Lettuce and Cheddar

is a blog of great music.

Thatโ€™s it.

Song suggestions can be sent to @lettuce_cheddar on Twitter and Instagram

Hello! My name is Libby Thompson. I am a singer, songwriter, and avid music listener. For years I have bombarded friends and family with song recommendations and artists that I โ€œswear are going to blow up!โ€ I have spent an embarrassing number of hours creating over 80 Spotify playlists which I periodically send to people unsolicited. My brother Ben has told me for years that I need to make a blog for all of these songs and finally, in honor of his single So Evil dropping this week, I decided to make one. My music taste is genuinely all over the place so there will be a little of everything here. I grew up singing country and jazz, my brothers got me into rap, I lived in Scotland where pop punk was very prevalent, and I have severe anxiety and depression so I am well-versed in indie music. I have read several music blogs over the years and, similar to my disdain towards cooking websites, am unamused at the amount of commentary that accompanies each song recommended. I am not a music expert and honestly most of the time I have no idea why I like a song or what makes it good. For this blog, my goal is to post seven songs every week that I am listening to. Each post will be short and sweet with a recommendation of what type of playlist to add this to. Some will be songs you know and some, hopefully, will be songs you do not. I will post Spotify links to each song but for those Apple and Amazon music listeners, I will make sure each song I recommend is posted on other streaming services as well.