donā€™t think so. As I have written here before, there is no one, in my humble unbiased opinion, who understands songwriting better than Bensbeendead. There is so much layering and depth in the production that not enough people listen closely at the stories woven in his songs. The choice of adding Nate Traveller to this song is just the chefā€™s kiss. The vocal harmonies on his feature really take this song to the next level. 

TWO ā€”  The Former - Steinza ā€¢ This song has potentially the prettiest bridge I have heard so far this year. When I first heard this song I immediately said ā€œOh I love this band! It reminds me of Head and the Heart!ā€ To find out this song was from a solo project floored me. I am in awe. Do not take your eyes off Steinza because this guy is going places. 

THREEā€” Upside Down - Chloe ParchĆ© ā€¢ While I definitely appreciate a good intro, I also love when songs donā€™t take any time, jump right in, and get you hooked immediately. Chloe ParchĆ© knew exactly what she was doing when she chose this beat. I am sure I am not the first person to note that you can hear a lot of Gabrielle Aplin in her voice, but she definitely stands out in where she chooses to place her riffs and vibrato. Not to mention, her melodies are undoubtedly catchier. Put this song on any upbeat indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

FOUR ā€” Ball & Chain - Rich ā€¢ This song came to me through my Discover Weekly playlist and I have been listening to it on repeat. Everyone has that song that they immediately put on when they get in the car or any mode of transport and that has been this song for me. I immediately fell in love with the tone of Richā€™s voice and the pre-chorus. Make sure to also check out his new song ā€œTennessee Whiskey.ā€ A track that shows off some stunning falsetto riffs.

FIVE ā€”  Crying My Eyes Out - Frawley ā€¢ This song was submitted to me, but even if it hadnā€™t been, Frawley would have made it on this rotation at some point. Frawley has one of those voices that can fit into any genre. You can hear her on Pop, Country, Indie, and everything in between. Frawley has several singles out but this latest one is easily my favorite. I think her storytelling abilities keep improving with every song she puts out and this one is no exception. The combination of the confidence in her vocals and her skilled lyricism make her easily one of the top rising pop stars of the moment.  

SIX ā€” If I Showed You - Henry Verus ā€¢ I first found Henry Verus from his song WHOEVER which was the one I originally was going to put on the rotation. Then I heard his latest song. If you are familiar with Henryā€™s work you will know that the vocals here are not what you normally expect from him. There is a particular vulnerability in his tone here that is incredibly encapsulating. For lack of a better phrase, this guy has clearly been through some shit. I love this direction he is taking and I hope to hear more songs similar to this. 

SEVEN ā€” High Life - Sophie May ā€¢ This song is about the lyrics. Sophie Mayā€™s voice is stunning and powerful but my god you need to pay close attention to every word that is said here. I canā€™t even choose which line I love the most. It almost feels as if this song was originally a poem put to music. The imagery makes her a contemporary with Bensbeendead who I put earlier on this rotation. This is lyrical perfection.  

ONEā€” ĀæQuĆ© Tiene? - Ximena SariƱana ā€¢ This is the first week where it actually feels like summer so I had to put my favorite summer song on the rotation to start us off. While Ximena SariƱana is a huge star and needs no introduction from me I just wanted to make sure everyone who listens to this playlist got a chance to put this song on their 2023 Summer playlist so we can all start this season off on the right foot.  

TWO ā€”  amelie - Katie Simpson ā€¢ The vocal layering on this song stopped me in my tracks. The fact she produces her own music is such a testament to her skills as a musician. The combination of the lyrics, the voice AND the incredible production being done this well by one person is remarkable. Put this song on any sad girl indie playlist youā€™re curating. And watch out for Katie Simpson because the career ahead of her is going to be very exciting to watch. 

THREEā€” Follow Me - Ogiā€¢ It was way too hard to choose which song off this EP that I wanted to feature this week. I have listened to the whole EP front to back multiple times since it came out. ā€œI Got Itā€ was definitely the front-runner for a while but ā€œFollow Meā€ has stuck with me the most. I love the matter-of-fact tone in her lyrics and the no-bullshit cadence in how she delivers them. This is an excellent project and I canā€™t way to see what she puts out next. 

FOUR ā€” Scaredy Pants - Venus & the Flytraps ā€¢ Everything about this song made me think it had to have been released in the ā€™90s. The band name, the guitar melody, the vocal mixing, itā€™s like they pulled it out of a 90ā€™s time capsule. That is what makes it perfect. Since Olivia Rodrigo came on the scene it feels like several people have tried to imitate her sound and fail miserably. Venus & the Flytraps stand so beautifully away from the rest of that crowd. They know exactly what theyā€™re doing and are not trying to be anyone else. This is an overall unsurprisingly amazing release.

FIVE ā€”  If You Leave- Giift ā€¢ This week is the first time I heard Giiftā€™s music. She recently put out a beautiful single titled ā€œLonelyā€ that drew me to her page. After listening to her entire discography I couldnā€™t help but share one of her older songs on the rotation this week. The vocals on this bridge are so raw and beautifully sung that I needed to make sure everyone who listens to this playlist heard it. Put this song on any downtempo R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

SIX ā€” WAISTBIN- John-Robert ā€¢ My favorite part about this song is how the story told in these lyrics sits on top of the beat that matches the emotions being articulated so perfectly. The intro almost reminds me of someone crying which sets the tone for the song perfectly. John-Robert has put out several amazing songs for someone so young. My personal favorites are Nova Scotia and USMO from his 2021 project ā€œHealthy Baby Boy, Pt. 1ā€

SEVEN ā€” Momentary Sweetheart - Deb Never ā€¢ Blasting Deb Never and screaming the lyrics is just a given when driving these days. She captures anger,  frustration, and sadness better than any artist out there. The explosive guitar melody in this song is a bold choice to have on a chorus that has such deep lyrics but damn does she pull it off effortlessly. 

ONEā€” Drugz-GOLDSPACE ā€¢ I have listened to GOLDSPACE for years and they have put out dozens of incredible songs since this one came out in 2019. This song, however, is the one that I always come back to. I love the beat on it and it features their best vocal layering/mixing in my opinion. Put this song on any alt-pop playlist youā€™re curating. 

TWO ā€”  killmeinmysleep- Eli Moon ā€¢ This song got me through 2020. Specifically the lyrics of the first verse: ā€œI haveā€…been hearing voices, But the faces never show, I find it hardāŸtoāŸliveāŸwhen I'm awake. SoāŸwhy's the onlyāŸthing you ever seem to do is take?ā€ I realize this rotation is very lyric-focused but I have been listening to so many songs lately where the vocals are good and the beat is good but the lyrics sound like they are a bad first draft. I return to this song a lot when I am feeling low and lonely in the same way I did in 2020. I owe it a lot and I am very excited for Eli Moon to put out more musicā€¦soon??

THREEā€” Multiple Endings - Ryan Beatty ā€¢ Ryanā€™s voice shines so brightly throughout this whole album. The mixing on this project is profoundly stunning and it helps the listener get completely lost in the music. This song is my favorite, however, due to the lyrics. ā€œAnd still even then, I always write you back. Yeah, I did you wrong, you did me ten times back. Blood washes away, even I know that.ā€ No notes. No notes at all. 

FOUR ā€” White River - Kaitlin Butts ā€¢ This is another song where the vocals pierce through and above everything else on the track in the best way. Kaitlinā€™s voice will not be ignored, nor should it. I think this is the first country song I have featured on here which is embarrassing after six months of playlist rotations. If you listen to the rest of Kaitlinā€™s music you will notice that she does not stay wholly in the country lane and likes to oscillate between other genres which makes her discography very interesting. Another song I would strongly recommend checking out is her gorgeous rendition of ā€œin the pines.ā€

FIVE ā€”  Fight for it - Naji ā€¢ Throw this song on any beach or road trip playlist. The beat and vocals are so fun and infectious that you honestly can play this song at any instance where you can dance. The lyrics contrast the fun vibe slightly with a deeper meaning of trying to stop comparing your life to others and looking for a better life when you can cherish the one you have. Overall, this is an excellent new release from Naji and I think you will all love it as much as I do. 

SIX ā€” TRUMPETS - _BY.ALEXANDER, 070 Shake ā€¢ I know I recently featured 070 Shake on here but this album from BY.ALEXANDER is too good to not mention. For those of you who are not aware, this is the debut album from producer Alex da Kid who used this moniker for his music ventures. The features on this project are crazy but TRUMPETS is the real standout in my opinion. That being said, I really am a sucker for any song that incorporates jazz piano and drums so itā€™s no shock that I put this song at the top of my list

SEVEN ā€” Oj & prosecco - Emilia Ali, Arlo ā€¢ This song brought me back to 2014 Sylvan Esso or even early Cathedrals music in the best way. Similar to how fashion trends continue to come back and haunt us, music has the capacity to do the same. The choppy vocals and abrupt percussion beat donā€™t work for everyone but it is working wonderfully here. Emilia Ali never misses though so falling in love with this song didnā€™t surprise me in the slightest. 

ONEā€” Drugz-GOLDSPACE ā€¢ I have listened to GOLDSPACE for years and they have put out dozens of incredible songs since this one came out in 2019. This song, however, is the one that I always come back to. I love the beat on it and it features their best vocal layering/mixing in my opinion. Put this song on any alt-pop playlist youā€™re curating. 

TWO ā€”  killmeinmysleep- Eli Moon ā€¢ This song got me through 2020. Specifically the lyrics of the first verse: ā€œI haveā€…been hearing voices, But the faces never show, I find it hardāŸtoāŸliveāŸwhen I'm awake. SoāŸwhy's the onlyāŸthing you ever seem to do is take?ā€ I realize this rotation is very lyric-focused but I have been listening to so many songs lately where the vocals are good and the beat is good but the lyrics sound like they are a bad first draft. I return to this song a lot when I am feeling low and lonely in the same way I did in 2020. I owe it a lot and I am very excited for Eli Moon to put out more musicā€¦soon??

THREEā€” Multiple Endings - Ryan Beatty ā€¢ Ryanā€™s voice shines so brightly throughout this whole album. The mixing on this project is profoundly stunning and it helps the listener get completely lost in the music. This song is my favorite, however, due to the lyrics. ā€œAnd still even then, I always write you back. Yeah, I did you wrong, you did me ten times back. Blood washes away, even I know that.ā€ No notes. No notes at all. 

FOUR ā€” White River - Kaitlin Butts ā€¢ This is another song where the vocals pierce through and above everything else on the track in the best way. Kaitlinā€™s voice will not be ignored, nor should it. I think this is the first country song I have featured on here which is embarrassing after six months of playlist rotations. If you listen to the rest of Kaitlinā€™s music you will notice that she does not stay wholly in the country lane and likes to oscillate between other genres which makes her discography very interesting. Another song I would strongly recommend checking out is her gorgeous rendition of ā€œin the pines.ā€

FIVE ā€”  Fight for it - Naji ā€¢ Throw this song on any beach or road trip playlist. The beat and vocals are so fun and infectious that you honestly can play this song at any instance where you can dance. The lyrics contrast the fun vibe slightly with a deeper meaning of trying to stop comparing your life to others and looking for a better life when you can cherish the one you have. Overall, this is an excellent new release from Naji and I think you will all love it as much as I do. 

SIX ā€” TRUMPETS - _BY.ALEXANDER, 070 Shake ā€¢ I know I recently featured 070 Shake on here but this album from BY.ALEXANDER is too good to not mention. For those of you who are not aware, this is the debut album from producer Alex da Kid who used this moniker for his music ventures. The features on this project are crazy but TRUMPETS is the real standout in my opinion. That being said, I really am a sucker for any song that incorporates jazz piano and drums so itā€™s no shock that I put this song at the top of my list

SEVEN ā€” Oj & prosecco - Emilia Ali, Arlo ā€¢ This song brought me back to 2014 Sylvan Esso or even early Cathedrals music in the best way. Similar to how fashion trends continue to come back and haunt us, music has the capacity to do the same. The choppy vocals and abrupt percussion beat donā€™t work for everyone but it is working wonderfully here. Emilia Ali never misses though so falling in love with this song didnā€™t surprise me in the slightest. 

ONEā€” For You Iā€™ll Wait - harf. ā€¢ I added this song to the rotation within 20 seconds of hearing it. I felt like I was a judge on The Voice where they click the buzzer before the singer is even halfway through the song. I just knew from his vocals that this was going to be a song worth listening to. I think it was fate that I first heard this song when I was on a train and could look longingly out the window. This song is perfect for a main character moment and will have you in your feels immediately upon listening. Put this song on any down-tempo indie playlist youā€™re curating and thank me later. 

TWO ā€”  before the sunset - Seth Sutch ā€¢ I found this song on Fresh Finds Hip Hop. I listened to the entire playlist, as I always do, and this was the first song that stuck out to me in a very long time. I also love his message. His Spotify bio says ā€œPromoting positivity through great music & good vibes.ā€ He is doing this through what he calls the ā€œSOULREACHERS Movementā€ which he describes as a ā€œpositive movement for the youth.ā€ I am pretty sure Seth is someone youā€™re going to want to watch as he rises in the industry. He is definitely someone to look up to. 

THREEā€” DONTLEAVEMYSIDE - Ray LaurĆ©l, Jeshi ā€¢ I love a song where I canā€™t immediately think to myself ā€œOh this sounds like ā€¦.ā€ It is rare. Comparisons are not always a bad thing, however, if you can put out a song that is so unique you struggle to find a playlist to put it on you know youā€™ve either found sonic gold or hot garbage. This song, thankfully falls in the former category. I love love love the beat, the melody, and the perfect feature in Jeshi. Honestly, I love everything about it. Check it out and youā€™ll understand what I mean. 

FOUR ā€” Yesterday Was Heaven - Stefan Mahendra ā€¢ This song has already been getting a lot of buzz and I felt compelled to jump on the bandwagon. Stefanā€™s voice is captivating and astounding. I am so drawn to everything he sings and I spent most of his week diving into his whole catalogue. To be honest, I think my favorite part of this song is the outro. The outro can be a throwaway part of a song for many artists but this song is exciting right up until the last second. Put this song on any R&B playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€”   Untamed - Annahstasia ā€¢ There really arenā€™t any words for this song. Annahstasia has a once-in-a-generation voice. You could listen to her sing anything for an endless amount of time yet she has chosen to also grace us with poignant, powerful lyrics. This song is an emotional journey that I never wanted to end. I am so in love with everything that makes up Annahstasia and will be anxiously awaiting to either make it back to Europe to see her live or for her to come to the U.S. 

SIX ā€” Freak - JIL, Salomon Faye ā€¢ This song came up on my Discover Weekly this week and itā€™s one of those songs that I couldnā€™t pinpoint exactly what I loved about it but I kept returning to it all the same. I think the combination of the angelic vocals over a beat that I would normally associate with not having any lyrics it all is an interesting combination that I was drawn to. Adding Salmon Faye to the song was a great changeup too and I think beautifully ties the song together.  

SEVEN ā€” Bloom - R.I.Pablo ā€¢ This song is just pure fun. I always smile when it comes on and I think itā€™s a nice addition to some of the heavier songs I put on the rotation this week. I read an interview from R.I.Pablo recently where he stated that he wants to ā€œmake more music Iā€™ve never heard beforeā€ and that is exactly what this song accomplishes. I am always drawn to any artist that wants to make music that bends genres and canā€™t be put on any clearly defined genre-oriented playlist. Itā€™s a testament to not only his creativity but also a willingness to not take the easiest path to success which is worthy of all of our respect. 

ONEā€” isolate - l.ucas ā€¢ Every part of this song is beautiful and stunning. The piano, the lyrics, the vocals. This song was submitted to me and within 30 seconds of hearing it I put it on the rotation. I then looked through the rest of his discography and while I enjoyed all of it, this song is the winner by far. Definitely follow l.ucas on all socials because I am hoping this is the lane he will continue on and if it is youā€™re going to want to be notified of new music the second it comes out. 

TWO ā€” Sunshine - Tensnake, Panama ā€¢ My good friend Jordan Monaghan is a big reason Lettuce and Cheddar is able to be as diverse as it is in the genres it covers. He originally sent me ā€œTake Your Timeā€ with Teira but as I was listening to their discography Sunshine is the song that stuck with me. It really brings the positive summer vibes that I think we are all craving this week after so much dark and depressing news. It can be hard sometimes to make good music that also evokes genuine positive emotion and I appreciate this song a lot for its ability to do that. 

THREEā€” miranda! - Buppy.  I have listened to Buppy.ā€™s music since he started dropping songs on Spotify and have always been a fan. This latest release, however, has the catchiest hook that I have heard from him and for that reason, I wanted to put it on the playlist this week. One thing I admire so much about Buppy. is his marketing skills. Music Twitter can be exhausting. Endless scrolling through boring self-promo tweets that are incredibly monotonous to read after a while. This is a huge area where Buppy stands out. If you follow him, which you should, youā€™re going to remember what he posts which I think is very important in todayā€™s industry. In sum, Buppy is going places and if you arenā€™t familiar with his music yet this song is a perfect jumping-off point. 

FOUR ā€” Donā€™t Keep It To Yourself - Ruthven ā€¢ I donā€™t know where Ruthven and I was hoping he would drop some new music soon so I could put a recent release on the rotation. Alas, he seems to be taking a hiatus from music so I am going to put my favorite song of his on the blog this week. The production on this is so cool and unique and I donā€™t have a single artist to compare him to. Come back Ruthven! We miss you!

FIVE ā€”  I Lied Again - buffchick ā€¢ This song makes me want to go to a festival. And I am not a festival person. I just feel like the best way to listen to this song is surrounded by thousands of strangers high as hell singing the chorus at the top of your lungs. I love songs like this. buffchick is the stage name for Erin Manion and wow can Erin sing. Her ability to sing so incredibly soft and then belt out a line in the same breath is jaw-dropping. I am so excited to follow her career as it progresses.

SIX ā€” Call Your Mother - Fairhazel ā€¢ The lyrics of this song made me cry. ā€œEven when the road turns you around I hope youā€™re calling your mother. Because of you, she is proud. But you donā€™t tell her the dark days. You donā€™t tell her high. You donā€™t tell her youā€™re ankle-deep in a self-ignited fire.ā€ I feel like so many people can relate to these words and I am in awe of how well Fairhazel was able to articulate such a vulnerable aspect of the relationship we have with our parents. This entire EP, ā€œBath With A Friendā€ is worth listening to with a special shoutout going to Rhododendron for being a beautifully quirky listen. Put this on any indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

SEVEN ā€” Give Me The Moon - Siena Bella ā€¢ I am a sucker for a moody downtempo sad song. I think Siena Bella does a really great job and capturing emotion in all parts of her songs. What I mean by that is you could listen to just the vocal melody, or guitar part or read the lyrics on their own and youā€™d know exactly how she was feeling. Itā€™s a real gift and you should check her out if you havenā€™t already. 

ONEā€” hurt me enough - Nathan Archie ā€¢ Nathan Archie is working overtime to prove that musicians found on TikTok should be taken seriously. His voice is achingly beautiful and vulnerable, and the lyrics complement it perfectly. I imagine he is getting several comparisons to Giveon, but I think there is an additional layer of authenticity that Nathan Archie brings in his vocals that allows him to stand out. I would put this song on any slower indie or alternative indie playlist.

TWO ā€” Number One Candidate - AntsLive ā€¢ I first heard of AntsLive from an interview with NME. In the interview, AntsLive talks about his journey as an artist and the influence that TikTok has had on his career. When I went to his latest album, ā€œJust A Matter Of Timeā€ I was surprised at how catchy and infectious his music was. You can hear influences of J Hus and Drake, although UK Rap is definitely a blind spot for me, so those might be terrible comparisons.

THREEā€” God Herself- Madison McFerrin ā€¢ Madison McFerrin, daughter of Bobby McFerrin, is definitely an artist in her own right whose notoriety is quickly rising in the music world. Her sound blends elements of soul, jazz, and hip-hop and has seemingly garnered attention from both fans and industry insiders alike. I recently read an article from Vinyl Me Please where she was described as a magnetic performer who can captivate an audience with each vocal run or turn of phrase, which seems incredibly apt after listening to her discography this week. According to Spotify, she has several shows coming up, so if youā€™re in the area, you should definitely check her out!

FOUR ā€” Favorite Kind of High - Sun Child ā€¢ Sun Child is the new artist name of Brooke Garwood, and this recent release is a powerful entrance into a new artist brand. The song is so soft and soothing that you almost get distracted from how much skill is behind Brookeā€™s voice. Her voice goes up and down runs like it is easier than breathing. It is incredibly impressive, and I am excited to see the upcoming releases under this new name. 

FIVE ā€”   Falling Away From U - Function Space ā€¢  This was actually the first song I put on this weekā€™s rotation, and I ended up building everything around it. It really is the perfect song to listen to on a warm Spring day as you somberly gaze outside patiently awaiting for Summer and all of the ups and downs it brings. I was a big fan of his 2020 album 222 and was very excited to hear how the recent releases have stayed in a similar lane but also show a lot of growth in both the melodies and lyrics. Function Space, the brainchild of Emilio Couchee, is definitely one to watch.

SIX ā€” Iā€™ll Scream (All the Words) - Deyaz ā€¢ London-based artist Deyazā€™s latest single, 'I'll Scream (All The Words),' is a beautiful testament to how important good lyricism is in todayā€™s music industry. Every genre is so saturated with songs that feel like they were written and sung by a robot. The minimalist setting that provides a base for Deyaz's pleading vocals adds a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion to an already very powerful song. The track's closing line, "The walls are falling, are you listening?" is a line that will stick with me for a very long time.

SEVEN ā€” Midlife Crisis - Dave Gutter ā€¢ There are not enough kind words to say about Dave Gutter and his talent, and not just because I know him personally. You may be familiar with him as he recently won a Grammy for a song he wrote for Aaron Neville. However, this EP, Iā€™ve Been Here A While, is my favorite thing he has ever done. I listened to it on repeat when it came out for several months and even over a year later I return to it often and listen to the entire thing. While he doesnā€™t have a ton of work on Spotify yet you can also find him under Rustic Overtones. Their album ā€œLong Divisionā€ is my personal favorite.

ONEā€” Hawk in the Tree - Cat Clyde ā€¢ This is a beautifully crafted folk song that really showcases Catā€™s heartfelt songwriting. The song is driven by acoustic guitar and subtle percussion, creating the perfect atmosphere that draws the listener in. Her lyrics paint a vivid picture with lines like "I get so lost I can't see. Even when the answer lies down. Right in front of me.ā€ For me, it conjures up images of the natural world and our place within it. I would put personally put this song on any folk or acoustic playlist, maybe even a blues playlist. Fans of Iron & Wine, and Laura Marling would definitely love Cat Clydeā€™s music.

TWO ā€” Rendezvous - Nora Mae ā€¢ Next on the rotation we have a more catchy and upbeat pop song driven by an infectious melody. The words that come to mind when I hear this song is ā€œfun and flirty.ā€ As in, this is definitely the song I would be blasting in the car on the way to a first date. Personally, I would put this song on any pop or upbeat playlist. It could also work well on playlists focused on love and relationships.

THREEā€” my dear - SOLOMON ā€¢ SOLOMON is already a very well-established artist but in case this song fell through the cracks for anyone I wanted to make sure it got the appreciation it deserved. The lyrics are deeply personal which I guess is a theme for this weekā€™s rotation. I think this song really shows SOLOMONā€™s songwriting potential and should be put on any heartbreak or downtempo playlist. 

FOUR ā€” Boomerang - Kennedy Ryon ā€¢ Fans of Erykah Badu, Solange, or even SZA will not only be happy to discover another artist of similar caliber but also undeniably impressed by the sheer level of talent and innovation that Kennedy Ryon brings to her music. Selecting just one song from Kennedy's discography was incredibly challenging, but the vocals on 'Boomerang' sealed the deal in the end. Kennedy is an incredible talent, and I'm eagerly anticipating what she releases next. She is 100% on her way to greatness.

FIVE ā€”   Paper - defprez, mattVISTA, Jamie Breiwick ā€¢ This is a great single from defprez, a collaborative project from rappers Defcee and CRASHprez along with producer knowthetime. Somewhat surprisingly, it has a beautiful jazzy melody aided by a great trumpet hook from Jamie Breiwick that creates a laid-back and almost funk vibe. The lyrics talk about money and success that explore the ups and downs of chasing a dream but with an element of vulnerability to it that you donā€™t hear every day in rap music. If you like A Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, and Anderson .Paak you will definitely enjoy this song.

SIX ā€” Lonely Feeling - Love Supreme ā€¢ This song will capture you. It starts off simple but the build-up is so gradual that nothing is shocking and you will stay engrossed in it from beginning to end. Seeing this song performed live seems like it would be one of those brain chemistry-altering moments that really only comes from seeing one of your favorite songs performed in a live setting. The production is both futuristic and dated at the same time. The entire album is a beautiful cathartic experience that I cannot recommend enough.

SEVEN ā€” Palo Santo - Saso, Enerolisa NuƱez y Grupo Salve Mata Los Indios, Dos Flakos ā€¢ I am not going to pretend I understand a single word that is said in this song BUT it is not every day you hear a song that has Afro-Dominican and Latin Urban influences in it. There is so much going on here and the blend of traditional and modern elements is expertly executed, with the group seamlessly incorporating pieces of hip-hop and electronic music into their sound. This fusion of styles creates a unique and contemporary sound that is wonderfully forward-thinking. In terms of playlist recommendations, this song would be a great fit for a variety of world music and Afro-Latinx playlists. 

ONEā€” TienatĆ© - Nu Genea ā€¢  Nu Genea's "TienatĆ©" is a refreshingly vibrant track that blends together elements of soul, funk, and Afrobeat. The song's bassline and guitar riffs create a beautiful foundation for the percussion and horn sections to build upon. The production makes sure to nicely highlight each instrument so that they are given the space to shine in the mix. "TienatĆ©" is a fun and upbeat song that should go on any funk or upbeat dance playlist you are curating.

TWO ā€” I only want you when iā€™m fucked up - Quelle Rox ā€¢ This song combines ethereal vocals with a melancholic melody. The lyrics capture the emotional turmoil of a tumultuous relationship, exploring the complexities of love and addiction. The limited production highlights the saxophone that comes in during the middle and the soothing vocals. I think this song will resonate with anyone who has experienced the highs and lows of dysfunctional love.

THREEā€” Resting State - Lucy Park ā€¢ This is a beautiful and introspective song that explores themes of anxiety and self-doubt, with the vocals delivering a heartfelt and exposed performance. There is also a gentle melody and delicate instrumentation that add to the emotional weight of the lyrics, creating a powerful and affecting piece of music. This is not the first great track from Lucy Park. In fact, it was very hard for me to not put ā€œColdā€ from her 2021 EP ā€œBefore I Speakā€ because I was hung up on that song when I first heard it. She has an impressive discography and you should definitely check out the rest of her work. 

FOUR ā€” Souled Out On You - Robert Finley ā€¢ This song is an undeniably powerful and soulful track that showcases Finleyā€™s impressive vocal range and emotional depth. His voiceFinley's voice soars over the rhythm section and horns, delivering lyrics that are both heartfelt and relatable. The gospel-influenced bridge adds an extra layer of emotion to the track, further showcasing Finley's impressive vocal abilities. This is a standout song that proves that Finley is a force to be reckoned with in the world of soul and R&B music.

FIVE ā€”   TAKE ME AWAY - emptybeats, Libby Thompson ā€¢ Another shameless promotion for myself and this time my brother Miles Thompson. This is his first track released under his new name emptybeats. It is beautiful to see someone work so hard at something for such a long time and then finally release it to the world. Miles has both a lot of skill and a lot of potential which almost certainly means that every release going forward will build on the ones before it which is very exciting as a listener. There is a lot more coming from Miles so make sure to follow him on Spotify to see more releases. 

SIX ā€” Another Life - Samica ā€¢ This song is off Samicaā€™s latest EP ā€œLaurel Canyon.ā€ It is built around a driving beat and atmospheric synth, creating an immersive sonic landscape for the listener. Samica's lyrics explore themes of loss and heartbreak while the production is polished and dynamic, with each element of the mix complementing the others. Samicaā€™s vocals are particularly impressive, ranging from delicate and vulnerable to powerful and commanding as the song builds to the chorus. Put this on any indie folk playlist or maybe a road trip playlist. 

SEVEN ā€” just wanna forget you - MARO ā€¢ This song is off MAROā€™s latest album ā€œhortelĆ£.ā€ It is a hauntingly beautiful track that perfectly showcases the tone of MAROā€™s voice and her emotive songwriting. The sparse instrumentation creates an intimate atmosphere that perfectly complements the powerful vocals. Her delivery is vulnerable and authentic which can be rare in today's music industry where vocals are sometimes over-perfected. This entire album is worth listening to with other standout tracks including ā€œfui passo calculadoā€ and ā€œsomething bout tomorrow.ā€

ONEā€” Forgive Me - Lani Rose ā€¢ I found this song on an emawk Spotify Artist radio and immediately listened to his whole catalog. Lani Rose has been making music for several years now and has put out numerous noteworthy indie pop songs including an album in 2021 titled ā€œTo: Keep You From: Hurting Meā€ and a 2020 EP titled ā€œPermanent Beta.ā€ It is hard to choose favorites from both of these projects but ā€œColors We Madeā€ is definitely a standout. ā€œForgive Meā€ is his latest single and has been playing on repeat all week. 

TWO ā€” Waiting - Badius ā€¢ Badius seems to be relatively new to making music, at least from what I can see on Spotify. This makes the catchiness of this song that much more surprising and impressive. This is easily one of the best hooks I have heard so far this year and I am very ready for a full album. Put this song on any chill or after-party playlist. 

THREEā€” FlowerChild - Saint Bodhi ā€¢ Saint Bodhi has a very impressive collaboration resume. She has worked with some of the biggest names in hip-hop and rap and easily could have stuck with songwriting and remained very successful. Luckily for us, she decided to pursue a solo career and has blessed us with some incredibly complex and diverse music. Put this song on a hip-hop/rap-type playlist. 

FOUR ā€” Carsick - Chrissy ā€¢ I need an album Chrissy!! Three songs are not enough!! I rotated between these three songs all week and will continue to do so until we get more. Chrissy is an emerging indie-pop artist that should be watched very closely. Her songwriting, singing, and marketing prowess is setting her up for major success that I am very excited to be a witness to.

FIVE ā€”   I Feel You - NoSo ā€¢ This is my favorite song off of NoSoā€™s 2022 album ā€œStay Proud of Me.ā€ The vibrato in their voice and the guitar loop are a beautiful pairing. If you are similar to me and are curating a ā€œmain characterā€ playlist, this is the perfect song to add. However, do not stop here. This album is a no-skip album in my opinion and should be listened to in its entirety. 

SIX ā€” gray - Alexa Cirri ā€¢ I have listened to a lot of bedroom pop since starting this blog and typically refrain from adding anything from the genre onto the rotation because most of it is so bad and borderline lazy. Then I found Alexa Cirri. This is one of the most haunting songs I have ever heard and, according to her Spotify bio, was made entirely in her bedroom. Thank you, Alexa, for disproving all of my preconceived notions about this genre. You are a gift. 

SEVEN ā€”  NOVA - Won Pound ā€¢ I have known Won Pound for most of my life. He was actually my first introduction to electronic music. In the decade that he has been making music he has never ceased to amaze me with the creative bounds he will push. I have watched in awe from the sidelines as he put out song after song that manages to tell stories without words. His latest album, Won Pound, is by far my favorite thing he has ever done. I listened to it several times this week trying to decide which song I wanted to feature on this weekā€™s rotation and settled on NOVA because, in the end, it was the one I was drawn to the most. You may be wondering wtf is going on with the cover art. While the method behind it has been explained to me at least ten times I still do not actually understand it. Itā€™s something wild and genius Iā€™m sure. 

TWO ā€” Coffin Nails - MF DOOM ā€¢ MF DOOM was a huge loss for anyone who loves and appreciates music. I was thankful for this submission this week because I hadnā€™t listened to this album in years. Even after he died this album didnā€™t surface on my radar. People always forget the instrumentals! While I try to center this playlist around new releases or up-and-coming artists, I wanted to add this song this week so we could all take a moment to reflect on how MF DOOM shaped music for artists today.

THREEā€” Reason - Amahla ā€¢ Amahla is one of those up-and-coming voices in soul where you have to listen to every song twice because the first time through you will be stuck on how incredible her voice is and wonā€™t be able to internalize anything she is saying. The soul and neo-soul genres are filled with crazy talented artists right now and I imagine it is hard for anyone to stand out but Amahla is doing everything right to separate herself from the crowd.

FOUR ā€” SESSIONS - Connis ā€¢ I had the privilege of watching Connis work when he was making ā€œproblemsā€ off Brendan Bennettā€™s latest album ā€œThe Partyā€™s Overā€ and I have been a fan ever since. When this song came out last week I listened to it at least ten times in a row, which is not something I do often. He is one of the best rappers I have ever heard and I feel honored to have met him. This song should be put on any chill rap playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€”   CLOSE ONE! - DLG ā€¢ We love an artist submission! DLG reached out to me via e-mail ( to promote his latest release and I am very glad he did. I was familiar with DLG from his more popular song ā€œInside of My Eyelidsā€ but was unaware he was dropping new music. This is a perfect summer up-tempo bop to pull you out of any residual winter slump you may be in. Additionally, I also added it to my late-night driving playlist. It is definitely a feel-good song to have in your catalog.

SIX ā€” Rewind - Aby Coulibaly ā€¢  I heard this song on my Discover Weekly playlist and my first thought was ā€œoh well I canā€™t add her to the rotation she must be huge by now.ā€ Then I looked at her Spotify page andā€¦wtf everyone?! Aby has all the makings to be the next big pop star, and we are not giving her music the respect it deserves. There are so many musical influences in her work but she makes everything contemporary in a flawless way. She is going to be one of the greats I am sure of it. I visited her social media pages this week and saw that she is currently going through one of the hardest things a person can go through. I am not expecting her to read this, but if for some reason she does I hope she knows that her fans are thinking of her and praying for her.

SEVEN ā€”  Stardust Chords - Greta Van Fleet ā€¢ Anyone who makes it to the end of this playlist may be wondering wtf this song is doing on here. It doesnā€™t fit with the other songs, itā€™s the only true rock sock I have featured on here, and this artist is incredibly well known. Granted, I have put other songs that have rock elements to them on here but this is true rock, a genre that I am not very familiar with. Something about this song, however, grabbed me from the first second I heard it. It made me question everything I thought I knew about my taste in music. It is an absolute must-listen. 

ONEā€” None of This Alone - Terry Presume ā€¢ Whenever you stumble upon someone who is able to blend indie and rap together and not have it sound corny or overall just bad you need to save them in your Spotify and savor their entire discography. That is how I feel about Terry Presume. Heā€™s one of those artists where you can go to his artist page and click shuffle because you will never be disappointed. This song from 2021 is the one I always return to so I thought it would be a great start to this weekā€™s rotation.

TWO ā€” Deception - Nikhil Beats ā€¢ This song is a trip. Thatā€™s the only way I can describe it. It feels like two songs are playing at the same time almost. You wouldnā€™t expect that to be a compliment but it absolutely is. Nikhil Beats has done it again with this release. Itā€™s fun and complex and not something you will have heard before. Personally, I put this on my running playlist and my late night drive playlists. This song will wake you tf up in the best way.

THREEā€” Drama Queen - Yana Perrault ā€¢ This is Yanaā€™s latest release and her voice is just as captivating as ever. To be honest, her voice makes me want to cry. Every note is emotional and you can almost disregard the lyrics because you can hear what she is saying in the pain in her voice. I am confident that hearing her live would making any audience overcome with emotion. A rare and beautiful gift.

FOUR ā€” Distrust - Ailbhe Reddy ā€¢ This song has been a favorite of mine for years. Ailbhe has a new project ā€œLast To Leaveā€ that I would 100% recommend checking out as well. Shitshow is my personal favorite. I had to put this older track on here because hearing it for the first time is permanently engrained in my brain. I think the last third of this song is one of the greatest 90 seconds of music ever made. Put this on any up-tempo indie playlist, or honestly just any playlist.

FIVE ā€”  Ali - Mustafa ā€¢ ā€œWhen Smoke Risesā€ was my favorite album of 2021. If I had a physical copy of it I would probably describe it as ā€œworn out.ā€ I listened to it front to back and back to front countless times. It was really hard for me to pick one song off this project for this rotation, however,  I just think that Ali is so beautiful and heartbreaking that it fit in well with this weekā€™s rotation.

SIX ā€”  Gbese - Majeeed, Tiwa Savage ā€¢ After three sad and deep songs, this rotation needs a pick me up. Iā€™ve been making my way through the music scene from different African countries and Nigeria has been a favorite of mine. Tiwa Savage and Majeeedā€™s voices work perfectly together and I have loved exploring their music this week. Put this song on any Afro-Pop or Afrobeats playlist youā€™re curating.

SEVEN ā€” Killing of a Sacred Dear - Tessa DeNicola ā€¢ This is Tessaā€™s first song on Spotify and she came out swinging. This is a song where you can see very clearly the situation that she is referencing in her lyrics. You can see the music video as she sings because her story telling is that good. While killing deer is not exactly the image I want in my head most of the time, Iā€™m happy to imagine it to absorb her truth to the fullest extent. Iā€™m very excited to see where her career takes her and what music she puts out next.

ONEā€” Donā€™t - Lily Lyons ā€¢ This is one of those chill/coffee house songs where youā€™re sitting in Starbucks or somewhere less corrupt and you stop for a minute and think ā€œWait what song is this? I need to hear this again.ā€ In a genre where so many songs sound the same, Lily Lyons stands out.  I think it is the combination of soul and folk influences that allows this melody to pierce through the noise.  This song comes off her latest EP ā€œLike I Used Toā€ where I also particularly enjoyed ā€œSlow Motion.ā€

TWO ā€” Olympus - Blondshell ā€¢ Anytime I hear a guitar intro that reminds me a little too much of Nirvana I normally skip it straight away. However, once Blondshellā€™s voice and her lyrics came in all of those thoughts disappeared. I immediately went to her latest project ā€œJoinerā€ and listened to it on repeat 3-4 times. There are so many musical influences in her work but yet she stands solidly on her own path. I enjoyed this project immensely and I think this song in particular will slide perfectly into any indie playlist youā€™re curating. 

THREEā€” Hasta la RaĆ­z - Natalia Lafourcade ā€¢ This song has over 400 million plays so it is safe to say that Natalia is anything but undiscovered. That being said, I had never heard of her until this week. I have been finding this a lot for Latin American artists. Some of the most accomplished and talented artists just donā€™t make mainstream consciousness here in the U.S. It is embarrassing on our part. So, while hopefully many of you are familiar with this song I am putting it on the rotation for those of you who arenā€™t familiar because Natalia is a gift and I have fallen in love with this song this week. 

FOUR ā€” Sleep Half Of It - Bensbeendead, Mick Jenkins ā€¢ This is the latest single from Bensbeendead. This is the second single off of his album rollout and it did not disappoint. The Mick Jenkins feature was surprisingly great. Not to say that Mick Jenkins ever puts out anything less than powerful and poetic, but there is definitely an unfortunate risk of someone agreeing to write a feature and treating it like a throwaway. This is not that. The fade out from the feature to a melodic instrumental is why people donā€™t try and compare Bensbeendead to anyone else. He is one of one. 

FIVE ā€”  Camille - chlothegod ā€¢ The word that came to mind when I first heard this song was ā€œgroovy.ā€ Have I ever said the word ā€œgroovyā€ out loud? Not to my knowledge. However, something about this song makes it unique in that you could picture it playing everywhere. I can see it playing in a speakeasy, a blockbuster movie, and everywhere in between. No matter where it is playing, people will stop and listen to it. If you put on chlothegodā€™s music you are not turning it off I can promise you that. 

SIX ā€”  Iā€™m in Love - PLƜM ā€¢ I wonā€™t lie to you. I found this artist in Emily in Paris. TV shows are actually a surprisingly great way to find new music if you listen hard enough. Some of my favorite songs of this past Summer I found on Love Island, but I digress. What I love about this song in particular is how much emotion it has. I tend to turn to Electronic music when Iā€™m at the gym or when Iā€™m out at a bar or club somewhere, but this song is special in that Iā€™d almost put it on a sadder more downtempo playlist. There are several other great songs from PLƜM. My recent favorite alongside this latest release is ā€œStranger town.ā€

SEVEN ā€” Active - Siobhan ā€¢ This is only Siobanā€™s third release on Spotify but her lyricism is already making an impression. I first heard her first single ā€œEGO TRIPā€ back in 2021 and was excited about new music. Luckily, this latest song immediately made it to Fresh Finds UK & IE which means people will hopefully start giving her music the attention it deserves. She has all of the makings to go as far as she wants in this industry and I am excited to see what she puts out next. 

ONEā€” familiar feeling - kate the dreamer ā€¢ This song takes you for a loop. You think you know how itā€™s going to go with the guitar plucking and the rhythmic vocals but then the chorus takes you in a whole different direction. There are a lot of songs out there that have been adding unnecessary production and effects to vocals, I myself am very guilty of that, but every addition to this song is incredibly necessary. Not one choice in production feels overdone which is so goddamn rare and impressive. 

TWO ā€”Without You - SƦkyi ā€¢ This song feels like one I should have heard before. SƦkyiā€™s voice, beats, and lyrics sound on par if not greater than most of the established rappers out there right now. I listened to his latest album ā€œAngels Donā€™t Call Meā€ front to back and back to front multiple times this week and I have decided it is nothing short of criminal that it doesnā€™t have more streams. The first verse of Without You is one of the best verses Iā€™ve heard in the last couple of years. Definitely check out this entire album. 

THREEā€” my year of rest & relaxation - ggwendolyn ā€¢ This vocal riff. So smart, and so catchy. It is one that ggwendolyn can teach to an audience at a show and make them feel like they are really part of something. This is a great second single. I have a feeling it is part of a bigger project and I can only hope that all of her songs are as great as this because sheā€™s set a very high bar for herself. 

FOUR ā€” Lovinā€™ - Cara Rose ā€¢ As someone who lived in Scotland for several years, I have long held the belief that they produce the best singer-songwriters. I have seen some of the best musicians I have ever heard in my life at a random bar on a Monday night playing to maybe three people. There is no shortage of talent and if you had asked me before I looked up where Cara was from I wouldā€™ve guessed Scotland (and not just because of the accent at the end.) The tone of Caraā€™s voice is stunning and effortless. A beautiful track from a very talented artist. 

FIVE ā€”  Brown Angel - Tamaraebi ā€¢ I decided at some point this week that this rotation was going to be focused on the elusive ~vibes~ genre. I drove down to Malibu last weekend for the first time and I immediately thought of this song because it truly is the perfect mix of a chill, minimal beat with beautiful and impressive vocals. Put this song on whatever road trip playlist you have going. 

SIX ā€”  The Blue Line - Berel ā€¢ Continuing with the ā€œroad trip through Malibuā€ music, this song from Berelā€™s 2019 album ā€œThirteenth Floorā€ is another go-to for any road-trip playlist Iā€™m making. His voice has an old soul feel to it with some hints of R&B and Jazz that make the whole album a very easy and calming listen. 

SEVEN ā€” Sacrifices - The Natural Synthetic, Miette Hope, Ariza  ā€¢ This is a song where I didnā€™t internalize the lyrics when I first listened to it so I found myself dancing to it in the car. After a second listen, I realized this song has a slightly sadder message. I love when a song does that. It almost tricks you because you get so lost in one aspect of it you have to hear it multiple times to really get the full picture of it. 

ONEā€” JFLA - Sally ā€¢ Starting this week off with a little French pop. While I have no concept of what the lyrics are, I think her flow here and the beat make this song the perfect start to this rotation. While this song is off of her 2020 album ā€œPYAAR,ā€ her latest album ā€œPRISONNIƈREā€ is filled with noteworthy songs such as ā€œILLUSIONā€ and ā€œET SI DEMAIN.ā€ 

TWO ā€” To be naive - Adja ā€¢ Here is an example of jazz in its best form. Adja glides up and down these melodies like she is not even trying. Her Spotify bio states that she is compared to Lianne La Havas, which I definitely understand. However, at 2:11 in this song the way her voice travels through ā€˜feed meā€™ is so distinct and I think sets her above being compared to anyone. This is going to be a crazy career to watch and we should all be excited about it. 

THREEā€”  Losing My Mind - Calista Del Toro ā€¢ It took me a few songs to get really into Calista Del Toro admittedly. There are a few other songs that have been stuck on my Lettuce and Cheddar master draft playlist that I had been skipping over week after week. Not because they werenā€™t good, in fact, they are all great!  I was just waiting on that one song that set her apart and then I heard this song. This chorus is catchy, emotive, and well-written. The trifecta some might say. 

FOUR ā€” She Burns Away - Briscoe ā€¢ This song feels a little long for my brain which is now conditioned to veer away from songs that dare to venture past the two minute thirty second mark. Thankfully, I ended up getting fully lost in this song and started longing for summer outdoor concerts sitting in the grass and truly vibing to this entire album. This song came out a few years ago and Iā€™m anxious to hear more from them, hopefully in time for Summer 2023.

FIVE ā€”  Uneasy - Connie Campsie ā€¢ The simplicity of this song makes it a high risk for coming off as boring and unoriginal. I was about to skip it after the first few seconds but then Connieā€™s voice and lyricism stopped me before I got the chance and took me on a beautiful and dark journey. I found this song on Fresh Finds so I imagine if you havenā€™t heard of her yet you will again very soon. 

SIX ā€”  Stunt Double - TeaMarrr ā€¢ There is no one like TeaMarrr. Each song she puts out is unique and exciting. Itā€™s meant for blasting in your car or in the best pair of headphones you own. I get excited about each release because she never misses. This latest song is no different. I donā€™t have a playlist genre recommendation for this song because there is no one doing anything like TeaMarrr. 

SEVEN ā€” Until It Stains - Summer Hoop ā€¢ I wanted to close off the rotation this week with a little punk/rock song. Itā€™s hard for me to gravitate toward this genre and I donā€™t explore it enough. I think thatā€™s why I am so impressed with Summer Hoop. Sheā€™s taking a genre that sometimes inadvertently isolates people who have a preconceived idea of what rock music is and makes it modern and genre-bending. Iā€™m excited to explore more of her discography and see how experimental sheā€™ll decide to go in upcoming releases. 

ONEā€” Sex & TV - Hannah Hill ā€¢ With one of the most haunting emerging voices breaking onto the scene right now, Hannah Hill has put out single after single of beautifully painful melodies about all the complexities of relationships and a personā€™s agency within them. On top of that, her voice is just crazy good. Iā€™m pretty sure this stint of incredible singles is just the beginning and weā€™ll all be seeing great things from Hannah in the near future. 

TWO ā€” Honeycomb - Mackenzy Mackay ā€¢ This is a song from Mackenzyā€™s latest EP ā€œDonā€™t Wait Up.ā€ This alt-pop single is not something you can easily compare to other projects out there. Itā€™s the song you want to play the second you walk into a club to just fuel you with confidence and sex appeal. It was hard to pick just one song off this project so make sure to go check out the whole thing.

THREEā€” Always on My Mind (Acoustic) - NanĆ©, Ley Line ā€¢ When I first heard this song I had no idea the singer to this band had recently passed away. Daniel Sahad was an incredibly talented singer. This song has brought me so much joy since I first heard it. It is thus hard to balance feeling the sadness of knowing his voice is gone with the happiness and love that emotes from NanĆ©ā€™s music. Regardless, it is still a tragically beautiful song and it should be heard. Their entire discography is worth a listen. 

FOUR ā€” Lost Without ā€¢ Shane Guerrette ā€¢ If youā€™re like me, you probably listened to the first five seconds of this song and through ā€œOh fun some new music from the Black Keys!ā€ When Shaneā€™s voice comes in, however, you are immediately transported back to a different era of music. His voice fits so perfectly in the blues/rock genre while the production keeps everything current. Itā€™s a bold musical endeavor that I appreciate a whole lot.

FIVE ā€”  Black Leaves - Kirby ā€¢ You are probably familiar with KIRBY at this point but this song was just so goddamn important and fit so well in this weekā€™s rotation, especially with this being my first rotation of Black History Month, that I had to include it. KIRBY is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

SIX ā€”  turns out heā€™s married - valentina cy  ā€¢ I originally was going to put ā€œWindā€ on here by valentina cy because I had convinced myself she wouldnā€™t top that as my favorite song by her, but I, as I so often am, was wrong! This is a single that she put out at the beginning of the year that reminds me slightly of BANKS but obviously seeing as it is from valentina cy is distinct and incomparable. 

SEVEN ā€” Love Appeal - Brivon ā€¢ This is another artist submission! (Remember, you can DM me here or on Twitter for submissions or e-mail me at For any artist that submits a song, I like to listen to their entire discography before choosing whether/what song should make a rotation. This song from 2020 really stuck out to me as an incredibly fun and uplifting song that fit perfectly in this weekā€™s rotation. In her submission, she mentioned she has a new EP coming so make sure to look out for that! 

ONEā€”TYCO- Alt Bloom ā€¢ This is the first track off of Alt Bloomā€™s latest EP ā€œYesterday Foreverā€ and honestly it was hard for me to pick which track I wanted to put on the playlist this week. I even debated breaking all rules of playlist curation and putting two on here. This is a great upbeat indie track that belongs on any roadtrip//summer vibes playlist. 

TWO ā€” Need You - Emanuel ā€¢ In his Spotify bio, Emanuel writes that one of the things this album represents is healing. I completely agree. I found this album at one of the lowest points in my life and it really did help put me back together in a way that only music can. The album deserves to be heard in its entirety because there is not a bad track on it, however, this is the one that has stuck with me the most and I hope it can have the same effect on you. 

THREEā€”  Green Garden - Laura Mvula ā€¢ I was feeling a little down this week and reverted to my goto feel-good album, ā€œSing to the Moon,ā€ and more particularly, this song. While Laura is very established and needs no additional praise from me, I wanted to put this song on the rotation this week because while everyone I know in the U.K. and Europe seems to be familiar with Laura Mvula I cannot say the same about people in the U.S. If you are not familiar, Laura Mvula is a jazz, neo-soul, and gospel singer who has put out an impressive body of work so go check her out!

FOUR ā€” MMMBop - Gus Perkins ā€¢ Gus is one of the most talented piano players I have ever heard in my life so I was a little bit upset and incredibly humbled to know he also is a very talented vocalist and producer as well. Some people really do just have it all. This song is on his 2017 album ā€œStill Lifeā€ and can be thrown on any indie chill playlist. 

FIVE ā€”  i donā€™t want to be high right now ā€¢ Brendan Bennett, Bensbeendead, dev soter ā€¢ This is one of the singles off of Brendan Bennettā€™s latest album ā€œThe Partyā€™s Over.ā€ Many of you are probably familiar with Brendanā€™s music from 2018 when he released songs like Skeletons and 3am in Chicago. This album, however, is a much darker twist from the pop, rap songs you may know him from. Paired with one of the most beautiful hooks written in 2022 and sung by Bensbeendead, Brendan and devā€™s verses aptly articulate all of the emotions you can feel when you mistakenly use any form of substance to escape your inner pain. 

SIX ā€”  People Pleaser - Gabrielle Shonk ā€¢ If youā€™ve ever listened to the Deep Dark Indie playlist on Spotify then you are probably familiar with ā€œHabitā€ By Gabrielle Shonk. Luckily, Gabrielle has continued to put out great music and recently released a three-track EP ā€œPeople Pleaser.ā€ This song in particular is about a feeling we all know too well of trying to please people who maybe do not deserve it. Despite the darker undertones, this song can go on any upbeat indie playlist. Iā€™m assuming these singles are about to lead to a full album and I am excited to see what she comes up with. 

SEVEN ā€” Just Yet - Bizzy ā€¢ Do you ever come across a song, listen to it once, and then immediately need to listen to it three more times. You start getting excited about the next time youā€™re going to be in your car or on a walk or just anywhere you can turn it up full volume and get lost in it. That is this song. I was looking for a final song to round out this weekā€™s rotation and when I came across Bizzyā€™s music I texted everyone I could think of saying ā€œNo seriously. She is it. Just wait.ā€ It is another song with a heartbreakingly familiar message and you can throw it on any playlist youā€™re prepared to cry to. 

ONEā€”In the Morning - Mree ā€¢ There arenā€™t a lot of perfect albums out there but Winterwell by Mree is one of them. Seriously. No notes. While most people probably recognize Mree from the single off this album ā€œLift Me Up,ā€ I think the song ā€œIn the Morningā€ is just so beautiful and you can hear the pain in her voice in the chorus very clearly. If you havenā€™t heard of Mree yet now is your chance. You will not regret it. 

TWO ā€” Soon Enough - Thea  ā€¢ This song belongs on any chill, neo-soul playlist. Thea has a beautiful voice and powerful songwriting abilities. She has great control of her voice which can be seen throughout her debut album ā€œLand of Nod.ā€ 

THREEā€” What You Need - AndrĆ© DeSaint ā€¢ This song is a listener submission! I had heard of a song by AndrĆ© back in 2020 but I completely missed this album drop and now it is safe to say this will be being played on repeat this next week. If you arenā€™t familiar with AndrĆ© and are a fan of rap then go check out his latest album ā€œSaints Never Die.ā€ 

FOUR ā€” Kala - DANNYELLO ā€¢ This was a Twitter submission from Oga Kizito. I wrote that I was interested in more afrobeats recommendations and this did not disappoint! I was very sad that this was his only song on Spotify because I am ready for an album. 

FIVE ā€” #88 - Lo-Fang ā€¢ While this song came out almost a decade ago at this point I still return to it every so often and listen to it five times in a row because I forget how much I love it. This song takes me back to when I first started being obsessed with discovering new artists and would say the phrase ā€œYeah idk youā€™ve probably never heard of this song itā€™s pretty undergroundā€ or something annoying like that. 

SIX ā€”  3 More Wishes ā€¢ Warning! Do not listen to this song if you donā€™t want to be singing ā€œthree more wishes in the wellā€ over and over again in your head. From what I have heard by Froogle, he has really mastered making catchy music. Throw this song on any upbeat indie playlist. 

SEVEN ā€” In Motion - Re:um ā€¢ I have been doing sprint sets on the treadmill to this all week. This song combined with a little pre-workout makes me feel literally unstoppable even if Iā€™m just slowly jogging at an embarrassingly slow speed. You will never be bored listening to Re:umā€™s music because the next song after this on his top ten Spotify tracks is a great chill soulful beat. I have no playlist recommendations for Re:um because heā€™s pretty damn diverse. 

ONEā€”River - August Charles ā€¢ There are so many exciting soul singers that are finally getting the recognition they deserve and August Charles is one of them. His music is fun and emotional and this latest track ā€œRiverā€ is no exception. The chorus is another one that has been stuck in my head and Iā€™ve caught myself singing the line ā€œWe can go down to the river. Donā€™t tell me youā€™re sorry because youā€™re notā€ to myself on repeat.

TWO ā€” Hero - CIV ā€¢ I heard this song on a J.Cole artist radio station which surprised me because CIVā€™s music is very distinct from J.Cole. It is further proving my theory that Spotify does not understand Rap very well. Regardless, I put this song on the rotation this week because it is rare that I hear a song that is straight rap with a catchy chorus and no feature. All the makings of a great song in my opinion. If you havenā€™t heard of CIV yetā€¦you will. 

THREEā€”  Call Me Wild - Martin Baltser ā€¢ This song is from five years ago and Martin Baltser has put out plenty of great music since then, however, this will always be my favorite. Electro-indie is a hard genre to navigate and this song fits in wonderfully. 

FOUR ā€” Sunliight - Moglii, Mulay ā€¢ I have a confession. I have unwittingly hired a consultant for this playlist. @jdm433 has sent three songs in now that have all been great enough to make the rotation. I had never heard of Moglii or Mulay and they will now be on my radar going forward. The electronic beat with Mulayā€™s soulful vocals remind me of a perfect summer evening. I donā€™t even 100% know what I mean by that but it was the first thought that came to my head as I was listening to it. 

FIVE ā€” Hell - Jordan Max ā€¢ Jordan Max has done a pretty great job at making a name for himself with his 2020 album ā€œTaste Your Words.ā€ I was revisiting the album this week and I am just so impressed by his voice every time I hear it that I wanted you to hear it too. While youā€™re on his page, you should check out his recent release ā€œThe Presentā€ which will make you even more in awe of his vocals and songwriting abilities. 

SIX ā€”  Cinnamon - GUNNAR ā€¢ This is one of those songs that makes me think of those montages in movies where the main character grabs a hairbrush and is emotionally lip syncing to his/her/their bathroom mirror. What I mean by that, is that this is a powerful single from Gunnar that brings a lot of emotion and exciting energy that I havenā€™t heard in a while. It makes you feel like youā€™re right there with him on stage. I am adding him to my long list of people I desperately need to see live. 

SEVEN ā€” A Month Ago - Baerd ā€¢ The first time I heard Baerd I paused and immediately thought to myself ā€œWait. I do not have another artist I could compare this to. I donā€™t think I have ever heard anything like this before.ā€ That is such a rare and beautiful thing. Baerd is so god damn talented and you need to run and add his entire discography to any indie, folk, or chill playlist you have. You will not regret it. 

ONEā€”Wait Up - Neffy ā€¢ Neffyā€™s voice gets you from the first second. The control she has on the runs, the lyrics, the vibrato. I was sad to see she only has two songs on Spotify. I put her and Jenson McRae on this weekā€™s rotation on purpose. I think their voices would pair so beautifully together on a song and I want to put that energy out in the universe. 

TWO ā€” Coolshit Bullshit - Danika ā€¢ When I first saw this song pop up on my Discover Weekly I almost skipped it because the title made me think it was some TikTok song I wouldnā€™t like. Boy was I wrong! When it gets to 1:50 at what I think is a pre-chorus I knew this song was something special. The line ā€œWhen I say what I need to say it makes you pull awayā€ is one of those lines that are so obvious you cannot believe no one has said it before. That is a hard thing to do and Danika pulled it off. 

THREEā€”  Both Of Us - Edit - Jayda G ā€¢ This song was another submission! What I love about building this community is being exposed to new music that I otherwise would not have heard. As someone who rarely ventures to clubs these days, dance music is a definite weak point for me in terms of artist and song knowledge. Jayda G is grammy nominated and well-established so she doesnā€™t need any further recognition from me, but if you are someone who is also wanting to expose yourself to more dance music this song is a great jumping-off point!

FOUR ā€” Actress - Skylar Gudasz ā€¢ This song is off Skylarā€™s 2020 album Cinema. This album got me through a lot of the start of COVID when I never left the house and was full of emotions. This song makes me feel like Iā€™m listening to old Aimee Mann in the best way. I put this song on any road trip playlist I make despite it not being as up-tempo as road trip playlists tend to be.

FIVE ā€” Wolves - Jensen McRae ā€¢ Honestly this is one of the best-written songs I have heard in my entire life, and I listen to a lot of music. I have never seen someone be able to so clearly describe an event while simultaneously having it be told entirely in a metaphor. The lyric ā€œThank god women learn to whisper, but I crave a megaphoneā€ made me immediately close my eyes in agreement. It is a feeling every woman knows in her core and I applaud Jensen McRae for writing it so beautifully. 

SIX ā€”  Grape - John Wells ā€¢ I just discovered John Wells this week on a random playlist I was listening to. I think there are some songs of his that sound a little unfinished due to their brevity, however, Grape is not one of them. John Wells is a great rapper and I am excited to see where his career takes him. 

SEVEN ā€” 27 - Allan Rayman ā€¢  As an artist myself, there is one person in this world that I would pay my entire life savings to collab with and that is Allan Rayman. I saw him live finally this past Spring and he gives an incredibly captivating performance. I love his most recent album Roadhouse 02 but 27 and Hotel Allan hold a special place in my heart. 

ONEā€” Romantic - Beck Pete ā€¢ I had never heard of Beck Pete before this week and now I am obsessed. I donā€™t think I have ever streamed a song so many times back to back in one week. I sent this song to a friend earlier in the week because I couldnā€™t even wait for the new rotation to come out before I talked about it with them. I have never wished for an artist to go viral on TikTok before for a multitude of reasons, but I might make an exception for this song because the fact it only has 110,000 streams on Spotify is criminal. 

TWO ā€” Yesterdays to Tomorrows - Mayyadda ā€¢ This song has one of the cooler beats Iā€™ve heard this year. I almost skipped over this song because it didnā€™t grab me immediately but then the hook hit and I completely changed my opinion on it. Iā€™ve had this song stuck in my head on a loop over the last couple of weeks. Once you hear it youā€™ll understand why. It is too catchy to not stick with you. Also, I do not normally recommend Holiday music but Iā€™m going to make an exception for her latest EP ā€œHoliday Jointā€  because Silent Night is beautiful and a perfect way to get you into the holiday spirit. 

THREEā€”  Witches - Wendy Lane, Surfliner ā€¢ When this song first started I started bopping my head and expecting an upbeat indie song to add to my plethora of playlists dedicated to the genre, and then Wendy Laneā€™s voice comes in and all of the sudden I am rethinking everything. Itā€™s rare that I hear a voice and canā€™t think of anyone to compare it to. I love her song Dreams from 2018 and was planning on putting that on the rotation this week until I saw she had a new song that I unexpectedly loved even more. 

FOUR ā€” Lost My Head - Domenic Haynes ā€¢ Part of me wants to compare this song to something from serpentwithfeet but I think Domenic Haynes has done a pretty remarkable job at paving his own lane with this song. The production is unique with a background piano part that, combined with his stunning voice, honestly almost made me want to cry. Itā€™s such a beautifully sad song and I am so glad I found his music. 

FIVE ā€” Feel Free - Piwa ā€¢ There honestly isnā€™t a bad song on this EP ā€œDead Endsā€ from Piwa but Feel Free really stood out to me. The harmonies woven throughout the song bring it to another level. Piwa has all of the makings to be a star. Her voice is beautiful, her lyrics are fun, her social media is captivating (which is a rare compliment these days) and based on what I could find online she is a great performer. Iā€™m excited to see where her career takes her!

SIX ā€”  Me First - Lauren Corrigan ā€¢ I could not find Lauren anywhere on social media so if someone knows her insta please DM me. If anyone here is familiar with Lewis Watson this song reminds me heavily of his earlier stuff. This is such a simple and peaceful song in the best way. Iā€™ve said this before on this blog but it is so difficult for a singer songwriter to stand out because it is so heavily saturated and so many people sound the same, but I think Lauren is doing everything right to stand out. It is cohesive enough to be able to fit seamlessly into any chill playlist but the lyrics and the tone of her voice make it stand out nicely. This is a very solid single from her. 

SEVEN ā€” LOSE SLEEP - Caye ā€¢ At this point it is evident that Caye is destined for great success in this industry. His songs appear all over Spotifyā€™s playlist and his music touches quite a few genres that can appeal to just about anybody. This is his latest single and despite the beautiful melody you can hear the pain in his voice and the lyrics. Every song he puts out is better and better and Iā€™m going to do everything in my power to try and see him on his upcoming tour. He reminds me a lot of Bensbeendead and I honestly think they would put on an unforgettable show together.  

ONEā€” Mad - Jhyve ā€¢ When this song first started I immediately had put it in the box of being an R&B or maybe Neo-Soul song. Then the chorus hit and I was taken aback. It shifts into a rock genre so seamlessly and can honestly fit into so many different playlists. Jhyve is one to watch for sure. 

TWO ā€” Learn Spanish - Valley Boy ā€¢ When Aloha by Valley Boy first came out I had it on repeat for weeks. I went to revisit it this week and saw that I had missed some new music from him. It is all great as to be expected, but ā€œLearn Spanishā€ is truly stunning. It is a beautiful beautiful song that you can put on any chill or slower indie playlist. 

THREEā€”  Your Teeth In My Neck - Kali Uchis ā€¢ A friend sent this song in for submission and while Iā€™m sure you all know and love Kali Uchis, you really can never listen to too much of her. This song is a throwback from her 2018 album Isolation which is a good album to listen to in tandem with SZAā€™s latest album. 

FOUR ā€” Hourglass - Joseph Lawrence ā€¢ The fact that Joseph Lawrence only has three songs out is one of the many surprising things about his music. He has nailed his own unique sound and lane in this oversaturated industry straight out of the gate. Despite there being a lot of production in the song you can hear the pain in his voice so clearly. It is nothing short of impressive. 

FIVE ā€” Brown Liquor - RƜDE CƅT ā€¢ The falsetto on this song is on another planet. It was incredibly humbling to learn that he is also a producer and composer because the control and range that his vocals have make it seem like he has dedicated his whole life exclusively to perfecting his voice. I hope all of these singles are leading to a debut album soon because I can only imagine the genius that would come from a full project.

SIX ā€”  SMALL TALK CAROLINA (feat. The Spirit of New Orleans Gospel Choir) - Noah Guy, The Spirit of New Orleans Gospel Choir ā€¢ Noah Guy is one of those artists where you listen to his music and you know that his global success isnā€™t really a matter of ā€˜ifā€™ but ā€˜when.ā€™ Even since I first heard him about a year ago he has already done so much and put out so much incredible music. This song is off his latest EP ā€œWHOā€™S TAKEN TIME?! (ACT I)ā€ which is a beautiful project from start to finish. 

SEVEN ā€” What Did This Love Cost? - Libby Thompson ā€¢ This is my song and I am plugging it proudly and shamelessly. Go listen please!

ONEā€” BETWEEN THE LINES - dev soter ā€¢ This is my favorite song off of devā€™s EP ā€œJUST MY LUCK.ā€ Anti-pop is a genre I donā€™t venture into too often but when I do I always find gems like this. The interesting and fun part about what dev brings to music is that the sound he brings to songs he features on is different than what he brings to his own music. There are pieces in every song that are undeniably dev but while I would put this song in particular in an antipop playlist that is not necessarily where I would put other songs that he has featured on or even other songs off this EP. To find out more youā€™ll just have to go listen to the EP yourself. Youā€™ll be glad you did. 

TWO ā€” Snow Girl - Nippa ā€¢ I wonā€™t lie and say that I found this song by doing a deep dive into @rnb_tomi ā€™s Twitter because it rarely fails me. I had heard of Nippa before but thoroughly enjoyed spending my week listening to his latest EP ā€œNot A Statisticā€ To be perfectly honest, I was surprised that ā€œWhere They Atā€ is the song with the most plays because in my opinion Snow Girl is by far the best song on the EP. A close a second is ā€œThe One.ā€ For those not familiar with Nippa, you can put this song and the entire EP on any playlists you have that are dedicated to R&B and Rap. 

THREEā€” Unspoken - Austin Andrea ā€¢ I canā€™t find Austin on any social media platforms which makes me wonder whether he has rebranded or quit music entirely. If anyone can find him for me that would be great because I could listen to his voice all day. 

FOUR ā€” Borders - St. Beauty ā€¢ St.Beauty is another group that appeared to have disappeared since their last project. Their social media is empty and I havenā€™t read any news about them. I know they opened for Janelle MonĆ”e in 2018 but I have not heard anything since. Regardless, the eccentricity of the beat mixed with the soulful vocals make the comparison to Janelle MonĆ”e a no-brainer. I hope to hear more from them soon because this is a beautiful and fun R&B bop.

FIVE ā€” Aipheli - Harmony Skade ā€¢ I found this song on Fresh Finds Africa, which is an unsurprisingly great playlist that has some incredible finds if youā€™re willing to do the work to search them out. Admittedly, Afropop and Dancehall are genreā€™s that I have a blindspot in and need to immerse myself further into. If you are in a similar boat, this song is a great entryway to make you want to learn as much as you can about the genre. 

SIX ā€”  Heather - Ruby Waters ā€¢ If Ruby Waters has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Ruby Waters has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Ruby Waters has only one fan then that is me. If Ruby Waters has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. I like to claim that I am Ruby Watersā€™ number one fan so that makes me a little biased about this song and her latest EP ā€œHeatherā€ but please just go listen to it she is amazing and honestly my love for her music was a big reason I started this blog.

SEVEN ā€” Days Like This - Safiyyah, KeepVibesNear, Nikhil Beats ā€¢ I have seen Safiyyah on a few Jazz and Soul playlists on Spotify but this is the song that once I heard it I couldnā€™t get out of my head. Her voice paired with KeepVibesNears is one of the better vocal combinations I have heard this year. Put this song on any Jazzy, R&B, or Soul playlist and you will not be disappointed. 

ONEā€” (Root)less - Saint Mela ā€¢ If you had asked any of my friends or family what my favorite song was in 2020 they would tell you it was this song by Saint Mela. I know that traditionally blogs like this comment on an artistā€™s latest release, but I like to sometimes put the songs that made me fall in love with an artist so that you can become just as obsessed as I am. That being said, Saint Mela did release an EP a few weeks ago called ā€˜i have no fantasies to see youā€™ which is excellent. evergreen is my personal favorite of the project.  

TWO ā€” Tread Slowly. - Mamadou., Krishna Canning ā€¢  What I love so much about this song is that it has the two extremes of emotion combined in one beautiful song. It starts being slow and somber sung in almost a whisper and then ends with yelling and rage which I think is a very original way to encapsulate pain and suffering. I am sure that is not an original take on this song but I never said I was here for the hot takes. 

THREEā€” Getaway Cabin - Sidney Bird ā€¢ There are so many artists, myself included, who try to navigate the singer-songwriter genre unsuccessfully. It seems like it would be the easiest genre to break into but I have found that artists usually either have a talent for vocals or for lyrics and rarely both. Sidney, however, definitely has both. This song is beautiful and she has one of those voices where you know it is not able to be fully captured in a recording and needs to be heard live. This song is her latest release and my god it did not disappoint. 

FOUR ā€” Kick It - Teia Elaine ā€¢ This reference may be for an audience of one (me) but the first thing I thought when I heard this song is that it is as if TeaMarrā€™s voice and the Pretty Bird Freestyle from JhenĆ© Aikoā€™s 2014 Souled Out album had a baby. However, it is unfair for me to compare Teia Elaine to anyone because she is an original talent in her own right. This is the first song I heard from her and I immediately ran to see her entire discography. I could listen to her voice for hours and never get bored. 

FIVE ā€”  Circulation - Jonah Mutono ā€¢ I found this song on a Spotify radio for Toulouse and I was immediately hooked. I later discovered another song of his was recently featured on Love Victor which then prompted me to immediately stream the third season because I was unaware it was out. His voice is incredibly captivating and the production is honestly fun. I donā€™t have a better word to describe it but every song I have heard from him gives incredible energy. I would put this song on a low-key party playlist or maybe a road trip playlist.

SIX ā€” An Island - Fatherson ā€¢ I have seen Fatherson live three times which may be the most I have ever seen an artist live. Fatherson is one of those bands that canā€™t put out a bad song even if they wanted to because the singer is so so good. Honestly, everyone in the band is incredibly talented. This is the song that made me fall in love with them but I would strongly encourage you to check out their latest album Normal Fears 

SEVEN ā€” Closer - Tommy Ashby ā€¢ This song is my favorite off Tommy Ashbyā€™s latest EP Lifeline and I cried when I first heard it. It evokes so many emotions and is shockingly beautiful. The line ā€œyouā€™re my hiding my placeā€ was when the tears started to flow. This is a stunning project and I canā€™t wait to hear more. 

ONEā€” Rollinā€™ Stone - Kyle Lux ā€¢ I first heard this song on a random Spotify indie playlist a few years ago and it really stuck with me. Thereā€™s a part in it where it sounds like people are clapping in the background to the beat and itā€™s been on my bucket list since I heard it to see this song performed live and start clapping to this song surrounded by people filled with the joy that inevitably comes from listening to Kyleā€™s music. He is really something special. This song in particular can be a great addition to any upbeat indie playlist.  

TWO ā€” Taste Your Love - VC Pines ā€¢ I have never heard anything like the Skully EP from VC Pines. It is a true auditory experience start to finish. This is my favorite song from the project and it is another one of those songs that I put on in the car only when Iā€™m alone and sing the chorus as loud as possible. I would describe his music as very cathartic and therapeutic. In other words, VC Pines has achieved a critical goal of what music should be about. 

THREEā€” delicate - A COLORS SHOW - Jonah Yano ā€¢  I frequently listen to the colors show playlists on Spotify and am usually impressed by what I find there. With this song in particular, I had heard the original before and loved it. When I heard this acoustic version, however, I had to stop everything and close my eyes to take it all in. It is so beautiful. This song made me a fan for life.

FOUR ā€” See Me Thru - Madame Gandhi ā€¢ I read about Madame Gandhiā€™s activism on Twitter and saw that she was also a musician. My curiosity peaked and I decided to check her out. I was more than pleasantly surprised. The combination of being an incredibly talented drummer and producer makes for very captivating and fun music. I put this song on a few of my gym playlists and any playlists that is upbeat drum focused. 

FIVE ā€”  Parking Lot - Hana Vu ā€¢ I was not expecting the voice that came after the first fifteen seconds of drum and bass in the intro. I have no idea if Hana intended to have so much soul and depth in her vocals but they take this song and honestly her entire EP to another level. I havenā€™t seen her live yet but I have her tour link bookmarked because I plan on coming to her next Boston show and placing myself firmly in the front row. 

SIX ā€” More - Finnegan Tui ā€¢  When this song first started playing, Finneganā€™s voice immediately transported me to the first time I heard Mumford & Sons. I thought I knew how this song was going to play out and then it gets to the chorus. I donā€™t want to ruin it because you just have to listen to it for yourself but it is one of the most unique songs I heard in 2022. This song is off his latest album Zephyr which you should definitely check out. 

SEVEN ā€”  Call Your Name - Tora-i ā€¢ There is probably at least one Tora-i song on every Spotify playlist I have made over the last two years. Her songs cross genres almost too seamlessly. You cannot compare her to anyone because she is one of one. While it was a tough battle between PBFF and Call Your Name, I decided that this is the song everyone needs to hear to become as obsessed with her as I am. Her entire discography is worth checking out though because she simply does not miss. 

ONEā€” Blind Eye - Harvey Causon ā€¢  Think back to 2014 when you heard a Jack Garrett song for the first timeā€”thatā€™s what listening to Harvey Causon is like. You have no idea what you are listening to and you are surprised at every new part but you are captivated nonetheless. I do not have a playlist recommendation for this song because it is so unique you could listen to it at any time of day, in any mood youā€™re in, or in any activity youā€™re doing.

TWO ā€” character - Blessing ā€¢  I found Blessing as a feature on DAY AND NIGHT by Young Saab. Her voice got me immediately. This is a chill R&B song that youā€™ll be singing to yourself for days after you hear it. Sheā€™s one of those artists that you start to resent after a few days because you canā€™t stop singing her songs. Iā€™m so excited to see where her career goes. 

THREEā€” Crying - Pom Pom Squad ā€¢ I found this song on a Playlist titled ā€˜hair dyeā€™ and that sums up this song pretty well. This is the song you put on in your car after a bad day at work or a bad breakup, turn all the way up, and let the production drown out all thoughts. 

FOUR ā€” Whatever You Want - Vasser ā€¢ I havenā€™t heard anything from Vasser in a few years but I wanted to put this song on this weekā€™s playlist because I think his production style is very unique and a great addition to any indie chill playlist youā€™re curating. 

FIVE ā€”  Later - emawk ā€¢ I thankfully am not a victim of spending endless hours and paychecks trying to purchase Taylor Swift tickets. In fact, there are probably only five artists I would spend a considerable amount of time and money trying to go see live and emawk is one of them. I have formed an emotional attachment to every song he has put out and this is my favorite of his. Come to Boston emawk please I beg!! 

SIX ā€” Birds - Maggie Koerner ā€¢ Maggie Koerner is an unbelievable vocalist and songwriter. She recently put out her latest project titled The Bartholomew Songs which consists of eleven perfect songs I urge everyone to go listen to. That being said, I chose this song specifically which she put out a few years ago because I have never heard a song with vocal layering used in this way. Your ear doesnā€™t know what to be pulled towards and it is just such a cool auditory experience I want everyone reading this to experience.  

SEVEN ā€”  BEADY EYES - SIPHO ā€¢ This is alternative R&B through and through. SIPHOā€™s voice is so god damn cool and his production style is just as good. I will not be surprised if he makes my Spotify-wrapped top ten artists because I listened to his EP SHE MIGHT BLEED at least 1,000 times this year. Itā€™s so so so good.

ONEā€” Martian Man - Oliver Malcolm ā€¢ I first found Oliver Malcolm after he released his EP ā€œAre You Living In The Real World?ā€ In 2021. His songs ā€œSwitched Upā€ and ā€œHelenā€ were on repeat for me for several months. I originally had planned to post one of those songs this week and then realized he had a new project out that was equally as captivating. The best way to describe this song is that it will make you smile. If you donā€™t like it at first give it a couple of listens. It has a way of growing on you in the best way. 

TWO ā€” Suffocating - Bassette ā€¢ Bassette where did you go?!?! Bassette is one of those artists who I know is going to blow up, but I havenā€™t heard anything from her in years. Regardless, this song is my favorite of hers. I would put it on an after party//chill vibes playlist. 

THREEā€” Willows - Hans Williams ā€¢ I wasnā€™t sure if Hans Williams would top ā€œChecklistā€ but he could not have proved me more wrong with his latest song. The second chorus. Get to that part and youā€™ll understand. 

FOUR ā€” Darling - Cero Ismael ā€¢ There are songs where the only way to listen to them is to put on your best pair of headphones, close your eyes, and take in all of the emotion of the song. This may not make sense but when an artist can articulate pain in a certain way it can make me as a listener almost breathe better and deeperā€”as if I can put all of my pent-up anxiety and sadness into a song temporarily. Idk probably something I should talk about in therapy but weā€™ll put a pin in that for now. Check out this song and his newest project ā€œAs Much As You Did Before.ā€ 

FIVE ā€”  Every Man Is a Warrior - Lena Fayre ā€¢ Lena Fayre walked so BANKS could run. Thatā€™s all there is to say about this song. Captivating from the very first second.

SIX ā€” hey, itā€™s me - Majo ā€¢ I wonā€™t lie to you and say I definitely found this artist off Spotify Fresh Finds. Her entire EP ā€œHate to See You Goā€ is a great project but this is the song that stood out for me. You can tell by her voice that this is a lived experience that I am sure many of us can relate to. It is a beautiful song that you should put on your saddest playlist.

SEVEN ā€”  Finish The Job - Benjamin Carter ā€¢ Itā€™s rock, itā€™s metal, itā€™s indie, itā€™s punk, itā€™s alternative. Benjamin Carter will not be put in a box and I am definitely here for it. You will not catch him putting out two songs that sound the same and thatā€™s what makes him great. 

November 3rd, 2022

ONE ā€“ Pro Freak - Smino, Doechii, and Fatman Scooā€¢ I am pretty confident that any individual with a blog dedicated to music has at least one song from this album on their list this week. There were a lot of new releases this week and Sminoā€™s latest album Luv 4 Rent is definitely one of my favorites. If you are unfamiliar with Smino I would recommend listening to his album blkswn too. It is excellent. 

TWO ā€“ PralinĆ© - Fuchy, Lahva ā€¢ Honestly, all I know about this song and this artist is that I am pretty sure it is in French and I like it a lot.

THREE - Underheaven - Grader, Ashley Park ā€¢ I had to listen to this song two times before I could get my thoughts together to write a description about it. Despite the fact that there is a man literally screaming in my ear for five minutes and eight seconds I almost always cry every time I hear it. I listen to this song in particular when I am in an anxiety-inducing circumstance and need to drown out everything around me. Me and this song have been through a lot together and you should check it out. 

FOUR ā€“ Transparency - Kamauu ā€¢ LăVÄ­NDÅ­R will always be my favorite song of Kamauuā€™s, however, this was a solid release back in 2021 and Iā€™ve put it back into my weekly rotation as the days have been getting shorter and Iā€™m turning more towards my slower emotional music to guide me into winter.

FIVE ā€“ ghouls! zombies! skeletons! STEFAN THEV ā€¢ The combination of my having had the pleasure to see Stefan live and the fact that it was Halloween this week made this song an obvious choice. Stefan is definitely one to watch and I canā€™t wait to see what music he puts out next. 

SIX - Voodoo - ASL ā€¢ According to what I found online, ASL makes all of their albums in 72 hours or less. I have no idea if that is true or not. What I can say, however, is that while there are some songs that do sound more rushed than others this song is very fun and unique. I would put it on an indie-centric party playlist. 

SEVEN - Think High - Prince Charlez ā€¢ This is another song where I have no idea why I like it but I do. It reminds me of some Rihanna songs where you canā€™t really pinpoint what about the song is so good but you are just captivated by it. 

ONEā€” So Evil - Bensbeendead ā€¢ This is the first single off Benā€™s album and, while I am incredibly biased being related to him, could not recommend it enough. He is and will always be my favorite artist.

TWOā€” Mirrorball - Zinadelphia ā€¢ That VOICE! Add this to your chill coffeehouse-type playlists. However, prepare to be distracted by the chorus because her voice will stop you in your tracks.

THREEā€”MBD - The KTNA ā€¢ I first heard this song in 2020 and found the lyrics, ā€œIt's been about 27 hours since my last mental breakdown, and that's a record. I guess for right nowā€ to be very fitting. This is the first song I put on when I am driving alone and need to scream some lyrics at the top of my lungs.

FOURā€” Donā€™t Play With It (feat. Billy B) - Lola Brooke ā€¢ Sometimes I go to the gym and this is the first song Iā€™ve been listening to, especially if Iā€™m lifting weights.

FIVEā€” Easy On Your Own? - Alvvays ā€¢ A friend of mine recently informed me that Alvvays finally put out another album. I was not aware the demo of their last album was literally stolen from their singerā€™s apartment and now I feel bad for judging their lack of new releases. Anyways! Itā€™s not a no-skip album from them but I do love this song. If you donā€™t know Alvvays theyā€™re frequently on the ā€œFeel Good Indieā€ Spotify playlist if that helps you picture their vibe.

SIXā€” a really damn long day - Gus Glasser ā€¢ I genuinely donā€™t know why I like this song I just think itā€™s fun and itā€™s probably as close to bedroom pop as I dare to venture.

SEVENā€” Lars - Swansea Skag ā€¢ This is anti-pop with a catchy chorus, which seems a like an oxymoron but as I said, I am not a music expert.

October 27th, 2022